A Change of Guard

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Monday, 29 September 2014

Mass Demo against Vietnamese government Oct. 1- 5

 It's not late to donate. If you could not participate in person, you could participate
by contributing your generous donations... It's also an act of patriotism. ~KKC
Children are very innocent at this age. Please teach them not to fall in love with fame, 
money or power, so they will stay innocent for ever. Otherwise, they will repeat the 
footstep of most human: craving for fame, money and power. These three things are 
the road to destruction. You cannot serve with a pure heart once you have one of these 
three things in mind. Buddha left the kingdom to become a beggar to serve all sentient
beings. I too, will always follow the path of the Buddha to serve all sentient beings 
till my last breath. ~Jendhamuni

សេចក្តីអំពាវនាវស្វែងរកថវិកាសម្រាប់រៀបចំមហាបាតុកម្ម ដើម្បីការពារប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តខ្មែរ និងកិត្តិយសប្រជាជាតិខ្មែរ នៅថ្ងៃទី០១, ០២, ០៣, ០៤, និងទី០៥ ខែតុលា ព.ស.២៥៥៨ គ.ស.២០១៤

Appeal for funds to help Mass Demonstration resuming on OCT 01 - 05 to protect Khmer history and a national honor of Cambodia in Phnom Penh.

"No Suffering is greater than the loss of Kampuchea Krom and becoming an ethnic minority on own land."


រៀបចំដោយសហគមន៍ខ្មែរកម្ពុជាក្រោម និង សម្ព័ន្ធយុវជនខ្មែរដើម្បីប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ
Organized by KKC and KYAD (The Khmer Kampuchea Krom Community and Khmer Youth Alliance for Democracy)

Donations: If you wish to donate, please contact Mr. Thach Setha
Phone: 012 90 88 82
E-mail: thachsetha13@gmail.com
You can transfer your donations via Western Union under Thach Setha's name.
It’s fast and lower transferring fees.

For overseas residents, please contact:
Sina Son 267.242.3608
Vithi Kim 864.491.1991
Sakal Kim 978.596.5126
E-mail: kkcpressoffice@yahoo.com.

Your donations will reach the organizing committee at the exact amounts without transferring fees deduction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A real fight for khmer krom is in srok youn not here. What you are doing now it's just a pure cheat , you cheat rampant each other, , you cheat Khmer oversea for money , you cheat poor khmer to died. Right?