A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 6 September 2014

Hun Sen to meet with grade A students Friday afternoon [Hope they achieved this grade with their ability, not cheating]

Give our kids a better deal 

PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) -- Prime Minister Hun Sen will meet with 11 grade-A studentsFriday afternoon at 4:00 pm at Peace Palace. 

Their names and provinces are: Chan Pichet (Kampong Chhnang), Van Lida (Siem Reap), Phang Veng An (Phnom Penh), Ith Sreypov (Kampong Cham),  Chan Kithyapheara (Kampong Spue), Chhiv Sileang (Kandal), Yean Sophea (Prey Veng) Sambath Vibolrath (Phnom Penh), Ren Sokpech (Kandal), Outh Sokphalkun (Siem Reap) and Neang Bora from Phnom  Penh. 

Only 11 students got grade A in the senior high school examination.


Anonymous said...

congrats to them for their hard work...

Anonymous said...

Pure khmer people in 2014, the root of anti-corruption start from people like these.


Anonymous said...

Future leaders of Cambodia, they're our hope. Bravo, to the anti-corruption unit---our country is moving in the right direction.