A Cambodian woman looks at portraits of victims of the Khmer Rouge at the Tuol Sleng genocide museum in Phnom Penh. While the regime's crimes are commonly referred to as "genocide," experts differ on the matter. An upcoming trial could render a verdict. (Tang Chhin Sothy/AFP/Getty Images)
Denise HrubyAugust 26, 2014
Global Post
Whether the regime’s hideous brand of cruelty actually qualifies as ‘genocide’ will soon go on trial in Cambodia.
PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — Like many elderly people, Halamas believes everything was better back in the day.
In her case, it’s easy to imagine why.
The gaunt but well-dressed 73-year-old, who wears her gold jewelery at home on the outskirts of Phnom Penh, lost everything in the brutal Khmer Rouge revolution of the mid-1970s.
Her house, a wooden structure on stilts, is in the exact same spot as it used to be, four decades ago. “But it was much bigger and way more beautiful than now. Then the Khmer Rouge came, and we had to leave everything behind,” she said.
For more than four years Halamas and her husband Muhammad Sat witnessed torture and starvation. They lived in constant fear of execution. Then they returned to the place where they had fallen in love and started to raise a family.
“While the Khmer
Rouge is commonly
labeled 'genocidal,'
no official has yet
been convicted of
that particular
“Nothing was left, it was all gone. We lived in shacks and tried to make money, so that little by little, we could rebuild our house,” she said, as she scooped rice out of a green tub. Halamas' eyes glistened with tears. Her husband nodded quietly.
At least one out of every six Cambodians perished under the fanatic Maoist regime, which used force to create a society led by uneducated farmers. The wealthy, educated and urbanites were labeled class enemies and driven to the countryside to live in settlements akin to concentration camps.
As members of the ethnic Cham minority, the ordeal was particularly risky for Halamas and Muhammad. Yale historian Ben Kiernan calculates that 36 percent of the Cham — a Muslim community that has lived in Cambodia for centuries — perished under the regime.
Now, the Cham's plight is central to a trial that will soon be making news from Phnom Penh — which will address the question of whether the regime was actually genocidal.
No one seriously disputes that the Khmer Rouge were among the most heinous killers of the bloody and war-ravaged 20th century.
Yet while the regime’s is commonly labeled “genocidal,” in fact no Khmer Rouge official has yet been convicted of that particular crime. And 35 years after the Khmer Rouge were ousted, well-intentioned experts debate whether or not the term legitimately applies.
The most widely accepted definition of the crime — from the United Nations’ 1948 Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, adopted after the Holocaust — specificies that genocide involves intentional killing of a specific national, ethnic, racial or religious group.
Historians differ over whether the Khmer Rouge had the requisite intentions to eliminate particular groups, or whether their brand of killing — perpetrated through violence, disease, hunger and gross negligence — was essentially more democratic.
Kiernan, director of the Genocide Studies Program at Yale University and an expert on the Khmer Rouge, is among those who argue that genocide was committed.
“Their religion, language and culture, large villages and autonomous networks threatened the atomized, closely supervised society that the Pol Pot leadership planned,” Kiernan wrote in"Centuries of Genocide." The 36 percent death rate for the Cham “was double the death rate suffered by the country’s ethnic Khmer majority,” he wrote, repeatedly using the word “genocide” to describe the atrocities.
In contrast, another foremost scholar on modern Cambodia’s history, David P. Chandler, recommends caution with the Cambodia context.
“Keep the quote marks or add the word ‘alleged,’” Chandler said. Under the UN definition, a genocide of the Muslim Cham will be “almost impossible to prove” as the intent to eradicate them was missing.
“To support charges of genocide against the Cham, some … have pointed to their being made to eat pork, stop saying prayers and cut their hair. This is extreme harassment, rather than genocide,” he said.
As he spoke to GlobalPost, Muhammad Sat’s recollections tended to support Chandler’s point of view. He said the best chance to stay alive — whether for the Cham or for the majority Khmer — was to assimilate as much as possible.
“Anyone who was caught praying would be executed immediately, I think that was the case for us and also for Buddhists,” who make up the majority religion in Cambodia, said Muhammad Sat.
As he talked, he kept returning to the topic of food. He described how large the pots in the camp’s kitchen were, and the handful of rice that would be used to make porridge for dozens.
He doesn’t believe that he was targeted any more than others who came from the city. “They didn’t care who you are. If you prayed, you were executed, no matter if you were Buddhist or Muslim.”
In October, the Khmer Rouge tribunal is scheduled to hear testimony from Cham survivors like Muhammad Sat, as well as members of the Vietnamese community, to determine whether co-defendants Khieu Samphan and Nuon Chea are guilty of genocide — and if the term so widely used to describe the Khmer Rouge’s frenzy is suitable.
In a previous trial, the two were already found guilty of crimes against humanity. For that, they were sentenced to life in prison.
“The convictions earlier this month in case 002 only really covered a very small fraction of the crimes that Khieu Samphan and Noun Chea are alleged to have committed, and it’s critical that the wider issue of genocide be addressed by the next phase of the trial,” said Phil Robertson, deputy director of Human Rights Watch’s Asia division.
William Schabas, an expert on human rights law and genocide who currently heads a team investigating war crimes allegedly committed by Israel, said the new trial in Cambodia “has been driven by a desire to salvage the word 'genocide' so that it can be applied to at least some small part of the Khmer Rouge activities.”
Public and political enthusiasm for the trial, however, remains low.
“I have difficulty understanding the wisdom behind concluding a trial of two very old people with a conviction for crimes against humanity, sentencing them to life imprisonment, and then starting all over with another trial for genocide,” Schabas wrote in an email.
All that and the $200 million that were spent to find justice for the victims matters little to Muhammad Sat.
“I feel indifferent about the tribunal, and I don’t really follow it,” he said.
He does, however, acknowledge that the proceedings might matter more to those who lost family members during the Khmer Rouge.
Muhammad Sat worked as a chef in the cantina, a position that allowed him to steal food and thus helped his wife and two children survive.
“We are Cham, but we were luckier than others,” he said.
Khmer Rouge did commit the genocidal atrocities. And world superpowers and VN were perpetrators on Cambodia.
KR did it on their own accord, it was more of a National Socialist state then a communist one. Most of you talk like how Nazi's denied the holocaust even happen and are happy to blame other country for it. My father survived during the KR era and from his observations, the perpetrators are definitely KR Khmer.
i don't know what they are trying to prove .... do they think that the people who left their bones and skulls behind [in mass graves around the country and even at toul sleng] had nothing better to do with their lives and so they just decided to kill themselves for fun during the khmer rouge reign of terrors ?
let the blame lie where it belongs , the khmer rouge guerrillas killed khmers.... i don't care who ordered the killing , but it was the khmer rouge who carried out the heinous crime.... those who try to put blame on vietnam , why aren't you saying the same about hun sen for ordering the polices to beat up and kill the protesters , after all he is taking his orders from the youns too... why defending the khmer rouge bosses while trying to condemn cyclops for similar action...
Who created and supported the Khmer Rouge ?
Who created and brainwashed the Khmer Vietminh to Kill Khmer?
It looked like Vietnam did all that.
Some of you are idiots. How do you think Khmer Rogue can kill 2 millions of his own people? Pol pot was protecting Khmer from the American bombings and the Viet spies. Half a million Viet were already hidding in Khmer after they won the American war. Vietnam had a million force. When it was the right time for vietnam to invade Cambodia it took Vietnam a week to take over the whole country.
Vietnam created both Laos Communists and Cambodian Communists to fight the colonial powers and White power. I was raised by the Whites so I do know about the White power.
(A typical White elite can memorize, comprehend 10 to 100 times amount of text, codes, work over any Khmer. You can test me on this. Let me represent the White here. White are bigger, well fed, brought up well with superiority mentality.)
Pol Pot changed Cambodian Communists into Khmer Rouges. Cambodian Communists included Khmers, Vietnamese Cambodians, Chinese Cambodians, Cham Cambodians. Khmer Rouges only included Khmer. Only the Khmer Rouge top leaders were allowed to remain Chinese Khmers, but they were ultra nationalist so they were no longer Chinese.
Just read the angry, extreme comments from the Khmer on this forum, you know: What ever you introduce to these Khmer, they will turn into vicious genocidal killer just like their forefather Khmer Rouges.
What is Drushit going on about?
[Some of you are idiots. How do you think Khmer Rogue can kill 2 millions of his own people?]
before you call people ''idiots'' stand in front of the mirror yourself... it is not hard to kill 2 millions people over a period of time...from starvation to diseases to plain stab or chop head off with machetes or just shoot with their guns... you must be one of the khmer rouge descendant for trying to defend their murderous actions , are your parents guilty of this crime against humanity... that is why it riles you up so badly to use insult against others who just want to post their thought and feeling about the situation , all people are entitled to their opinion and belief < NO NEED for belligerent behavior , show some civility if YOU are really a KHMER....you are reinforcing that guy/Drgunzet bad view toward khmer.
Just checked the 2007 International Math Olympiad and see for yourselves, Cambodia team ranked 85th out of 90ish nations while Vietnam ranked 3rd.
This year, only 30 percent 12th grade Cambodian students could pass the national exam. That's pathetic.
Khmer Rouges murdered all the eye-glass wearing intellectuals during 1975-1978. As a result, Cambodian students now day are born without the need to wear eye-glasses. The intellectual genes were mostly gone from the Khmer gene pool.
I used to tutor the Khmer students in school. They were the worst students of all with the lowest learning aptitude. The gap between the Khmer students and other races' students was so wide, I wonder if Khmer is still consider the same human race with other races.
No wonder they are so murderous on this forum, writing incitements for war, killing.
One the first day when Khmer Rouges entered Phnom Penh, several thousand Cambodians were shot on spot for disobeying the evacuation order. In the next several days as the city folks were herded out to the rural area, most hospital patients, the sick, the frail old folks died on the roads totaling 50,000 to 60,000. The falling year, hundred of thousand people died due to poor hygiene, malnourishment, abused, exhaustion. Please, stop blaming the Vietnamese.
Just watch the Khmer Rouges entering Phnom Pnenh in Video clips. It's all Khmer Rouges' fault.
Khmer race is so sick now day. Just read their comments on the forum. Just read the news, statistic of awful crimes, horrific human tragedies going on in Cambodia on the daily basis. I don't see how the Khmer race can compete against the superior Vietnamese race. All you have left now is killing and go violence.
But you know, no matter what you do, about 100 years from now, Vietnamese will completely buy out Cambodia through legal mean and completely own Cambodia. There is really nothing you can do about it.
I am super smart, I actually can figure out a defense plan for you folks, but I will not tell you folks anything. I won't miss you folks at all when you are gone.
before you call people ''idiots'' stand in front of the mirror yourself... it is not hard to kill 2 millions people over a period of time
27 August 2014 12:26 pm
Hey asshole, you dont seem to know your math. How many Khmer Rouge were there when Pol Pot came to power? How many Vietnamese were in Khmer Rouge when he came to power?
Its easy for you to say, "Anyone that blame the Vietnamese are Khmer Rouge offspring" thats why the Vietnamese are still getting away with the invasion and their propergandas.
Fucking asshole you are.
Keep on denying. Vietnam did create Indochina fed, but years ago in the 50s. Khmer Rouge started the purge of killing all KR cadres w/Yuon ties in the early 70s right after Geneva Treaty (73). Vietnam might be your papa but you Khmer grew up killing your own just in the name of Khmer purity. Who used the ax, knife or plastic bags to kill Khmer? In the end, it was Khmer killing Khmer.
[Hey asshole, you dont seem to know your math. How many Khmer Rouge were there when Pol Pot came to power? How many Vietnamese were in Khmer Rouge when he came to power?
Its easy for you to say, "Anyone that blame the Vietnamese are Khmer Rouge offspring" thats why the Vietnamese are still getting away with the invasion and their propergandas.
Fucking asshole you are.
27 August 2014 5:17 pm]
there is no point discussing with low life like you , when you lose an argument just resort to personal attack... if you're so smart why aren't you doing something more constructive like go out there and get a seat in parliament , instead of whining like a mangy dog on this site... there is no doubt now YOU ARE a POL POT /khmer rouge descendant who tries to cover your family sin by pretending to care about those that your families have murdered; you are just an opportunist, a thug who murders people every night , i read about on khmer newspaper.... have a nice life ... with such attitude you will be in jail for killing someone , soon very soon...
28 August 2014 5:47 am.
Hey fucking asshole. If you have any brain in your head, you will use your brain to do research. How about you go out and learn the basic before talking about adult subject. I dont need to prove to you fucking asshole anything. All i want you to do is look into the Pol pot regime and see answer my questions below.
Hey asshole, you dont seem to know your math. How many Khmer Rouge were there when Pol Pot came to power? How many Vietnamese were in Khmer Rouge when he came to power?
Now tell me that your brain is working and that you know Pol pot couldnt have killed 2 millions people without the Vietnamese.
FUCKING asshole.
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