A Change of Guard

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Saturday 24 May 2014

Cambodia to provide a safe haven for Thaksin to establish a government in-exile?

Thailand coup: Former leaders Thaksin Shinawatra, Yingluck Shinawatra to establish government in exile: lawyer

ABC News
Ousted Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's lawyer has revealed Thaksin, recently ousted leader Yingluck Shinawatra and other leaders of the sharpening divide in Thailand will establish a government in exile.
Robert Amsterdam says so far there is no identifiable host state but it is believed by Red Shirts that there are a number of nations set to offer a safe place.
Proximity would imply a neighbour state like Cambodia, but it could invite military retaliation and sanctions from an angry and humiliated Thailand.
It is unclear whether any Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) state would risk the association's bedrock doctrine of non-interference to provide a political safe haven for Thaksin and Ms Yingluck.
It could bring down the political order and harmony of ASEAN, a dull but effective piece of architecture that has assisted socio-economic and political development in the region for decades.
The exile government decision is being made just a day after the coup overthrew the government and military rulers detained Ms Yingluck.
Ms Yingluck is among more than 100 politicians being held at an army base in Bangkok, and Thailand's military chief said reforms were needed before an election could be held.


Anonymous said...

if you look deep enough or as they say follow the money trail, you will see that those who want to control the world mainly the zionist banksters group [ the like of the rothchilds , the JP morgan or the bilderberg and etc..which control 90 perecnt of the wealth of this world ] are behind all conflicts around the world and their agent or 3rd hand as the khmers say is the CIA... any national elected leader of any country who refuses to play their game will be taken down ,,, just follow the money trail and you'll see.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Oh Cambodian let Thaksin to form government that mean YUON will come to help than Thailand should know what go to happen when YUON help? Thailand should worry because a lot of people support thaksin is living with the border with Lao and Cambodia. I think is that true Yuon will come and help because it like the window is open for them to take control thailand .