A Change of Guard

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Monday, 25 August 2014


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Chers Tous,
Prière de noter que Lauk Prathean Sam Rainsy vient de créer sa Fondation de charité "Khmers Sangros Khmers" pour venir en aide aux victimes sociales dans notre pays.
Pour en savoir plus, connectez à sa page facebook:

Dear All,
Please note that, recently, Lauk Prathean Sam Rainsy has created his charity foundation "Khmers Rescue Khmers" to help the social victims in our country.
To learn more, Please connect to his Facebook page:  
Merci de faire passer ce message.
Please help us to spread the news.

Cabinet de Lauk Prathan Sam Rainsy
Hong Sok Hour


Anonymous said...

Rainsy the coward and traitor.

Anonymous said...

25 August 2014 10:10 am
You are a Yuon dick's sucker that's why.

Anonymous said...

Some callers to Sambok Khmum Radio are crazy with their salivas:
Mam Sonando (Mer Chkuot when he said Sam Rainsy , Kem Skha are BangKuoy and did not accomplish anything when himself did not get that frequence shit from Ah Kanharith and Ah Hun Sen for his radio)
Chau Saun ( Lob Klaing when he said Prochaing Taing Pi Mean Prey Rorhaut Oss Prey)
Sophon Lob Neung Niyeay Chkuot Ter Maneak eung Every day.

Anonymous said...

Scam Rainsy is not getting anymore money from overseas Khmer because he didnt keep his words and join Hun Sen.

Scam Rainsy no longer have anymore supporters so now Scam Rainsy set up this group to get more money.

Anonymous said...

You must be a Rainsy lover and deep in his ass and you need to come out and smell the real world.

Anonymous said...

25 August 2014 12:07 pm
Yuon's expertise is break Khmer apart. You play well this role. You need to look beyond your tip of your nose if you are Khmer.

Anonymous said...

25 August 2014 12:05 pm
This is the same asshole Ah Kantorb Mike.

Anonymous said...

25 August 2014 2:08 pm

DUMB Khmer. Youn expert is to get Scam Rainsy to join Hun Sen. You want to see Scam Rainsy join Hun Sen?

You call yourself a Khmer? A Kantorb. Stop eating shit.

Anonymous said...

25 August 2014 3:55 pm
OK Dumb Yuon.

Anonymous said...

12:36 am. DUMB Khmer, you dont even know what DUMB mean. You dont even know what Scam Rainsy is doing with your money. What eating shit DUMB Khmer.