A Change of Guard

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Wednesday 21 May 2014

Sam Rainsy contacts Sar Kheng for talks

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PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald)-- The opposition party leader Sam Rainsy sent an open letter Tuesday to Interior Minister Sar Kheng to resume talks between the two parties to break the current political deadlock.  

"I would like to inform all observers that today [Tuesday] I contacted Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sar Kheng to inform him that CNRP parliamentarian-elects Son Chhay and/or Kuoy Bunroeun will tomorrow contact CPP-appointed negotiators in order to resume talk between the two parties," Sam Rainsy said in the letter. 

"We hope to reach a comprehensive agreement soon in order to break the current political stalemate," he said. 

"The CNRP delegation will come up with a proposal to detail the main points stated in the draft joint statement, which contains principles already agreed upon by the two parties."

The country's deadlock has been lasting for ten months already after the July's general election which handed victory to the ruling Cambodian People's Party led by Prime Minister Hun Sen.

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