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This story appears in the October 20, 2014 issue of Forbes Asia.
In summer 2013 Pal Liv, a farmer in Cambodia’s Pursat Province, 140 miles north of the capital Phnom Penh, watched as maybe ten men came on tractors and pulled up the bananas, rice, beans and corn he had planted. A larger contingent, some armed and others with badges, supervised the destruction. Nearly half his 3.5 hectares was seized. By Pal’s telling, it wasn’t the first time that his parcel and his living had been carved up–and by the Pheapimex Group, a company with powerful owners and connections.
A similar thing had happened three years before, he says. That time the men had moved in on what Pal says were 10 hectares belonging to him. His crops were surrounded by what he describes as a forest that he and his family tapped for resins and fruits. The company logged the trees for timber.
Farmer Pal Liv, seen with his grandchildren, is no longer able to make ends meet, his land carved up by Pheapimex. (credit:© Thomas Cristofoletti / Ruom for Forbes)
Pal, 55, has tried to scramble back, as he also did after the Khmer Rouge took his original family homestead in the late 1970s. Land rights in the country have been in flux since. Following his first brush with Pheapimex, in a period when the Cambodian government was under pressure to respect customary possessions, he was able to get his title to the 3.5 hectares. Now that’s been shaved to 2, and he can’t make ends meet.
Cambodia, one of the poorest nations in Asia, holds potentially rich payoffs for the well-placed. In the past decade it’s seemingly moved to embrace a market economy and averaged GDP growth of 7.9% from 2000 to 2013, driven predominantly by the textile and tourism sectors. (While agriculture’s contribution to growth has fallen over the last two decades, it’s still the main source of livelihood in rural areas.)
Officially a multiparty democracy, in reality the country remains a one-party state dominated by the Cambodian Peoples Party and Prime Minister Hun Sen, a recast Khmer Rouge official in power since 1985. The open doors to new investment during his reign have yielded the most access to a coterie of cronies of his and his wife, Bun Rany. Two of these are Senator Lao Meng Khin and his equally powerful wife, Choeung Sopheap, better known as Yeay Phu. They own Pheapimex and other firms active elsewhere in the nation.
Bun Rany and Yeay Phu are friends, often traveling together and serving on the board of the Cambodian Red Cross. The U.S. embassy in Phnom Penh in a 2007 cable titled Cambodia’s Top Ten Tycoons–released by WikiLeaks–explained how the prime minister bridged political and private sectors, and maintained a pretense of civil society, by cultivating relationships with the country’s most prominent tycoons.
“These business leaders contribute money to the ruling Cambodian Peoples Party (CPP), and Hun Sen can call on them to fund charities and public works projects, and to attract foreign investment, achievements for which the CPP can claim credit,” the cable said. “In return the business tycoons enjoy the added credibility and legitimacy of having the prime minister’s support.
These symbiotic relationships illustrate the networks of business tycoons, political figures and government officials that have formed in Cambodia, which reinforce the culture of impunity and limit progress on reforms such as Hun Sen’s self-declared war on corruption.’ ”
The cable called Lao and Yeay Phu “
one of the most politically and economically connected couples in the country (after Prime Minister Hun Sen and his wife, and Commerce Minister Cham Prasidh and his wife).” Lao Meng Khin has been a CPP senator since 2006.
In the murky world of Cambodian business, not much is known–even by Global Witness, a British nonprofit that has been monitoring the activity–about the status of the various projects the couple has been linked with over the years, including a couple of coal-fired power plants, a hydropower plant and a bauxite mine. Along the way, however, the pair’s efforts have been a magnet for Chinese capital (see box, opposite).
Farmland in Pursat Province confiscated by Pheapimex, 140 miles north of Phnom Penh. (credit: © Thomas Cristofoletti / Ruom for Forbes)
Cambodia lacks transparency on such investments. What is known, says Global Witness, is that through Pheapimex and the various logging and land concessions it’s chalked up over the years, the owners control about 7% of Cambodia’s total land area–despite a law aimed at restricting any individual’s property to 10,000 hectares (24,700 acres). While the forest concessions are inactive because of a government decree banning logging, the pair remain in possession, and farmers like Pal must battle to keep what they can.
“There is growing public anger over the means by which both the government and private companies are forcing existing residents off the land,” says U.K. risk analysis firm Maplecroft in a report. “There have also been reports of the government employing the military to conduct forced evictions. Affected populations are often inadequately compensated.”
One doesn’t have to go beyond the Cambodian capital to see this play out in an area called Boeung Kak Lake. Once the largest body of water in the city and a scenic spot for villagers, it also served as a main drainage basin for managing Cambodia’s intense monsoons. The government leased the 133-hectare area in 2007 for 99 years to Shukaku, another company owned by Lao and Yeay, for $79 million, or $0.60 a square meter. In 2011 the government approved their plans to build luxury hotels, condos, shopping malls, a hospital, a school and residential and commercial buildings at a cost of $2 billion.
Since then the lake has been mostly filled with sand, and three-quarters of the 4,000 families living around it are gone, evicted, their houses razed or inundated with mud, and drainage in the area blocked–all amid repeated clashes with the police and military.
Things came to a boil in April 2011 when several residents, including two children, were manhandled by security forces in front of a Phnom Penh municipal building as they attempted to press authorities to stop pumping sand into the lake and to reach a settlement, says the Cambodia Center for Human Rights, an NGO in the capital. Nine women were arrested and forced to sign confessions admitting provocation and responsibility for the violence, the group says. (They were released a day later.)
Phan Chhunreth was one of them. She and her extended family of 12 are remaining holdouts. They bought a house in a Boeung Kak Lake village in 1993. Phan, 55, runs a small convenience store, while her husband ferries passengers on a motorbike. They rent out a room in their house for additional income. Phan doesn’t have a title to her house, like many in the country. (Some have not been recovered since the Khmer Rouge days.) Dressed simply on an August day, she says she is still waiting for the title the government promised her in 2005. “I’ve been beaten, and I’ve been to jail,” she says. “The government development policy does not provide justice and equality for all.”
Meantime, Shukaku’s grand plans have become dormant as a prominent investor in its Chinese partner, Inner Mongolia Erdos Hung Jun Investment, is reportedly under investigation in China. (That would be Chen Jihong of Denzheng Resources, who appeared on the 2010 FORBES CHINA rich list at $500 million.) Though the probe is not believed to be related to the Phnom Penh project, the contentious area has been given over mostly to wild grass, at the far end of which lies the prime minister’s office and newer towers in the capital’s skyline.
Boeung Kak Lake, once the largest body of water in Phnom Penh, is mostly filled in with sand as part of a stalled development project (the prime minister’s office and new towers are in the background). (credit:Omar Havana/Getty Images)
Boeung Kak Lake was also at the heart of a 2011 decision by the World Bank to place a moratorium on loans to Cambodia until the 779 families still living there were adequately compensated. The accompanying global media glare shined a rare light on the owners of Boeung Kak Lake and their relationship with the government. Two days later, on Aug. 11, 2011, Hun Sen authorized that 12.44 hectares of land within the Boeung Kak development area be allocated to the remaining families for onsite housing on plots with legal ownership. Most of those families, like Phan’s, are still waiting for their land, and as of last January the World Bank held off plans to resume lending.
Will Lao Meng Khin or Yeay Phu comment? Neither seems to have an office number or business Web address. When FORBES ASIA approached their mansion in Phnom Penh, a staff member laughed and said, “No journalists,” before quickly retreating and shutting an ornate brown-and-gold gate. The house is on a tree-lined street in a posh neighborhood, and military police guard it around the clock.
Meanwhile, away from even the meager protection that some watchful media are able to provide the landless in Phnom Penh, Pal Liv in Pursat, his ribs visible above the blue shorts, assesses his plight. “Earlier we had enough rice for everyone to eat, and we could buy new clothes for the children,” he says. The land yielded enough vegetables for his family and often extra to sell. As the skies opened up to a brief shower, a daughter and five grandchildren huddled in the doorway of the tiny one-room hut built with hay and supported on stilts, and he went on: “But ever since I’ve lost the land to the company, I don’t earn enough to send my grandchildren to school or to buy new clothes for them. There is no spare money, and we have run through our savings.”
Pheapimex cultivates cassava and potatoes on the logged land on the horizon. Pal’s wife and another daughter and son-in-law work those fields from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. but get paid only if they meet the target that has been set for the day, says Pal. Once his wife was jammed with several other workers in a mini-truck transporting them to a farther-off field when it overturned. She broke her arm, and the company gave her $50 to have it taken care of. It was not set properly, and her wrist juts out awkwardly.
It is far from the only casualty of Cambodia’s economic rush that needs a better fix.
Yeay Phu is Chinese Cambodian. Are you folks going to blame Vietnamese? There is a map of disputes incidents in Cambodia over land concessions, the land concession with Vietnamese have very little or no disputes. The other land concession, especially with the Chinese have a lot more disputes and deaths, including Chut Wutty.
What you need is more land concession with the Vietnamese so that they can protect the Khmer.
Do nothing make no mistake. Indian well known worthless people to world Indian is not a good people at all. To develop you need to do earth work can you tell any development without doing eath work. Cutting log to build school it worth a try. To clear land for ruber pepper cotton coffee it worthy to do it right. Most ngo was hired to crisis and slowdown our economy strategies. Undp spent 1.8 billions sofar in srok khmer. Environmental and forest preserve ngo spent 120 millions sofar what have they don.? Most donated money was passed one hand to another and these people are the one who make the wotld looke negative evil .....etc. now khmerization glorify ash garbage people again. ..Mike
It should say: Is Hun Sen the worst animal in the world?
Your way of reasoning is no better than a monkey.
Have it crossed you mind at all: How about become Mr. Hun Sen's friend to be rich?
Oh wait, you can't. You are rude and always criticize Mr. Hun Sen. He won't want you to be his friends. lol...
Too bad, you will remain poor. Hehehe...
Sharing is caring, I agree with CPP for taking refugees and $40 millions cash flow into Cambodia, because It help to creating more jobs for khmer people. Take more refugees and have a bunch of khmer folks as bad as big Mike and as cruel as Drgunzet to provoke chaos and create war for Hanoi and Bejing go against each other. Now all khmers start building refugees camp at border of Vietnam and Cambodia to recieve more cash flow from UNHCR and do the same thing in West side by provoking the Thai cvil war.
-Drgunzet- @9:14 pm
You are a friend of Hun Sen, are you rich?
I don’t think so, because if you are rich, you are not busy yourself using your monkey’s brain to write these provocative comments to earn a living.
I am not a friend with Mr. Hun Sen. I live in USA and have not set foot in Cambodia.
I will be frank with you folks. If you look at the picture, you can tell what has been the guy's fundamental problem. He is poor, his son is poor. Yet his son has 5 kids.
When you are poor, please, don't have any kid. If you cannot even take care of yourself, why bring a child into life to face a huge disadvantage in life. Those kids cannot not compete against Vietnamese kids who drink a lot of Vinamilk. Those kids will remain short, small, undeveloped.
I was raised by a superior German American family. I saw the parents apologized to their children at the dinner table one time, "We apologize to you all for bringing you into the world without asking your permission. In return, we commit to give you all a fair start, not less than any other kid."
I was reborn that day, realizing I am an individual, not a property to someone else. That's the fundamental strength of German supremacy.
Woah, I looked at the picture and realized there were 6 kids, not 5. Khmer are born to serve other superior races.
These kids grow up will either work on the Chinese or Vietnamese plantations, or factories owned by foreigners. Some will become migrant workers in Thailand to be abused by the Thais. Some will die young.
It's horrible to be born as a Khmer child. It's a curse. I suggest you folks to improve. Be nice, be peaceful, stop the fighting. Have more investment into Cambodia, have less children.
There you go again with your comments. Why is it horrible. So in your bs opinion. Not every khmer is poor and corrupt. Most are hard working people open your eyes. We all are not poor and uneducated. Its just unfortunate alot are not given the chance
Wrong, given chances the Khmer will still fail:
1. Given education, Khmer students still could not learn but cheat rampantly. When the government cracks down on cheating, the students complain and blame the government.
2. Given garment jobs, the Khmer will complain, faint, strike. Instead of improving skills to get better jobs, the Khmer workers just keep on fighting. As the result, the gap between the Khmer workers and Vietnamese workers is getting wider and wider. And the Vietnamese workers are getting a lot more pay now. One gal used to pick vegetables for 90 dollars a months, now she is making 497 dollars a month at Samsung high-tech plant.
-Drgunzet- (Communist Vietnamese poster living in the U.S.),
You mentioned, "Vietnamese are saviors and protectors for the Khmer." Oh really?
There were hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese secret agents hiding in Khmer Rouges uniforms during and before the Killing Fields (1975-1979) who ended up killing millions of innocent and well-educated Khmer/Cambodian people including small children. Pol Pot had been toppled by secrete Vietnamese agents in Khmer Rouges uniforms who spoke, read and wrote Khmer language really well and fluently. There were several thousands of real Khmer Rouges soldiers (not killers) who were so busy to fight with the Vietnamese armies in Southern and Eastern Cambodia in order to get Khmer Kampuchea Krom/Southern Cambodia (today called Southern Vietnam) back. Your evil secret Vietcong/Vietnamese agents were busy to kill our innocent Khmer/Cambodian people who were very well educated and some of evil secret Vietcong/Vietnamese agents had robbed many things (like gold, valuable stuff, etc) from Phnom Penh to Vietnam/Srok Yuon during the Killing Fields times.
Pol Pot's China aids have been fallen into the secret Vietnamese agents from Hanoi and everything had been taken by those f**king secret Vietnamese agents from Hanoi.
Now, Pol Pot, his inner circles and his Khmer Rouges solders have been accused as the killers of their Khmer people as the scapegoats instead of the real killers who were the secret Vietnamese/Vietcong agents from Hanoi.
The goals of the Vietnamese master-minded killers (Hanoi leaders and Ho Chi Minh) were to terminated all innocent and very well-educated Khmer people before trying to take the entire country of Cambodia, by renaming the Khmer cities, provinces, town, roads, bridges, and so on.
Today or lately, have you heard some Vietnamese/Yuon folks said that Angkor Wat belongs to Yuon/Vietnam during the arguments (movies on YouTube somewhere), -Drgunzet-?
You need to prove that, communist Vietnamese poster -Drgunzet-.
Did you see that Khmer Rouges trial (KRT) has not been successful for over 20 years because of the Hanoi leaders' controls over Hun Sen and CPP government as the Hanoi's puppets?
Tell me anything that there are so many evidences about the dirty and dangerous games that your evil Yuon/Vietnamese leaders and folks like you who claim that you are "saviors and protectors for the Khmer." So far, you have been enjoying insulting unfortunate, voiceless, innocent Khmer victims and people.
You are so happy to see your evil Vietnamese/Yuon folks who succeed so far by being so smart to kill Khmer people, so smart to cheat and play dirty or dangerous games with Khmer leaders and kings, so smart to steal Khmer territory by encroaching, bringing the illegal Yuon/Vietnamese settlers or immigrants into Khmer territory as a human shield (Hanoi leaders did not care to hurt his own people), and beyond.
Vietnamese poster -Drgunzet-, you need to open your eyes bigger and think carefully before you shoot or post your nonsense comments on here.
Khmer Yeurng
Whose idea to empty out all Cambodian cities? Pol Pot or the so-called secret Vietnamese agents?
And who helped the Cambodians to repopulate the Cambodian cities. Vietnamese of course. Know this, I read document and found out that Mr. Hun Sen and other Cambodian leaders asked the Vietnamese to fight in an ingenious way such that Cambodian cities will not be destroyed in prolong battles.
Thus the Vietnamese invented the blossoming Lotus tactic with shock&awe drive to cause the Khmer Rouges to flee in panic. Thus the Cambodian cities were left undefended and spared of any destructive battles. This is why Mr. Hun Sen has the heart with Vietnam. Pretty what every he asked for, Vietnam will do it for him, and do it well.
Imagine Vietnamese army surrounded Khmer Rouges army entrenched in Phnom Penh and fight for months. Phnom Penh will be totally destroyed. And the Cambodians will have nothing left. So don't accuse Vietnam letting Khmer Rouges slipped away then use the excuse to stay in Cambodia. Vietnam did what Mr. Hun Sen asked, "Spare the cities from destruction."
Like I said, Vietnam is the savior and protector for Cambodia.
When Vietnam advised Mr. Hun Sen, "The Khmer Rouges remnants are still numerous and much stronger than your army when they receive new arms from China", Mr. Hun Sen asked, "Can you folks stay in Cambodia to protect us a little longer?" And Vietnam agreed to stay for another 10 years.
don't feed the troll....
[An internet troll is someone who comes into a discussion and posts comments designed to upset or disrupt the conversation. Often, it seems like there is no real purpose behind their comments except to upset everyone else involved. Trolls will lie, exaggerate, and offend to get a response....So next time you encounter a troll online, remember a few things. (1) These trolls are some truly messed up people and (2) it is your suffering that brings them pleasure, so the best thing you can do is ignore them.]
It should say:
Is Hun Sen the worst animal in the world?
Take that asshole Vietnamese couple to jail would easea little bit of Khmer's pain.
Take that asshole Vietnamese couple to jail would ease a little bit of Khmer's pain.
Yeay Phu is Chinese Cambodian. Why do you folks comment them to be a Vietnamese couple?
Vietnamese are saviors and protectors to the Khmer folks ok? You need to make that clear.
I am not a friend with Mr. Hun Sen. I live in USA and have not set foot in Cambodia.
29 September 2014 6:52 am
When he was cornered he said he lived in the US. LOL
Khmerization I beg you please post only lese offensive or strong mood react article. I really tired with Ki lover, the savage they make thing worse if you get them involved. Remember during ambush command order do not shot, time is not fullest advantage yet. The savage shot you know one shot destroy the entire strategies, enemies are safe and now it turn to great danger for us. The drainage water flow from high hill to lowest, the savage brought everything down to the lowest too. Mike
See, I told you. Being light-skinned is an advantage. The poor suffering Khmer guy and his grand children are dark-skinned while the power couples are light-skinned.
I am so proud to be light-skinned.
29 September 2014 3:37 pm
Drushit, you must be proud of your Chinese whore mother. Once you are medicated, you will know that you have no German complex.
Tell us about your Chinese whore mother who took you to live in the US.
Let me summarize on Mr. Hun Sen's request and Vietnam's response:
1. Mr. Hun Sen: Please save Cambodia. My people are under the genocidal Khmer Rouges. Please topple the Khmer Rouges.
Vietnam: Ready when you are. We must move fast.
2. Mr. Hun Sen: One more thing, can you spare the cities from battles and destruction?
Vietnam: ...mmmm...We can do that with a new untried technique "Blossoming Lotus". We will drive straight into Khmer Rouges's command center with shock&awe power attacks. They will flee in panic. But after that, they will regroup at the Thai border with new weapons and supplies from China. Your army will not stand a chance later.
3. Mr. Hun Sen: Can you folks station your army in Cambodia for 10 years until we can build up our force to confront Khmer Rouges.
Vietnam: Alright, we will do that for you also.
Mr. Khmerization,
We are sorry to inform you your faithful fans may not visit your site any longer, because you broke your agreement of NOT letting Drgunzet's
trolls in.
Please rectify.
Thank you
Your Old Timer
Khmerization is free world forum it does not mean to favors or eliminate any other opinion. Vietname's Drgunzet he wrote in favor his race you guy khmer having common in favor of our khmer race too . right. ? Be open mind, let the the forum be a as it is. And if you found youn wrong the you use this forum explain to him. And if we are khmer wrong accept feedback. Mike
Khmerization didnt do anything while Drushit troll this site and continued to abuse his freedom.
This is the reason why Khmer Krom were killed and Prey Norkor was lost. The Khmer people will never live in peace.
If you leave the Youn to do what they do, they will eat your dogs and rats. Then they kill your family and take your family, then who else do we blame?
Dear Khmerization,
As you know freedom of speech and expression has limit anywhere in the world.
Drgunzet’s use of racial slurs is beyond the limit.
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