A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Cambodia in two weeks: holiday itinerary

Enchanting archaeological sites, atmospheric colonial towns and tropical beaches – Cambodia is an inviting and cheap getaway for intrepid travellers
Angkor Wat. Angkor Wat is Cambodia’s star attraction but there is plenty more to see. Photograph: Anuak Jaimook/Flickr Vision

Infrastructure in Cambodia is not as well developed as in neighbouring Thailand and Vietnam, and floods and poor roads make travel challenging during the monsoon season, from May to October, but cheap frequent bus services, a good domestic airline and easygoing locals make travelling here an adventure – and easier than you might think.

From Siem Reap

Start in Siem Reap by following our Angkor Wat holiday itinerary, which focuses on ‘Temple Town’, the springboard for exploring the Khmer empire’s world heritage archaeological sites, and the surrounding area.
You can get to Siem Reap by train or bus from Bangkok (allow a full day) or on a short flight from Bangkok, Singapore, Ho Chi Minh City and other Asian capitals.See our Top 10 hotels, hostels and B&Bs near Angkor Wat for places to stay. Read the full article and see more nice pictures here.

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