A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 27 July 2014

How [Australia's] Tas Scott touched hundreds of hearts in a Cambodian school

The Head of the Dragon School students show their appreciation for Tas Scott.
The Head of the Dragon School students show their appreciation for Tas Scott.
ORANGE'S Tas Scott will leave a legacy that’s unrivalled in poverty-stricken Cambodian town Siem Reap, after a generous donation helped touch the hearts of thousands of schoolchildren.
Mr Scott’s dedication to the Head of the Dragon School was even recognised by the Cambodian government, which held a special ceremony in his honour, attended by government officials, police, military and students.
“A gold medal of honour was given to Tas on behalf of the Cambodian government and he also received framed awards from the education department. The Cambodian people respect and honour Tas who changed the lives of poor school students in Cambodia,” Mr Scott’s good friend Dorelle Klaric told the Central Western Daily.
Ms Klaric said Mr Scott wanted to make a difference that would not just benefit one child but many, from this generation to the next.
“Tas has always had a heart for Third World nations, he loved to travel to them and he loved experiencing what they had to offer,” Ms Klaric said.
“The Head of the Dragon School in Siem Reap is a school where 2000 children attend. Many children didn’t like attending school simply because it was old, overcrowded, and when the rainy season started the school would often be underwater.
“The flooding of the school consisted of drain water and also the sewerage system overflowing into the school grounds, making them a swamp. The water level would reach waste height on the teachers and because of this children were completely discouraged from attending school.”
That’s where Mr Scott stepped in. 
He unselfishly provided funding for a project to bolster the school, which included 360 truckloads of dirt to raisethe level of the school and a new drainage system. The entire grounds of the school were paved, the sewerage system was repaired and a new garden was installed.

“The entire project took six months to complete from start to finish,” Ms Klaric said.
“Many children who didn’t want to attend the school are now smiling, happy and have reported back to their teachers that they love their school.
“This could not have happened if not for the generosity and love of Tas Scott.”
While the work in Siem Reap will leave a lasting legacy, there’s still plenty of work to be done in the poverty-stricken country according to Ms Klaric.
She said family members Stefan and Theresa Klaric, who went to Orange High School, are both in Cambodia working with needy children and families.
“The school is an ongoing project with toilet doors to be replaced as well as helping the poor out in the villages with wells, toilets, homes and the running of a home and education of girls and women who are considered vulnerable in the society due to poverty and lack of family support,” she said.
For further information or to make a donation, contact Mrs Klaric on 6366 8598 or email her on dk23shambala@yahoo.com.au.

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