A Change of Guard

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Friday, 16 May 2014

Spokesman: Anti-China protests not allowed in Cambodia

Published: 15-May-14 

Hun Sen and Viet Foreign Minister Nguyen Co Thach signed a treaty in the 1980s.
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Protesters hold banners and shout anti-China slogans during a rally against China in Hanoi, Vietnam, 11 May 2014. About a thousand protesters gathered near the embassy of China in Hanoi to call for an end to 'Chinese aggression in the South China Sea', parts of which are claimed by both countries. Vietnam accused Chinese boats of repeatedly ramming Vietnamese vessels near disputed waters in the South China Sea where China is stationing an oil drilling platform near the Paracel Islands. Photo/dpa

PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) –A Vietnamese association in Cambodia planned to hold protest against China over its deployment in disputed water. 

We will convene a board meeting today to set date of the protest against China, said Sim Chi, the president of the association.

Cambodia authority, however, said that they would not allow the Vietnamese association to hold protest against another country.

“It violates Cambodian laws if the Vietnamese association holds protest against China in Cambodian territory,” said General Khieu Sopheak, spokesman for Ministry of Interior. 

He added that the constitution of Cambodia will not allow foreigners to stage protest against another country in its territory. 

The Vietnamese people are currently protesting against China after the most populous country deployed an oil rig in the disputed South China Sea in what Vietnam considered to be part of its territory. 

About 100 factories suffered damage, mostly Taiwanese and Chinese, according to Vietnamese media reports.

Chinese tourists and investors in Vietnam reportedly fled to Cambodia for their safety following the protests.


Anonymous said...

and now the factory workers are unemployed and soon they will be headed into cambodia to commit crimes with the blessing of their leader and his puppet , the one eye man.

Anonymous said...

យួនវាឱ្យ ហ៊ុន សែន ធ្វើជានៅកណ្តាល មិនកាន់ខាងណាទេ ព្រោះយួនវាចង់ឱ្យ ហ៊ុន សែន យកប្រាក់ពីចិនឱ្យវា តែតាមពិតចិនក៍មិនល្ងង់ទេ ហើយ ចិនដឺង ថា ហ៊ុន សែន មិនអាចគិចពីយួនបានដែរ ព្រោះយួនវាមានល្បិចច្រើនណាស់ ដួនៅពេលមុនដុតរោងចក្រ នៅស្រុកវានោះ វាយកអីវាន់គេចេញអស់ហើយ គឺយួនវាស៊ីដាច់តែម្តង ហើយរោងចក្រទាំងនោះ ថ្ងៃក្រោយរបស់វាទាំងអស់ គឺវាស៊ីខ្សែរលើរហូត តែវាធ្វើដូចជាអ្នករងគ្រោះទៅវិញ ល្បិចវាច្រើនណាស់ គេដឺងថាវាខូចណាស់។

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful. Let the Vietnamese try Chinese. I think the Vietnamese has more chances of winning because the United States of Assmerica is backing the Vietnamese with full support. The United States of Assmerica doesn't really like China and would look for opportunity to challenge the Chinese if China dares.

Anonymous said...

USA already lost to Ah dog eater one time already y help the enemies for