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Saturday, 26 July 2014

Research team on Sino-Cambodianfriendship ties formed

PHNOM PENH, July 25 (Xinhua) -- A joint research team on China- Cambodia friendship relations has been established with an aim to further broaden ties between the two countries, officials said.
Speaking during a meeting with Cambodian deputy Prime Minister and Cabinet Minister Sok An on Thursday evening, Ji Zhiye, visiting president of China Institutes of ContemporaryInternational Relations (CICIR), said CICIR has signed an agreement with the Royal Academy of Cambodia (RAC) to set up a China-Cambodia friendship research team.
"The team, comprised of Chinese and Cambodian researchers, will focus its research on Sino-Cambodian relations," he said.
Ji said he has invited a Cambodian researcher team led by RAC' s President Klout Thida to visit CICIR in September in order to strengthen cooperation and to exchange experience between Cambodian and Chinese researchers.
In addition, he said the CICIR will send Chinese experts to Cambodia in order to work with Cambodian counterparts in the research work on the friendship relations between the two nations.
Founded in 1980, CICIR currently consists of 11 institutes, two research divisions, and eight research centers.
For his part, Sok An fully supported the establishment of the joint research team, saying that research is very important to further develop Cambodia-China relations in all fields, particularly politics, economics and trade.

The Royal Academy of Cambodia was established in 1999. Currently, it has more than 170 researchers.

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