A Change of Guard

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Monday 11 August 2014

Thy Sovantha is a role model of democracy

Thy Sovantha could first woman Cambodia's PM

By Turboman

I think Thy Sovantha will do more better than Mu Sochua. People all over the world look at her as a role model of democracy. Hope to see her become first woman Cambodia's PM, so she can teach some of those Khmer men how to treat their women better. With a lot of people like Mu Sochua, Sam Rainsy, and Kem Sokha as mentors, Thy Sovantha will be able to bring a real democracy for Cambodian people in the future. She will take back the Khmer heritage like Angkor Wat, Bokor Mountain, etc.. All Khmer people, men and women, will be on your side for better life and prosperity. Be cool and peace. Bye!
Forget about the BS freedom and democracy

By -Drgunzet-

Thy Sovantha is a smart cookie, but if she is not channeling her talent for the right cause, she could be come a loose cannon causing damage to the poor.
What the Cambodian poor really need now is jobs. Forget about the BS freedom and democracy. Go ask the Cambodians who are about to sell their daughters' virginity, "Do you want jobs or freedom/democracy?"
You folks protest, fight and drive away jobs for the poor. That's actually very wrong.


Anonymous said...

Thy savant ha just emerge from club girl to politicians. Right ? Can you imagine what business club girl like her doing. ? Open everything for money. ? Right ? . She been wondering around casa club every nigh looking for prey..? Now she got so much donation money from compatriots= idoit that why she have so much gut and courageous right. ? .listen guy no one smarter and courageous than the dumb people. ? That why we found a lot of no education people in military. ?Right. ? Now you can clearly see yourself Thy is a just a craziness money suckere. Right. ? Isn't she. ? Mike

khmer said...

Actually, not Cambodian virginity but very young Vietnamese girls who came to Cambodia looking for cash and sent it home (Vietnam). Wake up cong Drgunzet, haven't you known SVAY PAK?

Anonymous said...

This asshole Gunzet is Ah Kantorb. Whatever he wrote is aiming at confusing Khmer people only.

Anonymous said...

Drgunzet Mike ask a lot of question to you. and both of you can show us Who was the smart one and both of you thing all people are dump Now show it.

Anonymous said...

There are millions of khmer are smart and very wise they even got A + straight in USA or in srok khmer. Remember those smart people if the desired to do anything they secretly plan three four years earlier and waiting the right time to activate. And the dumb people they never recognized anything even opportunity show right on their face. Right. ? Mike

Anonymous said...

No one smarter than dumb people. And no one braver than dumb people too . right ? Look at people on well fair. ? And handicap veteran ? Or thief's mafia or gangster they are smart courageous and dumb right. ? Mike

Anonymous said...

Hun sen kit meng ly Yong pat or theng bun ma . Inn channy .Poung kev ser these people are very smart . Mike

Anonymous said...

Khmerization, your motto is:

Publishing the truth, nothing but the truth.

And Drgunzet is the best you can get, what kind of shit is this?

Anonymous said...
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khmer said...

Mike and Drgunzet are the same person whose blood is vietcong's. This bastard does not want to see khmer getting better since he was born in the Ho chiminh trail.

Anonymous said...


As you see the numbers of YOUR regular posters did go down very drastically.
Please reconsider your new requirement.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

All KI reader and post comment be careful to register because you don't khnow what LY Diep go to with it. just let lY Diep have it.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Ly Diep’s articles are to break Khmer UNITY.
Jendhamuni does not know it, because he does not read Khmer, and she too dumb to understand politic.
Now KI is controlled a Cham woman and a Yuon man.
So readers, watch out when you register.

Khmerization said...

5:44 am,

Drgunzet's comment is not a historical fact, it's just his opinion, so there is no right or wrong. Also the reason I chose his comment to post on the main page is because it was focused on the topic and controversial in nature that would attract responses from other readers.

I wish to inform all readers that I have deleted some comments here because they contained profanities, offensive and are of personal attacks. Please stay focused on the topic. Any offensive comments which contained profanities and personal attacks will be deleted!

Anonymous said...

Hello! Sir, Ear Kimsreng and Mr. Thy Geauga, could you please make a video clips on youtube and describe what kind of people are, Drhunzet and sir Mike-Da. Preferred all meant languages if possible. Sorry, bodies I just want to hear how the lord and goddess of cursing call you name Ha!ha! (laugh). Drgunzet or Mr. Mike-Da!. Do not take shot at me, because I am not around until next weekend. Love u all.


Anonymous said...

Does Jendhamuni understand the word “hijack”?

From Macmillan online dictionary:

“Hijack = showing disapproval to take control of an organization or activity and use it for your own purposes.”

Isn’t that what she is doing now?

Anonymous said...

Listen up, Sam Rainsy has already decided a new approach in "dialog" instead of "accusation". There is no more room for Thy Sovantha to protest politically for Freedom/Democracy.

May I suggest her to go protest for the poors who got evicted from the home. Let's try the Boeung Kak lake case. Do that, I'll watch. Go after all the land eviction cases around Phnom Penh.


Anonymous said...

-Drgunzet- is talking like a Vietcong Communist bastard, lying all the time. You are just out of the context. You have been brainwashed by your Hanoi master.

Anonymous said...

-Drgunzet- is a Vietnamese weirdo who tries too hard to brainwash every online reader to get confused so that Vietnamese folks like him -Drgunzet- to feel free from the pressures.

Vietnamese folks like -Drgunzet- have set the goal to make everyone to live in the lies around the world so that evil Yuon/Vietnamese folks like -Drgunzet- will feel free from the criticism and every embarrassed moments.

I have seen Vietnamese folks feel offensive and offended so easily everywhere in the U.S., EU, etc when we talked about how evil they are, their hypocrisy, their fake history of Vietnam and their hiding story. So, they reacted cruel and violent.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, the poster of 12 August 2014 11:20 am. I know what you are talking about.


Anonymous said...

I can see that -Drgunzet- has been trying too hard to cover up the lies to fool online readers (Cambodians and worldwide readers). His plan to that is not going to happen to believe in his stupid innocence and his evil Vietcong's stupid innocence to make online readers to feel sorry theirs sorry and stinky asses.

Anonymous said...

Yes, -Drgunzet- is a very evil Vietcong bastard who ate innocent dogs and cats.

This Yuon idiot said something like listen folks, read this and read that of his stupid advises, showing off his stupidity to tease online readers until his head was hit by online readers' shoes, putting his stupid words into the readers' mouths...those sorts of his stupid actions and bad mouthpieces will make his Vietnamese folks and Hanoi leaders have very bad reputations, ugly images of evil Yuon/Vietnamese folks. Hopefully, in the future, people around the world will not travel to ugly and evil Vietnam to do businesses with, will not buy anything from evil Yuon/Vietcong folks who sell things, etc.,

-Drgunzet- and his Vietnamese/Yuon folks are very stupid and have no ideas the bad things will happen to them (Yuon) eventually.

Anonymous said...

Drgunzet and Mike Why you hate khmer speak out against YUON who's taking khmer land and come to make a living in khmer illegal .

Anonymous said...

-Drgunzet- is a troll.
You are falling into his setup game.
He is laughing his butt now.
He is not here for a fair debate.
You are better debating with a piece of rock.

pirakbengs said...

stfu -Drgunzet- before shoot your ass . you fake motherfucker like to brag well let see if china come bok choy you nigga.

pirakbengs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Be civilize if your mouthpiece are bad you are bad man as well. Right. ? Youn and Siam both evils who brought Angkor empire down. I never take sid with youn but I am talking about the truth only . Mike

Anonymous said...

Wise man never associated with gangster right. ? And sam Raincy Kem sokha all cnrp plus Khmerization your bunch of gangster are
everywhere over the place. How you
revue the nation with bunch of
compatriots lekeor per alek a look. Aren't you naive. ? Mike

Anonymous said...

Let me reiterate again: Sam Rainsy is now advocating for "dialog" with CPP. Thy Sovantha is not part of the "dialog". What is she going to do? Going rouge, form her tea-party and become Cambodia's "Sarah Palin"?


Anonymous said...


You are a very bad Vietnamese asshole because you have been trying to mislead online readers. So, stop your stupid manipulation. You are not that smart.

Leave Cambodian readers alone and other online readers worldwide. You need to go to your Vietnamese blogging site and then brainwash your own race.

You have been bullshitting all the time since we skimmed the posts or comments.


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen bought Mr. Sam Rainsy, Mr. Kem Sokha and 55 MP of CNRP in just $ 20 millions US. Sam Rainsy , Kem Sokha and 55 MP CNRP sell out Cambodia and betray the Cambodians and the victims since 1997. KI media = Communist Vietnam Hun Sen CPP media that betray Khmer nation. KI media suppress people from freedom of speech and expression. Every dicks are the same and KI media, Sam Rainsy, Kem Soka, 55 MP CNRP are great example. Miss. Kem Monovithya lies about Hun Sen ICC and now she has all your donation money. These people who destroy Cambodia and Angkor Watt, not other.

Anonymous said...

To Traitor Sam Rainsy, Kem Soka, Miss Kem Monovithiya and 55 MP CNRP,

Where are the justice for the victims since 1997? You are all lie and betray the victims and Khmer nation. You are all Hun Sen CPP dogs like Funcinpect Party. Where is ICC justice for the victims as promised? Where are all the donation money?