Before It's News - Tuesday, April 29, 2014 17:59
Scientists have found that our bodies and our minds have both deteriorated significantly compared to our ancestors. In fact, just this week a very prominent professor at Cambridge University said that “our most highly trained athletes pale in comparison to these ancestors of ours”. The biggest reason for this, of course, is the degradation of the human genome. Groundbreaking research by Dr. John Sanford of Cornell University and others has shown that our genes contain tens of thousands of mistakes (mutations), and with each passing generation even more errors are added and passed on. So it should be no surprise that our ancestors were bigger, stronger, faster and smarter. The truth is that they had better genes.
This kind of information comes as a shock to many people. It is widely assumed by the general public that humanity is “progressing” and that we are better both physically and mentally than our predecessors were. But that is not the case at all. In fact, research conducted at Cambridge University shows that we are “weaker than we used to be” and that the most highly trained athletes of today “pale in comparison” to those that lived thousands of years ago…
‘Even our most highly trained athletes pale in comparison to these ancestors of ours,’ Dr Colin Shaw told Outside Magazine. ‘We’re certainly weaker than we used to be.’
The study looked at skeletons dating back to around 5,300 BC with the most recent to 850 AD – a time span of 6,150 years.
It then compared the bones to that of Cambridge University students, and found the leg bones of male farmers 5,300 BC were just as good as those of highly-trained cross-country runners.
In addition, earlier research at Cambridge University showed that our bodies are “significantly smaller” than they were thousands of years ago and that our brains are also smaller…
An earlier study by Cambridge University found that mankind is shrinking in size significantly.
Experts say humans are past their peak and that modern-day people are 10 percent smaller and shorter than their hunter-gatherer ancestors.
And if that’s not depressing enough, our brains are also smaller.
The findings reverse perceived wisdom that humans have grown taller and larger, a belief which has grown from data on more recent physical development.
The decline, said scientists, has happened over the past 10,000 years. They blame agriculture, with restricted diets and urbanization compromising health and leading to the spread of disease.
Most movies and television shows portray our ancestors as short, stupid, hunched-over people that could barely survive in a cold, cruel world.
As I mentioned above, the primary reason for our decline as a species is the systematic deterioration of our genes. According to Dr. John Sanford of Cornell University, the author of Genetic Entropy & The Mystery of the Genome, each one of us already carries tens of thousands of harmful mutations, and each one of us will pass on at least 100 new mutations to future generations. Many scientists believe that this will ultimately lead to something called “mutational meltdown”. The following is an excerpt from a paper by Gerald H. McKibben and Everett C. McKibben…
Geneticists have long worried about the impact of mutations on the human population, and that at a rate of one deleterious mutation per person per generation, genetic deterioration would result. Earlier reports were based on estimates of mutation rates considerable lower than what we now know to be the case. Findings going back to 2002 show that the human mutation rate is at least 100 mistakes (misspellings) per person per generation. Some scientists believe the rate is closer to 300.
Even a rate of 100 has profound implications, and the mutation rate is itself increasing. Furthermore, most, if not all, mutations in the human genome must be deleterious. “And nothing can reverse the damage that has been done during our own generation, even if further mutations could be stopped.” It would appear that the process is an irreversible downward spiral that will end in “mutational meltdown”.
This is incredible stuff with absolutely staggering implications. For much more on all of this, check out the video interview with Dr. Sanford that I have posted below…
Not only are our brains getting smaller, but humanity is also getting dumber.
This sounds strange to many people, especially considering the technological boom that we have seen in modern times, but it is actually true. In fact, a Stanford University biology professor recently published two papers in which he expressed his conclusion that humans have been getting dumber for thousands of years…
Are humans becoming smarter or more stupid? Comparing our modern lives and technology with that of any preceding generation, one might think we are becoming increasingly smarter. But, in two papers published in Trends in Genetics, Gerald R. Crabtree of Stanford University claims that we are losing mental capacity and have been doing so for 2,000–6,000 years! The reason, Crabtree concludes, is due to genetic mutations—which are the backbone of neo-Darwinian evolution.
Professor Crabtree, like Dr. Sanford, is convinced that this loss of mental capacity is due to the accumulation of errors in our genes…
Based on data produced by the 1000 Genomes Project Consortium and two recent papers in Nature, Crabtree estimates in the first article that, in the past 3,000 years (approximately 120 generations), about 5,000 new mutations have occurred in the genes governing our intellectual ability. He claims most of these mutations will have no effect, while about 2–5 percent are deleterious and “a vanishingly small fraction will increase fitness.” Crabtree bases his conclusion that humankind is losing mental capacity on the ratio between the deleterious and the beneficial mutations.
The Degeneration of Man - The sad truth is that man is not evolving into something higher and better as the evolutionists and newagers would have us believe. In fact, the very opposite is true: Mankind is degenerating. With every passing generation we degrade farther from man's perfect beginnings. We delude ourselves when we believe that our technological advances are evidence that we are evolving into a "higher life form." These technological advances are merely the result of the applied accumulated knowledge of mankind. In other words, at this late date in human history we have all the research of earlier generations to benefit from. Each passing generation adds to that overall fund of knowledge--increasing our technological capabilities. While our knowledge of the natural world and ability to apply that knowledge has thus been increasing our basic humanity has not. [Page 100, Holy Order Restored, Eliyahu ben David, ISBN 0967947111]
The primary goal of creating machines was to help us with physical labors, but now they help us to do the mental tasks as well.
Nowadays how many students are able to do the mathematical square root extractions without the help of calculators as compared to 60 years ago?
So who are we supposed to blame about our shrinking brains, man or machine?
And the Khmer are leading the packs!
Yuon were the dumbest race in GOLDEN TRIANGLE lived 30 yrs in Scamafia can't even speaks Khmer right,if they speak yuon barbarian's language they were lousy sound like arguing to one another!.... Just read ah Mouse comments you will know what I meant..,,,!
4 September 2014 11:50 pm,
I agree with you completely.
None of the quotes attributed to Crabtree actually suggest humans are getting dumber. In fact none his research even has anything to do with intelligence.
In modern times most long term studies actually find us getting smarter at a rate of around 1 IQ point per decade.
The comments about the human genome degrading are also a misunderstanding of evolution. Yes humans have been mutating which can cause harmful errors but this is the same process that actually caused humans to evolve in the first place. At every stage humans have had "errors in the genome" and it is the culmination of those "errors" that gave us our strength and intelligence to begin with.
It's time for me to play doctor on the Khmer forum.
The muscles are very toxic. It is like an engine in the car, produce pollution in the body. The kidneys have to constantly clean out such bio pollution through the urine.
Thus, the bigger, the more muscles you have, the more your kidneys have to work and the more the rest of the organs are subjected to those pollution. You get old faster, and have shorter live span.
Wise men practice to be tone, and efficient, not being bulky. Since my early 20s, I already figured this out and practiced to be in shape, not to be bulky. My fighting power came from the speed I can snap my muscles, not from the size of my muscle. Look at Bruce Lee. That's my role model.
Human and Chimpanzee are close relative in the evolution family tree. Chimps are 4 times as strong as humans, pound for pound. But Chimps only live half as much.
Know this, you can exercise and build up your muscles, but you cannot exercise and build up your kidneys. All of your internal organs do not grow in size after you reach adulthood. You gotta live with them, so don't abuse or overuse them.
Humanity is having the up and down, but the overall trend is: Humans are getting smarter. I have encounter some humans who are way smarter than I am in life. I could bring up some new subjects and these people can understand in a few minutes. Normal people will need months for years to learn and understand.
A typical Khmer students can visualize 10 to no more than 100 lines of codes running in the head. Superior people can visualize 10,000 to 100,000 lines of codes running. Perhaps on the average, the Khmer race brings down the human average, but I assure you, there is no way an ancient person can match those superior humans I encountered.
Oh, I met two blind engineers who write programs as if they have seeing eyes. I have tried and pretend to be blind, then write programs. It's nearly impossible for me. I can play complex games with my eye close, but write programs and debug with my eyes closed...that's another quantum leap. And of course, Khmer race will never be able to do this.
Mike and Drgunzet barely scrape their living by making shitty comments for their bosses on Khmerization.
If Mike and Drgunzet were really smart they would have used their self proclaim high IQ to make money and be their own boss instead of being slaves to other people.
Every birth is a semi-random shuffling of a deck of cards. That deck is all our genetic material. One half from the sperm and one half from the egg. Right now we have approximately 7 billion shuffles of that deck inhabiting this planet.
So every combination makes up a different human being with different features, talents, intelligence, longevity, and everything else. Statistically, a certain percentage of the population will be stupid.
Statistically, a certain percentage will be at the top of the food chain with intelligence, talent, longevity, and all kinds of gifts.
Along with this shuffle there are dominant and recessive features that almost randomly show up. There are genetic rules that govern this.
The closer to the tree, the more recessives. The closer to the tree, more genetic diseases show up and kill off the individual that holds them. Each individual is different. Just like no two snowflakes are alike.
Theory says that we could use the dominants and recessives to breed a superior human being with features that would carry on from generation to generation.
It has already been done with our breeds of cats, dogs, and cattle. Even horses are breed for features and talents.
Longevity is one of those "features" and we have people on both sides of the spectrum. Some live only 20 years and die of old age. There is a name for that genetic disease. Others live well over 100 for the same reason, genetics. It is basically preprogrammed into every human being on the planet how long they will live.
Robert Heinlein actually wrote a book about it. He had a wealthy foundation in this fictional account set up to encourage people with long lives to marry and have children. The eventual children having lives in the 150s. Encouraging the longevity factor in the species.
The NAZI regime thought they could manipulate the genes to produce a super human. They also had some fairly horrible morales and ethics and killed off a huge number of people.
I think they are in the process right now of trying to completely rewrite the genetic code to produce super humans in our future. "They" being the elite in charge of the planet.
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