[Just look at how many engineers, economists and scientists China and America produced then we know how good their education systems are..]
Most of the real good ones come from other countries. The US has a policy of accepting other bright mind to come to work here, where they could earn good money. After being here for a while they could become US citizen. You wouldn't believe how many Indian or Arabian doctors/physicians there are at any hospitals in the US- One could hardly find a doctor with European last names nowadays. The same goes for scientists -- all from other countries, not that all Americans are bad, just that they care more about wanting to be a movie star or sport stars/figures or being on American Idol. Most of them want to earn quick money, such as working on Wall Street firms --the like of Goldman Sachs or JP Morgan -- where they can rip off people's money and become millionaires faster. Each year they earn million of dollars in bonuses while pretending to invest your hard earned money for you. But if they lost your money -- too bad . and if they earn you something then you will have to pay them commission. One guy who lost billions of people's money and still not in jail because he is a friend of the powerful people, such as Congress and Obama, is Jon Corzine [ research the net yourself -- I don't make it up]. What about the people whose money is gone? well sorry they are out of luck...
A Cambodian "professor" chastised Cambodian "universities"
I spent a semester teaching in a private 'university' in Phnom Penh. Some of these institutions are clearly set up as businesses and their income from fees is considerable. It seemed to be expected for the students to do little beyond attending classes and producing the minimum evidence of doing any work, 'work' being something copied straight from some website, or from a classmate who had copied it straight from a website. There were no exam or coursework requirements to ask people not to use their mobiles, books, cheatsheets or to just ask the person beside them. Challenging them was met with vague surprise, but almost everyone I caught continued cheating until I cancelled their paper. Some people even remonstrated with me for cancelling papers and in one class only a single student passed, the others either failed or had their papers cancelled. The penalty was so small that it wasn't worth while trying to bribe anyone, they could just resit the exam because it would be the same one their colleagues had copies of. Nobody seemed put out by this system, or the completely pointless exercise of enrolling and attending, then cheating at every exam. This seemed to be what everyone expected to have to do before becoming teachers and whatever else. So the changes mentioned above may have little impact on learning!
Read more at :Skilled Immigrants: The Workers the U.S. Wants
Higher learning institutions in America are becoming a business proposition too.
I understand what you are saying. But in the end, the problem is still there. It's not something that you can compare to the American education system, not by a mile. Everyone has a problem but Khmer has a serious one that would cloud our future.
Hi. I don't understand the author. Don't sidestep the problem. American do attract a lot talent that they eventually likely become US citizen. The cheating is not on the same scale to compare in the first place. When Khmer has a problem, this is how you do it? Sweep it under the bed and telling yourself it's not a big deal because in your head, you think it's the same problem on the same kind & scale here to the US? I don't know but I rather deal with this problem. You must be a Yuon.
Ah Leukeu Mike,
Before giving advice to anybody, go check your head first.
Cambodia will have more educated people if and only if the Prime Minister is a well educated person.
If Hun Sen did not even finish 9th grade, what do we expect from Khmer educational system?
This kindof PM (Hun Sen) must go to hell.
[ A Cambodian "professor" chastised Cambodian "universities"]
awhile back i read an article about such problem which the instructor was trying to ''punish '' a student for not following rules in class, the student went to his wealthy parents , the parents talked to the administrative and the administrative took side with the student.... because of the money/ tuition involved...
my nephew who was in med school a while back [ graduated now and work with children hospital in siem reap ] told me that most student in his school from wealthy family did not even bother to show up for class most of time ... but they had no problem passing their exams [ from corruption of course]... talk about scary feeling to have that type of doctor treat a patient...a diploma to show but no knowledge or skill to practice it...
a while ago in the US no one wanted to work in healthcare so there was shortage of nurses in the US hospitals . so all hospitals around the country went and got plenty of nurses from the phillipines [ they are making good money especially in operating/surgery room ] ; now that changes most of americans out of work are going back to school for nursing program and when they graduate there will be too many and the pay will certainly goes down...supply and demand law at work as usual.
most young khmers here are missing the point being made... that if you go to school and apply yourself to your study you will have a chance to come to work in other countries which are always looking for bright young mind ... that you don't need to be in american school to get the ' best education' case in point school from india , china , phillipines etc... they all get to come to work here because some young americans are not interested in menial or hard work as their forefathers did...don't go school just to socialize , to form gangs or show up your new gadgets.
young khmers are missing the 'boat /opportunity ' if you keep neglecting your study and keep focusing on '' school is corrupted ''instead; if you study hard you don't need to cheat to pass an exam.... and try reading every thing you can get your hands on , will help you gain more knowledge and understand how the world really works...
Tngay Niss Mam Sonando Min Sov Lob.
So the author is Mike? What's going with this site? Drgunshit and now Mike?
haha.. Khmer mentalities.. work less, earn more! It's deep within Khmer blood. Just ask any foreigners working in Cambodia to hear how they would complain about how hard to find good helps from Khmer. Sometimes, Khmer would just disappear from work for days without excuses then coming back to work like nothing did happen. How Khmer love their hammocks. It's a culture things. A change in the regime does not make a big difference at all.
Drgunzet is right. By the way, if you want to check which one is Mike, look into the writing (Mike always says something nonsense and connecting sentences with "..."). Don't just stupidly call name left and right. Typical Khmer straights of black/white.
KI looks like a drought place now. It looks so sad, like a deserted town, no people, only empty houses.
Jenda and Ly Dick had done an excellent job for KI.
Mike and Drgunzet barely scrape their living by making shitty comments for their bosses on Khmerization.
If Mike and Drgunzet were really smart they would have used their self proclaim high IQ to make money and be their own boss instead of being slaves to other people.
Both you and Vietnam are pathetic !!!
Dear Readers,
I have deleted a number of comments, including those written by Drgunzet, because they are offensive, contained profanities and contained racial vilification against Khmers.
I wish to remind all readers to be civilized in their debate and respect each other by avoiding offensive language and racist attacks.
I wish to remind Drgunzet in particular that your unceasing racist attacks against Khmers cannot be tolerated. I ask all readers and Drgunzet to stop racist attacks against Khmers or any other races. I will continue to delete those comments deemed to be offensive.
Mr. Dragonzet is an insolence tyrant--that's what! Somehow he only believes only Khmer people are________as he describes us. People are evil, period. We are born with an evil nature,, we are all born under sin, period. Just some are more incline to obey their evil nature then others. OOPS, maybe he believes in Darwanianism. The only good people to him are the ones that are able to dominate others?
Vengeance belongs to God and he will repay all accordingly, either in this life or at the Judgement Day. This world is ripe for Judgement, Vietnamese are included. And Germans too I might add.
Where is the protest against Vietnam Embassy regarding Kampuchea Krom issue ?
Where ?
Why stop it ?
Have we gotten the answer from Ah Chor Yuon yet ?
Do not cry in the future if we don't have country because we are coward.
These people has no idea what they are writing about.
fact #1. It is true that majority of engineers in the universities are foreign born.
fact #2. The majority of business and law students are native american born.
Conclusion: After the foreign students graduate, they still work for native born american business people. When the foreign students became very successful, they will get sue for patent infringed. So , who is the idiot? The native American or the Foreign Student.
hamona hamoot
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