A Change of Guard

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Saturday 24 May 2014

International clothing brands to renew talks with government next week

Give our kids a better deal 
PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) -- International clothing brands and retailers including H&M, Gap and Levi Strauss are set to renew talks with the Cambodian government on Monday over the alleged violation of worker rights in the country, an industry source says.

In a report late Friday, the Just-Style website said the IndustriAll Global Union, plus brands and retailers who also include Puma, Inditex, Debenhams and New Look, would meet government officials in Phnom Penh in a renewal of talks held in February this year.

"But IndustriAll claims that, in the past few months, striking garment workers have been 'forced' back to work by the military, workers have been summarily dismissed, and garment factories have issued lawsuits against union leaders," the report said.

Jyrki Raina, Industriall general secretary, reportedly complained of "unprecedented levels of intimidation, violence and a declining respect for the rule of law" since February "which together constitute a grave attack on union and worker rights. 

“The concerted message from global unions and brands to the Cambodian government is clear: political stability and respect for human and worker rights are essential to maintaining sourcing in Cambodia.”

The report said the renewal of talks came after Cambodia was given the lowest possible ranking in a global rights index for union rights abuses earlier this week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

soon very soon the factory workers will be out of jobs... and they can thank their unions for that... in case khmers are not aware businesses have been working on replacing human workers with robots..
here are some quotes , you can click on links to read whole articles

[According to CNN, there will be 10,000 robots working to fulfill customer orders in Amazon.com warehouses by the end of 2014...

Amazon will be using 10,000 robots in its warehouses by the end of the year.

CEO Jeff Bezos told investors at a shareholder meeting Wednesday that he expects to significantly increase the number of robots used to fulfill customer orders.]

[PC World has just done a report on a new warehouse robot known as "UBR-1". This robot is intended to perform tasks "normally done by human workers"...

The UBR-1 is a 4-foot tall, one-armed robot that could make warehouses and factories more efficient by performing tasks normally done by human workers.

Unlike the industrial robots widely used in manufacturing today—usually large machines isolated from people for safety reasons—this robot can work alongside humans or autonomously in a workspace filled with people.]

[According to CNN, restaurants all over the nation are going to automated service, and a recent University of Oxford study concluded that there is a 92 percent chance that most fast food jobs will be automated in the coming years...]

[But now even those workers are having their jobs taken away by robots. For example, just check out what is happening in China...

[ Foxconn has been planning to buy 1 million robots to replace human workers and it looks like that change, albeit gradual, is about to start. ]

link : http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/the-robots-are-coming-and-they-are-replacing-warehouse-workers-and-fast-food-employees