A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 6 May 2014

[Vietnamese] Firm ‘evicts’ families ក្រុមហ៊ុនយួនបណ្តេញខ្មែរចេញពីដីរបស់ខ្លួននៅខេត្តក្រចេះ

People implore Sam Rainsy to help them after their houses were demolished/burned and they were evicted from their land by a Vietnamese company named Dai Nam.

Heng Kimheak, a representative of more than 400 families involved in a land dispute, sits in Phnom Penh’s Wat Botum park yesterday after travelling from Kratie province to submit a petition
Heng Kimheak, a representative of more than 400 families involved in a land dispute, sits in Phnom Penh’s Wat Botum park yesterday after travelling from Kratie province to submit a petition. Heng Chivoan
Representatives of over 400 families embroiled in a land dispute with a company in Kratie’s Snuol district travelled to Phnom Penh yesterday to submit a petition calling for the government to intervene.
“In the last few days, the company has hired Vietnamese forces to cooperate with Cambodian armed forces to evict us,” said Heng Kimheak, 50, one of the 35 village representatives that came to the capital.
In a letter obtained by the Post yesterday, a company called Bin Pheurk Rubber Plantation is accused of using vehicles to destroy crops spanning 2,025 hectares, an area that hundreds of villagers call home.
Only 84 families originate from Snuol district, the letter says, while the rest are impoverished migrants originally from Kampong Cham and Prey Veng province.
“Authorities and the company destroyed 266 houses owned by villagers on May 2 and 3,” said Khy Chhay, 58.
District police chief Chan Sokin said authorities were acting in cooperation with judicial police. The company could not be reached for comment.


Anonymous said...

ឃើញទេ យួនវាចង្អុលត្រង់ណា ខ្មែរច្បាស់ជាទឹកភ្នែកត្រង់នោះហើយ គឺ ហ៊ុន សែន ទេដែលធ្វើឱ្យខ្មែររកដីនៅគ្មាននោះ ដើម្បីយកចិត្តយួន ដោយមិនគិតថាខ្មែរវាយ៉ាងណាទេ ហើយឆ្លើយថាខ្លួនគ្មានខុសអ្វីទេ អស្ចារ្យអ្វីម្លេះទេ ហើយខ្មែរណាដែលតវ៉ា ចោទថាក្បត់,ខូចអគ្រប់បែបគ្រប់យ៉ាង ហើយពេលពួកគេនិយាយលើកមកសុទ្ធតែច្បាប់ ដេញប្រជាជនចេញពីផ្ទះ ដុតផ្ទះ សុទ្ធតែត្រូច្បាប់ទាំងអស់ ច្បាប់នេះក៍ល្អម្លេះ ប្រជាជនគឺខុសៗៗៗៗៗៗរហូត។

Kmenhwatt said...

Hired yuon forces to destroyed khmer's homes on khmer's soil? Ah Kwaq really has no power on yuon Hanoi.How do we deal with thing like this? Yuon army came to destroyed khmer's homes on khmer's soil? With cooperated with authorities to destroyed khmer's likelihood (houses & farms &crops) and stealing the land? Uprise! Uprise! Uprise! Fight back,homemade weapons any thing necessary to protect yourself and your families & properties etc. It's disturb me very much to read this article,why don't we stick together and fight back? Please do not give up without fighting back? You all have nothing to lose,every things you got you already lost to this barbaric thieves [yuon] Live once, die once,fight back EYE FOR EYE!.....

Anonymous said...

Everyone stands up and support cnrp. We need every khmer to stand up and fight khmer arm forces, polices, and security forces. Kill all the pro cpp chiefs in the country side. We can't beat youn by fighting because they out numbered us.

Anonymous said...

It's painful and emotional to watch these powerless people crying for help. I'm angry that it's the Vietnamese company that burn Khmer houses and forcibly evict Khmers from their land.