A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 1 May 2014

Hun Sen's relatives and cronies implicated in illegal logging, including tycoon Kith Meng, tycoon Lim Bunna, his nephew Hun Chea and ex-wife of his cousin

Tycoon Kith Meng, tycoon Lim Bunna, tycoon An Marady, tycoon Try Pheap who is a god-brother of Hun Sen's wife and Hun Chea, who is Hun Sen's nephew and Mrs Seng Keang, who is ex-wife of Dy Choch, alias Hun Choch who is a cousin of Hun Sen, are implicated in the illegal logging in Kratie province.
Tycoon Lim Bunna, aka Kna (pictured bottom right), is also suspected of giving a free luxury mansion in Kampong Cham to Hun Neng, Hun Sen's brother.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

រឿងទាំងនោះវានៅលើ មេកាញ់ជ្រូក ទាំងអស់ រីឯ ហ៊ុន សែន វិញខ្លាចមេកាញ់ជ្រូកដូចខ្លា វាចេះតែថាៗទៅ ទេ ហើយគ្មានអ្នកណាហ៊ានប៉ះអ្នកទាំងនោះទេ ព្រោះមេកាញ់ជ្រូកនេះឯង។