Construction of a modern slaughterhouse facility in Sihanoukville. Last week Australia announced it had approved the export of 10,000 live cattle to Cambodia. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Days after the Australian government announced it had approved the export of 10,000 live cows to Cambodia, a local firm has revealed that it is nearing completion of the Kingdom’s first modern slaughterhouse in Preah Sihanounk province – and that it is set to be the biggest in all of Asia.
Hor Sim Leang, managing director of SLN Meat Supply, said that construction of the $15 million slaughterhouse in Prek Toal village was already under way and almost 60 per cent complete.
“We will be the biggest in Asia, the third largest in the world,” Leang claimed, adding that the new slaughterhouse will have the capacity to process 3,000 live cattle per day.
Leang said the facility will be built in accordance with the Australian government’s Exporter Supply Chain Assurance System (ESCAS), and will be ready to receive 10,000 heads of Australian cattle as soon as December this year.
The cattle, which carry a price tag of $1,300 to $1,500 each, will spend an average of two weeks at sea before reaching Cambodian shores, according to Leang.
Up to 30 per cent of the beef processed at the new Preah Sihanouk province slaughterhouse will be sold to local markets at $12 per kilogram, while the remaining 70 per cent will be exported to neighbouring countries.
“We see big consumption of beef in the market, but the quality of the meat and the techniques are not up to Australia’s standards. Australian beef is the best quality,”
Leang said.
Luu Meng, president of the Cambodian Hotel Association (CHA) and owner of 11 restaurant and hotel businesses around Phnom Penh, said demand for beef in the Kingdom is increasing parallel to the rise in foreign-themed restaurants.
“The trend of eating beef, which is only 50 per cent cooked, or medium rare, is increasing, and this cooking style needs beef with good hygiene and good quality,” he said.
“The consumption and demand is so high now that I more than 100 per cent welcome this new slaughterhouse.”
Leang’s announcement came after Australian Minister of Agriculture Barnaby Joyce and the Australian Live Exports Council (ALEC) on Thursday announced that Cambodia had agreed to adhere to that country’s ESCAS protocol on animal health and welfare, and that 10,000 head of cattle had been earmarked for export.
ESCAS was introduced by Australia’s then-Labor government in 2012 after a ban on all live exports, which was prompted by reports of barbaric treatment of Australian animals in Indonesia in 2011.
Joyce’s announcement was quickly met with swift criticism from local agricultural industry tycoon Mong Reththy, who told the Post there were no slaughterhouses in the Kingdom that met the strict ESCAS requirements.
Following the concerns raised by Reththy on August 22, Alison Penfold, CEO of ALEC, tweeted under the @ALEC twitter handle that no Cambodian slaughterhouse facilities were currently seeking or had yet received approval for Australian cattle imports.
After the July 2013 election, the CNRP had mounted many peaceful demonstrations demanding Hun Sen to honor Khmer people’s wills and step down, but this bastard Hun Sen simply ignored it.
However, had the CNRP used the demonstrators to occupy the public building such as the Ministry of Information to force Hun Sen to step down, the result would have been catastrophic for the CNRP and Khmer people. This monster Hun Sen would have killed Khmer people to make them retreated to a permanent submissive mode. Hun Sen would have accused those demonstrators as outlaws or terrorists who wanted to overthrow his “legal” government.
To me, the CNRP has made the right decision by not engaging it and SOME Khmer people must stop condemning the CNRP for failing to seize that opportunity. It would not have worked because Khmer people were NOT MENTALLY PREPARED to absorb and resist Hun Sen’s brutality.
By contrast, we must NOW PREPARE for such event: stand our ground, ready to die for justice to save Cambodia. Social injustice in Cambodia has been mostly committed by Vietnam through its puppet Hun Sen.
The CNRP has recently changed its strategy by joining the National assembly.
This would make the CNRP more versatile.
Khmer people fight the CPP for social justice outside of the National Assembly while the CNRP fights this Yuon’s slave party inside the National Assembly.
Khmer people should not mix up their duties with the CNRP’s MPs duties.
For example, during the recent protest against Vietnam’s Embassy Khmer people should NOT call on the CNRP’s leaders to participate in the protest because it would weaken the CNRP’s position and make the CNRP vulnerable to the CPP’s attack.
Bun Thoeun
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Here is the reality of the events that are highly likely to happen after this next election:
With the CNRP won the next election, the CNRP will always be facing the same problem: HUN SEN WILL NOT RELINQUISH HIS POWER.
What measure should the CNRP take to make the CPP transfers the power?
After this next election, especially after the CNRP had officially won the election, but the CPP refused to transfer the power, Khmer people, especially the youths must make the peaceful demonstration again demanding Hun Sen to transfer the power to the newly elected CNRP.
The demonstration must continue every day until Hun Sen transfers his power or Hun Sen loses his patience and violently suppress the demonstrators. But this time, we must NOT run away, stand our ground, ready to sacrifice our lives to save Cambodia.
We cannot screw up this once in a lifetime opportunity: we must stand our ground; we must not run; we must win this battle to win the war.
Only when the killings committed by Hun Sen reached a noticeable number – by the thousands - that the international community will intervene and summon the signatory countries of the 1991 Paris Peace Accord to convene and solve Cambodia problems once and for all.
The CNRP has 2 or 3 years from now to prepare for this eventual event. The CNRP needs to build up at least 100,000 people that are brave enough to stand their ground facing the “third hands” of Hun Sen’s force. WITHOUT OUR PEOPLE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE, HUN SEN AND THIS NEOCOLONIALIST VIETAM WILL NOT GO AWAY.
I’ve always supported the CNRP for its peaceful demonstration. But this time they will have to raise their bars up to face the reality.
If the CNRP’s leaders die during that next demonstration (after the next election), they will become Khmer heroes and they will be a solid stepping stone, an inspirational figures for Khmer people to liberate Cambodia from this evil Vietnam and its slave Hun Sen.
Finally, to win the election and TO HAVE THE POWER to lead the country, the CNRP must prepare for this inevitable showdown with the merchant of war Vietnam and its slave Hun Sen. We must have a nonstop demonstration with the demonstrators who are willing to die to force the international community, especially the signatory countries of the 1991 Paris Peace Accord, to assertively intervene to help Khmer people and save Cambodia.
Notice that since 1970, we have lost at least 3 millions people, and unfortunately we are still under this evil Vietnam’s control because we did not fight this evil Vietnam the right way.
Therefore, losing a few thousands people at this time to keep Cambodia alive forever is an ideal sacrifice.
Bun Thoeun
P.S: Creating another party would only absolutely benefit Vietnam and its slave Hun Sen.
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