A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 26 August 2014

NA votes to elect new leadership

Give our kids a better deal 
The National Assembly held extraordinary session Tuesday to elect its new leadership.

PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) -- The National Assembly held extraordinary session Tuesday to elect its new leadership a month after ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP), and opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) reached political agreements.  

Kem Sokha, vice president of opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party, was officially elected as first vice president of the National Assembly Tuesday with 116 out of 122 votes. 

Nguon Nhil, former first president of the National Assembly, was elected as second vice president with 122 out of 122.

The session held under parliament chairman Heng Samrin is now voting to elect members of ten commissions. 

According to a source, the candidates for the chairmanship of the ten commissions, are as follows:

1 -- Commission of Human Rights, Complaints and Investigation: Eng Chhai Ieng (chairman, CNRP),

2 -- Commission on Economics, Finance, Banking and Auditing: Cheam Yeap (CPP), Son Chhay (Vice chairman,  CNRP).

3 -- Commission on Planning, Investment, Agriculture, Rural Development, Environment, and Water Resources: Pol Horm (chairman, CNRP)

4 -- Commission on Interior, National Defense, and Civil Service Administration: Hun Neng (chairman, CPP), Long Ry (Vice chairman, CNRP).

5 -- Commission on Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, Information, and Media: Chheang Vun (chairman, CPP), Tioulong Saumura (Vice chairwoman, CNRP).

6 -- Commission on Legislation and Justice: Pen Panha (chairman, CPP), Ou Chanrith (Vice chairman, CNRP).

7 -- Commission on Education, Youth, Sport, Religious Affairs, Culture and Tourism: Yem Punhearith (chairman, CNRP).

8 -- Commission on Health Care, Social and Veterans' Affairs, Youth Rehabilitation, Labor, Vocational Training and Women's Affairs: Mu Sochua (chairman, CNRP), Mao Monivan (Vice president, CNRP).

9 -- Commission of Public Works, Transport, Telecommunication, Post, Industry, Commerce, Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction: Nin Saphon (chairman, CPP).

10 -- Commission on Investigation, Clearance and Anti-Corruption: Yim Sovann (chairman, CPP).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What kind of democracy is this?
Raise their hands to adopt something? That's why they call it Ah Kwack and Ah Kwen (Heng Samrin) democracy.