A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Two senior police officers ordered to retire

Give our kids a better deal 
PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) – The King His Majesty Norodom Sihamoni ordered two senior police officers to retire. 

According to a royal decree dated on April 21, Major General Tak Vantha, Sihanoukville police commissioner, and Brigadier General Ley Chanchhay, Pailin police commissioner, were ordered to retire.


Kmenhwatt said...

I though the king is not interfering in polit-sick of Scamafia? How can he order these two old pigs to retire? Why don't the king order the old fart Chea Sick or Old fart Hun Kwaq to retire? Does the king did not sees these trios were old? Ah kwaq,Chea sick,Heng dumb Rin all old fart, use your degree kick them out!... Ah Sdach lye it himself is old,he should retire and move to live in Beijing for good.

Anonymous said...

These two unprofessional ranks buying fake generals. lol. They were probably no more useful to the Youn/CPP needs. This puppet King more than likely got his orders from Youn's puppet PM Hun Sins. This king don't even has powers to determine when to travel abroad. The royals stayed in the palace and pretended they didn't hear millions Khmers called out for helps to liberate our country from Youn's grips. Lol

Anonymous said...

ព្ញុថាសេ្ដច សីហមុនី ត្រូវទៅទស្នកិច្ច ស្រុកបារាំង យកល្អកំុត្រឡប់មកវិញនេះ ជាឱកាសល្អសំរាប់សេ្ដចក្បាលយួន នៅទីនោះហើយកំុឲ្យមានពាក្យយកឡេះថាពួក អាក្បត់ហ៊ុនសែនគំរាមឲ្យធ្វើតាមវា។

Anonymous said...

មិនសំខាន់!ព្រោះ មិនបានមើលឃើញប្រឹងប្រែងជួយដល់ទុក្ខសោកប្រជារាស្ដ្រអីបន្តេចផង!បើប្រទេសខ្មែរគ្មានស្ដេចទេនោះប្រហែលល្អម៉្យាងដែរ ពេលនោះប្រហែលប្រទេសជាតិមិនអាក្រក់ដល់សព្វថ្ងៃនេះទេ