ផ្ទះចាក់បេតុងទំហំប្រមាណ៣គុណនឹង៤ម៉ែត្រដ៏កញ្ចាស់មួយដែលមើលទៅមានស្ថានភាពបាក់បែកជាអន្លើ ទ្វារឈើកាន់តែទ្រុឌទ្រោម ស្ថិតនៅក្នុងប្លុកផ្សារត្រីនៃផ្សារក្រុងសួង ខេត្តត្បូងឃ្មុំ (ពីមុនខេត្តកំពង់ចាម) ត្រូវបានបុរសម្នាក់ រួមជាមួយនឹងអ្នកលក់ដូរមួយចំនួនទៀតបានធ្វើការអះអាងថា ផ្ទះដ៏តូចចង្អៀតមួយនោះហើយជាកន្លែងដែលតារានយោបាយរះថ្មី នាង ធី សុវណ្ណថា បានចាប់កំណើត។
កំពុងអង្គុយធ្វើគ្រឿងអលង្ការកាឡៃ ដែលមានជញ្ជាំងជាប់ៗគ្នានឹងអតីតផ្ទះរបស់ ធី សុវណ្ណថា បុរសសម្បុរស្រគាំម្នាក់ឈ្មោះ រ៉េត សុខម៉េង ដែលគេគ្រប់គ្នាដឹងថាជាពូបង្កើតរបស់ ធី សុវណ្ណថា បាននិយាយទាំងអារម្មណ៍ភ្ញាក់ផ្អើលនៅពេល ភ្នំពេញ ប៉ុស្តិ៍ សុំធ្វើបទសម្ភាសភ្លាមៗថា៖«ផ្ទះនេះជាកន្លែងដែល សុវណ្ណថា បានកើត ព្រោះកាលពីមុនឪពុកម្តាយរបស់នាងជាអ្នករកស៊ីលក់ដូរគ្រឿងមាស គ្រឿងប្រាក់ ប្លាទីន និងប្តូរលុយនៅទីនេះ»។
តាមលោក រ៉េត សុខម៉េង និងប្រជាពលរដ្ឋនៅទីនោះ បានឲ្យដឹងថា ពីមុនគ្រួសាររបស់ ធី សុវណ្ណថា មានផ្ទះពីរកន្លែងស្ថិតនៅក្នុងភូមិសួងលិច ឃុំសួង ស្រុកត្បូងឃ្មុំ ខេត្តកំពង់ចាម(បច្ចុប្បន្នក្រុងសួង ខេត្តត្បូងឃ្មុំ)។
លោក សុខម៉េង បន្តថា៖«តាមពិតគាត់មានផ្ទះពីរ។ នៅក្រៅផ្សារគាត់មានផ្ទះឈើមួយល្វែង(ទំហំ៥គុណ១៨) ប៉ុន្តែនៅពេលនេះលក់ឲ្យគេ គេធ្វើផ្ទះថ្មបាត់ទៅហើយ ហើយផ្ទះមួយនេះ បងស្រីខ្ញុំជាអ្នកគ្រប់គ្រង តែបានដាក់ជួលឲ្យគេ»។
ទោះបីជាទាំងគ្រួសារ ធី សុវណ្ណថា និងអ្នកផ្សារមួយចំនួនអះអាងថា ធី សុវណ្ណថា ពិតជាមានកំណើតនៅទឹកដីផ្សារសួងក៏ដោយ ប៉ុន្តែអាជ្ញាធរភូមិឃុំ រួមទាំងមន្ត្រីប៉ូលិសនៅក្រុងសួងហាក់មិនបានដឹងរឿងនោះទេ។
លោក សុខ ឈាន អធិការស្តីទីក្រុងសួង បាននិយាយថា៖«ទេចំពោះប្រវត្តិក្មេងស្រី និងគ្រួសារគេ ខ្ញុំដូចជាមិនដឹងទេ ហើយខ្ញុំក៏បានបោះដៃសួរគ្រប់កន្លែងដែរ ប៉ុន្តែដូចជាគ្មានអ្នកណាដឹង»។
ទោះយ៉ាងណា លោកអធិការរង រួមជាមួយនឹងមេភូមិទាំង១៥រូបស្ថិតនៅក្នុងសង្កាត់សួង ព្រមទាំងប្រជាពលរដ្ឋបានលើកឡើងថា ការបាត់ព័ត៌មានពីគ្រួសារមួយនេះ ទំនងដោយសារតែគ្រួសារពួកគេបានធ្វើចំណាកស្រុកទៅរស់នៅភ្នំពេញយូរឆ្នាំពេក ស្របពេលអាជ្ញាធរគ្រប់គ្រងខេត្តបានផ្លាស់ប្តូរតំណែងជាបន្តបន្ទាប់។
លោក រ៉េត សុខម៉េង បាននិយាយថា៖«បើតាមខ្ញុំចាំគឺបងស្រីខ្ញុំ សុគុណ និងគ្រួសារគាត់បានលក់ផ្ទះសម្បែង និងបានចាកចេញពីសួងតាំងពីឆ្នាំ២០០៣មកម្ល៉េះ នៅពេលនោះ សុវណ្ណថា ទើបតែមានអាយុ៧-៨ ឆ្នាំប៉ុណ្ណឹង»។ នៅក្នុងអំឡុងពេលរស់នៅក្រុងសួងលោក សុខម៉េង បានកត់សម្គាល់ឃើញថា កុមារី ធី សុវណ្ណថា ដែលពេលនេះមានអាយុ១៩ឆ្នាំ ហើយនោះ គឺជាក្មេងវៃឆ្លាត តែច្រឡឺម ហើយគេជាក្មេងដែលចង់ដឹង ចង់ឮ ប៉ិនឆ្ងល់ និងពូកែសួរនាំច្រើន។
ជាមួយគ្នានោះ ក្មេងស្រីដែលមានចរិតក្លាហានតាំងពីតូចនាង ធី សុវណ្ណថា បានឲ្យដឹងថា ដោយសារតែឪពុកម្តាយនាងមានបងប្អូន ពិសេសយាយតានៅភ្នំពេញច្រើន ដូច្នេះឪពុកម្តាយនាងក៏បោះបង់អាជីពជាអ្នកលក់ប្លាទីន មាស ប្រាក់ ហើយសម្រេចចិត្តវេចសម្ពាយមកស្វែងរករបរថ្មីនៅភ្នំពេញ ក្នុងនាមជាជាងដេរ បោះដុំសម្លៀកបំពាក់ និងផ្គត់ផ្គង់អំបោះសម្រាប់រោងចក្រកាត់ដេរនាពេលបច្ចុប្បន្ន។
សព្វថ្ងៃនេះ គ្រួសាររបស់ ធី សុវណ្ណថា បានផ្លាស់ប្តូរជីវភាពកាន់តែប្រសើរជាមួយនឹងផ្ទះវីឡាល្វែងមួយកន្លែងមាន៤ជាន់ មានដីឡូត៍ធំគួរសមស្ថិតនៅផ្ទះលេខ២៧០ ផ្លូវ៥៩៨ ភូមិទំនប់ សង្កាត់ភ្នំពេញថ្មី ខណ្ឌសែនសុខ ភ្នំពេញ។ ផ្ទះរបស់អ្នកនយោបាយវ័យក្មេងរូបនេះ មានរថយន្តពីរគ្រឿង និងម៉ូតូ២គ្រឿង។ រថយន្តឡិចស៊ីស ៣៣០ និងរថយន្តដឹកអីវ៉ាន់មួយគ្រឿង ។
ធី សុវណ្ណថា មានឪពុកឈ្មោះ រុំ សុទ្ធី អាយុ៥០ឆ្នាំ និងម្តាយឈ្មោះ រ៉េត សុគុណ អាយុ ៤៨ឆ្នាំ ដែលអ្នកទាំងពីរជាអ្នកកំពង់ចាមដូចគ្នា។ សុវណ្ណថា មានបងប្អូន៤នាក់ ប្រុស៣នាក់ ស្រីតែរូបនាងម្នាក់ជាកូនច្បងគេ ហើយរូបនាង និងប្អូនប្រុសម្នាក់ទៀតកើតនៅសួង និងប្អូនប្រុសពីរនាក់ទៀតកើតនៅភ្នំពេញ។ សព្វថ្ងៃនាងរៀនថ្នាក់ទី១២ នៅសាលាឯកជន Cambodia Aventist។
សុវណ្ណថា បានបញ្ជាក់ថា៖«បងប្អូនសាច់ញាតិឪពុកម្តាយរបស់ខ្ញុំភាគច្រើនជាអ្នករកស៊ី ហើយគ្មានអ្នកណាម្នាក់ជាប់សែស្រឡាយជាអ្នកនយោបាយនោះទេ»។
ស្ងាត់ៗស្រាប់តែក្មេងស្រីស្រស់សោភាដែលកើតជានៅក្នុងគ្រួសារអ្នករកស៊ីធម្មតានាង ធី សុវណ្ណថា បានលេចមុខខ្ពស់ត្រដែតនៅក្នុងឆាកនយោបាយកាលពីឆ្នាំ២០១៣ ដែលនាំឲ្យមហាជនយល់ច្រឡំថា តារានយោបាយស្រីវ័យក្មេងរូបនេះជាកូនស្រីរបស់លោក កឹម សុខា អនុប្រធានគណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ ។
នាង ធី សុវណ្ណថា បានឲ្យដឹងថា ដំបូងឡើយ នាងគ្រាន់តែជាអ្នកគាំទ្រផ្នែកនយោបាយម្នាក់ប៉ុណ្ណោះ ប៉ុន្តែក្រោយមកនាងបានសុំឪពុកម្តាយដើម្បីចូលខ្លួនក្នុងការប្រឆាំងតវ៉ាផ្សេងៗ រហូតនាងបានក្លាយជាយុវជនឆ្នើមម្នាក់របស់គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ ហើយក៏ត្រូវបានគេស្គាល់ជាហូរហែ។
យុវតីវ័យ១៩ឆ្នាំ ដែលហ៊ានប្រឈមមុខរិះគន់មិនសំចៃមាត់ចំៗលើរដ្ឋាភិបាលរូបនេះនិយាយថា៖«ខ្ញុំចូលនយោបាយនេះ ព្រោះខ្ញុំមើលឃើញនូវភាពអយុត្តិធម៌ជាច្រើនបានកើតឡើងក្នុងសង្គមដូចជា វិបត្តិដីធ្លី អំពើពុករលួយគ្រប់រូបភាព ការនិយមបក្ខពួក បញ្ហាផ្នែកផ្លូវច្បាប់ ពិសេសនោះគឺលំហូរចូលនៃអន្តោប្រវេសន៍យួនជាដើម។ ខ្ញុំតែងគិតថា បើសិនគ្រប់គ្នានៅតែខ្លាចបន្តទៀត នោះសង្គមយើងនឹងទៅជាយ៉ាងណា? ដូច្នេះខ្ញុំសម្រេចចិត្តក្រោកឈរឡើង ដើម្បីជាស្មារតីឲ្យយុវជនយើងទាំងអស់ហ៊ានប្រឆាំងនឹងភាពអសកម្មក្នុងសង្គម»។
នាងបញ្ជាក់ថា៖«ខ្ញុំធ្លាប់ទទួលរងការគំរាមគ្រប់រូបភាពពីបក្សប្រជាជន និងជនមិនស្គាល់មុខ តែខ្ញុំត្រូវតែប្រឹងទៅមុខ ដើម្បីប្រទេសជាតិ»។
ក្រោយការចុះអង្កេតដល់ទីកន្លែងស្នាក់នៅរបស់ក្រុមសាច់ញាតិរបស់ ធី សុវណ្ណថា ជាលទ្ធផលបានឲ្យដឹងថា មិនមែនតែ ធី សុវណ្ណថា តែម្នាក់នោះទេ ដែលគាំទ្រចលនាបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ ហើយហ៊ានចេញមុខប្រឆាំងនឹងការដឹកនាំរបស់រដ្ឋាភិបាលនោះ តាមពិតក្នុងចង្កោមសាច់ញាតិរបស់នាងភាគច្រើនបានចូលរួមក្នុងសកម្មភាពផ្សេងៗរបស់បក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ ហើយពួកគេក៏បានរួមចំណែកជាថវិកា និងរបស់របរផ្សេងៗជួយបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិដែរ។
សូម្បីតែលោកតាលោកយាយរបស់ ធី សុវណ្ណថា ដែលកំពុងរស់នៅផ្ទះទំនើបក្នុងបុរីប៉េង ហួត ក៏បានលើកទឹកចិត្តឲ្យ ធី សុវណ្ណថា ចេញមុខប្រឆាំងនឹងរដ្ឋាភិបាលដែរ ដើម្បីសង្គមមានការផ្លាស់ប្តូរ។
ស្ថិតក្នុងវ័យ ៤៨ឆ្នាំ អ្នកស្រី រ៉េត សុគុណ ដែលមមាញឹកនឹងរបររកស៊ីបោះដុំក្រណាត់ និងអំបោះ ត្រូវជាម្តាយបង្កើតរបស់ ធី សុវណ្ណថា បាននិយាយទាំងទឹកមុខមុតមាំថា អ្នកស្រីគ្រាន់តែជាអ្នកគាំទ្រម្នាក់ ហើយក៏បានចូលរួមការតវ៉ាប្រឆាំងនានាផងដែរ តែមានតែកូនស្រីរបស់អ្នកស្រីម្នាក់គត់បានចូលរួមជោគជាំក្នុងឆាកនយោបាយ។
អ្នកស្រី រ៉េត សុគុណ និយាយថា៖«ខ្ញុំមានតែកូនស្រីម្នាក់គត់ ពេលកូនស្រីធ្វើនយោបាយបែបនេះ ខ្ញុំក៏ព្រួយបារម្ភ ខ្លាចកូនស្រីមានគ្រោះថ្នាក់ដែរ ប៉ុន្តែកូនខ្ញុំបានព្យាយាមពន្យល់ខ្ញុំថា បើយើងមិនក្រោកឈរទេ ប្រទេសយើងគ្មានការរីកចម្រើនទេ»។
អ្នកស្រីពន្យល់ថា៖«វាប្រៀបបាននឹងក្របី ដែលតោប្រុងខាំត្របាក់អ៊ីចឹង បើក្របីនោះកំពុងត្រូវតោព្យាយាមខាំស៊ីហើយ បើក្របីមួយទៀតចូលជួយនោះ តោនឹងខ្លាចរត់មិនខាន»។
អ្នកស្រីបញ្ជាក់ថា៖«លោក សម រង្ស៊ី ជាវីរបុរសរបស់ខ្ញុំ គាត់តស៊ូ គាត់ត្រូវគេប៉ុនប៉ងជីវិតជាច្រើនលើក តែគាត់ប្រឹងដើម្បីជាតិ ហើយខ្ញុំចង់ឲ្យកូនស្រីខ្ញុំធ្វើដូចជាលោកស្រី មូរ សុខហួរ»។ អ្នកស្រីបញ្ជាក់បន្ថែមថា៖«ខ្ញុំលះបង់ទ្រព្យអស់ជាច្រើន ដើម្បីជាតិ ទោះបីក្នុងកាលៈទេសៈណាក៏ខ្ញុំមិនបោះបង់ការគាំទ្រនេះដែរ»។
ជាមួយគ្នានោះ លោក រុំ សុទ្ធី ដែលជាឪពុកបង្កើតរបស់ ធី សុវណ្ណថា បានឲ្យដឹងថា គ្រួសារលោកមួយពូជ បានគាំទ្រចលនាបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ ហើយលោកបានលះបង់ទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិជាច្រើនម៉ឺនដុល្លារនៅក្នុងរយៈពេលប្រមាណជាង ១ឆ្នាំកន្លងមកនេះ។
លោកនិយាយថា៖«កូនស្រីខ្ញុំគេមានឆន្ទៈស្រាប់ ហើយខ្ញុំបានជួយគេពីក្រោយ ខ្ញុំបានទិញរថយន្តឡិចស៊ីស ៣៣០ ឲ្យគេជិះសម្រាប់ទៅរៀន និងធ្វើការងារនេះ ខ្ញុំបានផ្តល់ប្រាក់ឲ្យគេពេលចុះធ្វើសកម្មភាពផ្សេងៗ ហើយខ្ញុំបានជួយឧបត្ថម្ភនានាកន្លងមកទាំងការតវ៉ាប្រឆាំង ការទិញសម្ភារ ម្ហូបអាហារជាដើម អស់មិនតិចនោះទេ»។
លោក សុទ្ធី បញ្ជាក់ថា៖«ខ្ញុំមិនខ្លាចការគំរាមទេ កើតមកជីវិតមានតែមួយដូចគ្នា ខ្ញុំធ្វើអ្វីៗដើម្បីជាតិរបស់ខ្ញុំ ហើយខ្ញុំគិតថា នៅពេលនេះសន្ទុះប្រជាជនកាន់តែខ្លាំង គេនឹងក្រោកឈរការពារគ្នា»។
លោកបានបន្ថែមថា៖«ការផ្តល់លទ្ធភាពឲ្យកូនស្រីចូលរួមបក្សនយោបាយនេះ មិនមែនខ្ញុំសម្លឹងឃើញតំណែងតួនាទី ឬដើម្បីកិបកេងអ្វីនោះទេ ការចំណាយប្រាក់រាប់ម៉ឺនដុល្លាររបស់ខ្ញុំ គឺដើម្បីជាតិមានការផ្លាស់ប្តូរតែមួយមុខគត់»។
ទោះបីជាមួយពូជនៃគ្រួសារគាំទ្រពេញទំហឹងចំពោះគោលនយោបាយរបស់គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិ តែ ធី សុវណ្ណថា បញ្ជាក់ថា៖«សម្រាប់ខ្ញុំ និងគ្រួសារ មិនមែនគាំទ្រផ្កាប់មុខនោះទេ បើពួកគាត់ធ្វើការបម្រើជាតិបានល្អ យើងនឹងបន្តគាំទ្រ តែបើគាត់មានចំណុចអាក្រក់ យើងនឹងតវ៉ាភ្លាម»៕
Disgrace Musochou do not have leadership role model at all. She is a real mental illness brain damage women wasn't she. ?. Mike
I think Thy Sovantha will do more better then Mu Sochua. People all over the world look at her as a roll model of democracy. Hope to see her become first woman Cambodia's PM, so she can teach some of those khmer men how to treat their women better. With a lots of people like MU, Uncle Sam, and DrKem as a mentor, Thy Sovantha, will be able to bring a real democracy for Cambodian people in the future. She will take back the khmer heritage like Angkor Wat, Bokgo mount, etc.. All Khmer people men and women will be on your side for better life and prosperity. Be cool and peaces bye!
I think Thy Sovantha will do more better then Mu Sochua. People all over the world look at her as a roll model of democracy. Hope to see her become first woman Cambodia's PM, so she can teach some of those khmer men how to treat their women better. With a lots of people like MU, Uncle Sam, and DrKem as a mentor, Thy Sovantha, will be able to bring a real democracy for Cambodian people in the future. She will take back the khmer heritage like Angkor Wat, Bokgo mount, etc.. All Khmer people men and women will be on your side for better life and prosperity. Be cool and peaces bye!
Thy Sovantha, you must marry a white dude, then you are safe to political. Otherwise you are marry a Khmer you are no use. Brave girl you are.
Today Jendhamuni learns the truth about herself.
She is not a likable woman as she has thought.
What is a disappointment for her?
Sorry, the truth hurts.
Why did KI kill freedom of people by requiring open ID?
The founder of KI did not even show his ID until after his death (heng Soy). Do not take advice from Ly Ngoc Dinh. Nobody reads this Ly Ngoc Dinh comment.
Change back to anonymous or KI will be disappeared.
Many readers advised Jendhamuni not to hang around with Ly Diep, but she did not hear their voices.
Now she is dragged to the shit-hole as predicted.
Jendhamuni expected others to address her as Jendhamuni, not Jenny, not Jennie-in-a-box and so on. Yet she addressed Mike as Ho Chi Mike and Drgunzet as Jose. She replied to me a couple days ago as "No way, Jose".
She exhibited a double standard.
I was raised by a high class family, German American elites. I always address a person in the exact name, pen-name they wanted. I have never altered any Khmer names or poke fun of their names.
My goal is to demonstrate my superior up-bringing to set an example. I was born very poor, into a hell hole. But I never gave up my dignity, and fought my way out of my hell hole. Eventually, the right force will notice and lift me out of my deprivation. I was born with some gene flip and behaved very much as a German with honor, discipline and intelligence.
P.S. When I was in my early teen, I sold lottery tickets on the street. One man gave me more money for the tickets than he should. I called the guy back and gave him the change. That's German honor, clearly not Asian mentality. Of course, my mother thought that I was autistic.
Well the truth was, I was so poor and mostly never own any money for most of my childhood. So I did not have a concept of money. I simply just existed as an animal, was not even a human being. And I used to fight like an animal on the street too with so much blood shed and brain concussions.
Thy Sovantha is a smart cookie, but if she is not channeling her talent for the right cause, she could be come a loose cannon causing damage to the poors.
What the Cambodian poors really need now is jobs. For get about the BS freedom and democracy. Go ask the Cambodians who are about to sell their daughters' virginity, "Do you want jobs or freedom/democracy?"
You folks protest, fight and drive away jobs for the poors. That's actually very wrong.
We sincerely believe the new requirement is a suppression of freedom of expression.
Even good posters, at time need anonymity to express her or his opinion honestly with no fear
of retribution.
Please re-consider.
There are other ways to penalize the bad posters.
Thank you
KI Old Timer
8:20 am
Because of the lack and abuses of freedom and democracy, that is why the poverty, civil unrests and the likes are stemming from.
Your trick here is to divert Khmers'attention and efforts from Hanoi's puppet regime of Hun Sen.
Ly Diep has killed his newspaper because people cannot stand his crazy idea.
Now, you allow this stupid man to kill KI too.
Keep reading the number of the KI's hits after 10 days, then you will know.
Don't you know that by doing this you help Hun Sen greatly?
Heng Soy's spirit will come back to punch whoever destroy his anonymous ideal.
Ly diep push her to do that and the same time mike and Drgunzet keep kick her to the curb and she can not stand with that that why she one to open ID
Note for KI readers
Due to the critical situation in our country, we had to disable the 'Anonymous' comment option for users. From now on, you will be asked to sign in via one of the following three options, in order to post comment: 1. Registered User/OpenID, 2. Google account, or 3. Blog member. That way, readers will learn how to take responsibility for what they write, rather than hijacking KI Media with 'spam' comments behind the screen. From now on, if you wish to voice your opinion, please stay professional and stick to the topic. That way, we can learn from each other through your writing or comment. We must work together to save our Motherland from the hands of Yuon's puppets, especially from Strongman Hun Sen. ~Jendhamuni
She lies through her teeth.
She has personal problems with many readers who criticize her.
Anonymous said...
Ly diep push her to do that and the same time mike and Drgunzet keep kick her to the curb and she can not stand with that that why she one to open ID
11 August 2014 9:11 am
Err...I thought it was Kmenhwatt who kept sexually harassing Jendhamuni with pole-dancing request this, sexual that. Thus she turned off the open-ID to cut out Kmenhwatt's unwanted advances through the open IDs. Kmenhwatt can post with his registered accounts, but his comments can be quickly singled out and deleted.
I never used any registered account. I believe in superior ideas. Such ideas cannot be fake. Many people have faked my pen-name before, but none can produce superior ideas.
Now ly diep take over KI and you like it or not but he is there. It like Sam rainsy joint with Hun sen and It doesn't matter Ly Diep like or not but he is there.
Jendha your sweet mouth you use it to cheat in the day right.? And do blow job at night . isn't that true., ? Wasn't she.?
Jendhamuni is childishly standing by her stupid man, Ly Diep.
KI was not hers. She hijacked it after Heng Soy’s death.
Now Heng Soy is tossing and turning in his grave, because it should not be controlled by an immature woman.
Just keep counting the number of the readers at KI.
It will go down like hell if this asshole Ly Diep Chkuot Chkuot open ID stays with KI.
Dear Khmer and worldwide readers online,
-Drgunzet- is a former secret Yuon/Vietcong who used to hide in Khmer Rouges uniform during the Killing Fields from 1975 to 1979 along with hundred of thousands of secret Yuon/Vietnamese agents from Hanoi hiding in Khmer Rouges uniforms to fool gullible innocent Khmer people. They (secret Yuon/Vietcong agents and -Drgunzet-) have created secret "Angkar Leur or Cap Tren to scare helpless and voiceless innocent Khmer people and children. That is why a few millions of innocent Khmer people and children have been varnished or put to death before the evil Yuon/Vietcong and -Drgunzet- tried to steal the land of Cambodia and created false history of Vietnam by saying Cambodia belong to Vietnam along time ago including Southern Cambodia/Khmer Kampuchea Krom (South Vietnam), belonging to Vietnam a long time ago or their ancestor. Vietnam is fake, their language was created by French after stealing the Latin alphabets in writing. Vietnam and Vietnamese people are disgusted and hypocrite.
-Drgunzet- and his evil Yuon/Vietnamese agents are so cruel and murderous.
Yeah, it is true , Drgunzet is a real cong who was survived from the B52 bombing over his uncle HO Chiminh trail in Chantrea, Svay Rieng.
Dear Khmer and worldwide readers online,
-Drgunzet- is a former secret Yuon/Vietcong who used to hide in Khmer Rouges uniform during the Killing Fields from 1975 to 1979 along with hundred of thousands of secret Yuon/Vietnamese agents from Hanoi hiding in Khmer Rouges uniforms to fool gullible innocent Khmer people. They (secret Yuon/Vietcong agents and -Drgunzet-) have created secret "Angkar Leur or Cap Tren to scare helpless and voiceless innocent Khmer people and children. That is why a few millions of innocent Khmer people and children have been varnished or put to death before the evil Yuon/Vietcong and -Drgunzet- tried to steal the land of Cambodia and created false history of Vietnam by saying Cambodia belong to Vietnam along time ago including Southern Cambodia/Khmer Kampuchea Krom (South Vietnam), belonging to Vietnam a long time ago or their ancestor. Vietnam is fake, their language was created by French after stealing the Latin alphabets in writing. Vietnam and Vietnamese people are disgusted and hypocrite.
-Drgunzet- and his evil Yuon/Vietnamese agents are so cruel and murderous.
-Drgunzet- (11 August 2014 3:17 pm) is crazy. LOL. Watch the way he talks.
I agree with you. This Vietnamese poster -Drgunzet- (11 August 2014 3:17 pm) should say like I am a crazy Vietnamese dog eater. LOL
Let me try again writing about Mekong delta (Khmer Krom).
_ Khmer took over Funan (Khmer Krom).
_ Ming Chinese took over part of Khmer Krom (Khmer Krom)
_ Ming Chinese gave part of Khmer Krom to Vietnam in exchange for protection from Thailand.
_ Cambodia gave part of Khmer Krom to Vietnam for fights in Cambodia civil war and also protection from Thailand.
_ France took Mekong delta (Khmer Krom) from Vietnam.
_ France returned Mekong delta (Khmer Krom or South Vietnam) to Vietnam.
_ Vietnam currently has sovereignty over Mekong delta (South Vietnam).
I will not argue when Vietnam started to have sovereignty over South Vietnam. There was no clear International law until United Nation was created.
But to say, Cambodia lost Khmer Krom when France gave back Mekong delta to Vietnam is pretty lame. In my personal opinion, Cambodia lost Khmer Krom when the Ming Chinese took over Khmer Krom.
While my opinion is not important, the fact is important. You folks are hiding this fact and I know this fact scares you folks. It is a very powerful fact.
I am a very sharp reader. When I read history I immediately noticed these facts:
1. Champa was able to sneak-attack Khmer capital through Khmer Krom during the 12th century unchecked. I can deduced that there were hardly any Khmers living in Khmer Krom.
2. Khmer never had any army from Khmer Krom to come to the aid of Khmer capital when the Thais attacked and sacked Khmer capital.
3. Khmer never consider to relocate the capital to Khmer Krom. My deduction: Khmer Krom land at the time was worth less salty marsh land. Only after the Ming Chinese came and washed the land into fertile farm land, there were people. And most people were Chinese and Vietnamese, not Khmer in Khmer Krom.
Well, that's my understanding of history.
Dear Khmer and worldwide readers online,
-Drgunzet- is a former secret Yuon/Vietcong who used to hide in Khmer Rouges uniform during the Killing Fields from 1975 to 1979 along with hundred of thousands of secret Yuon/Vietnamese agents from Hanoi hiding in Khmer Rouges uniforms to fool gullible innocent Khmer people. They (secret Yuon/Vietcong agents and -Drgunzet-) have created secret "Angkar Leur or Cap Tren to scare helpless and voiceless innocent Khmer people and children. That is why a few millions of innocent Khmer people and children have been varnished or put to death before the evil Yuon/Vietcong and -Drgunzet- tried to steal the land of Cambodia and created false history of Vietnam by saying Cambodia belong to Vietnam along time ago including Southern Cambodia/Khmer Kampuchea Krom (South Vietnam), belonging to Vietnam a long time ago or their ancestor. Vietnam is fake, their language was created by French after stealing the Latin alphabets in writing. Vietnam and Vietnamese people are disgusted and hypocrite.
-Drgunzet- and his evil Yuon/Vietnamese agents are so cruel and murderous.
11 August 2014 3:20 pm
-Drgunzet- is blah blah blah to defend the fake history of evil Vietnam because this race (Vietnamese or Yuon) like -Drgunzet- tries too hard to prove their stupid innocence. Weird race of Vietnamese folks like -Drgunzet- need to go back to their holes in the ground where the Chinese folks kicked them out.
LOL, funny and weirdo -Drgunzet-!!!
Hey -Drgunzet-,
Can you said the United States of America belongs to Vietnam long time ago or belongs shitty Vietnam?
Oh wait, Mr. -Drgunzet-.
Would you please claim the state of Texas belongs to Vietnam long time ago?
Hey -Drgunzet-,
Can you say that the United States of America belongs to Vietnam long time ago or belongs shitty Vietnam?
11 August 2014 5:26 pm
Oh, wait a minute!
Ask -Drgunzet- that the State of California belongs to his evil Vietnam or Yuon ancestor a very long time ago since Dinosaur in millions of years?
-Drgunzet- and Mike are trolls.
Responding to any of their comments only serves their goals, so just ignore them, you are only fooling yourselves.
Oh wait, Mr. -Drgunzet-.
Would you please claim the state of Texas belongs to Vietnam long time ago?
11 August 2014 5:28 pm
Texas used to belong to Mexico. Then the White folks moved in, became the predominant. They then refused to pay taxes to Mexico. They declared independent. Mexico attacked Texas republic, then the Texans asked for help from United States. USA entered the war and defeated Mexico, and took Texas, as well as California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon. If Mexico wisely let the Texans alone, they would not lost so much land.
Now, similar things happened in Khmer Krom. The Ming Chinese moved into the Mekong Delta. These Ming soldiers married a lot of surplus Vietnamese women who lost husbands in Vietnam's civil war.
Generation later, these folks refused to pay taxes to Cambodia. They were facing threats from the Thais. These people were half Chinese, half Vietnamese, they asked Vietnam for protection and joined Vietnam. That's how Vietnam took over the Mekong delta (Khmer Krom).
If Cambodia goes to war against Vietnam, Cambodia will be defeated and lose a lot more land just like Mexico did. I say, Vietnam can easily take Svey Rieng and all the land east of Mekong river.
Don't be stupid. You folks should learn some history.
Think about it. Vietnam have a much bigger population. And each Vietnamese is superior over each Khmer. If you don't believe me, you can do a test. Challenge the Vietnamese folks to an online game. You folks register into a same game online, build villages, castles, armies then fight each other. You will see what I mean.
You folks are few in numbers. You need to be smart and tough like the Israel folks. But you are clearly not.
Ok, let's have some history lesson here.
You folks Khmer go first. Show me your version of Khmer Krom's history. I will read it and debate it in good faith.
History is one of my top 10 subjects. I am well versed in many countries, empires' histories. I am willing to entertain with your version of history to see if I have missed anything.
Hey Guys,
-Drgunzet- is a son of former secret Yuon/Vietcong agents hiding in Khmer Rouges uniforms during the Killing Fields from 1975 to 1979. He is a modern killer to these days in Cambodia and hiding behind his computer to blah blah blah with stupid lessons just like Yuon robot with no brain and no sense of feeling. That is why is a really killer coming from his father (a secret Vietcong agent in Hanoi).
Watch out on -Drgunzet- who tries too hard to create a fake story and erase the world history, neighbor history like Cambodia and on and on.
-Drgunzet- is a newly secret Yuon/Vietcong agent, a new born Vietcong from Hanoi.
-Drgunzet- is a Vietgook with stupid eduction of fake history to prevent the fake history of evil and ugly Yuon/Vietnam (a stolen land from Champa and Cambodia (Southern Cambodia) where Ho Chi Minh city is. Khmer city was Prey Norkor before they (barbaric Yuon race) changed to Saigon and then Ho Chi Ming in the modern day.
Don't read the stupid and nonsense comments or posts of silly Vietcong agent named -Drgunzet-.
Hey there (11 August 2014 6:41 pm),
Thank you for letting us know that -Drgunzet- is a stupid Vietnamese poster.
I know -Drgunzet- is trying to prevent his Vietnam from being embarrassed in the world. That is why this Vietnamese weirdo -Drgunzet- wastes his time and energy to prove his innocence, but he ( -Drgunzet-) is very evil and arrogant.
I never believe his post when I skim down faster. I believe Khmer history which Cambodian people are so proud of. Cambodian people are very honest and victimized by evil Vietcong or Yuon killers.
The Vietnamese weirdo -Drgunzet- tried to brainwash and fool me.
6:01 pm
Let me help you with a clue here.
Who were the first inhabitants of Funan ?
Note for KI readers
Due to the critical situation in our country, we had to disable the 'Anonymous' comment option for users. From now on, you will be asked to sign in via one of the following three options, in order to post comment: 1. Registered User/OpenID, 2. Google account, or 3. Blog member. That way, readers will learn how to take responsibility for what they write, rather than hijacking KI Media with 'spam' comments behind the screen. From now on, if you wish to voice your opinion, please stay professional and stick to the topic. That way, we can learn from each other through your writing or comment. We must work together to save our Motherland from the hands of Yuon's puppets, especially from Strongman Hun Sen. ~Jendhamuni
She is B.S.ing you guys. Cambodia is not in a critical situation. In contrary, CNRP has just joined the National Assembly, adopted a dialog posturing, stopped the accusation. There have not been any baton flying in the last week or so. That's not critical but rather peaceful and progressive.
It's lame to give B.S.ing reason to justify a lame decision instead of the real reason.
Jendhamuni’s personality is under critical condition; she is childish to be the admin and has a dictatorial personality just like Hun Sen
Does she understand the word “hijack”?
From Macmillan online dictionary:
“Hijack = showing disapproval to take control of an organization or activity and use it for ones own purposes.”
Isn’t that what she is doing now?
-Drgunzet- (12 August 2014 4:12 pm):
You are a very shtty Yuon gook!!! That is all I can say for now. Good luck when challenging with Cambodian readers and worldwide readers who are way smarter than you, Vietgook named -Drgunzet- (who was trained in Hanoi to be a bad manipulator under Hanoi masters' paid money to spam on blogging sites, especially, Khmer or Cambodian websites.
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