A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 27 May 2014

A gross human rights violation: Thai soldiers brutally beat a Cambodian man who illegally crosses into Thailand to seek work ទាហ៊ានថៃវៃខ្មែចូលខុសច្បាប់


Anonymous said...

Hun sen government never care about that at all. Hun sen burn people house and give land to yuon.What can poor khmer do?

Anonymous said...

Poor Kramer brother, I feel so bad to see other nations did this to you. We will soon get our chances to kill these mother fuckers.
Their country is now killing each other and will get worse. Soon we become prosper and they will be seeking refuge in our country. Til then we will show them our treatment.

Anonymous said...

This is an activitity report on the land concessions based on the fire detected. The activities in the North and North East zones with the Vietnamese land concession are very active:

But look at the number of disputes recorded. The disputes in the North and North East zones with the Vietnamese are very low, to almost non-existent.

You must know this, all the killings, including Chut Wutty's murder happened in the non-Vietnamese zones.

Yet, you folks hate the Vietnamese more. That's your problem. The Vietnamese always tried to rescue your folks, provide a better deal, but you prefer someone else to abuse and kill you. Every year, the Thai rangers shot hundreds of Khmer logger, killed 45-65 each year. Many more Khmer migrant workers died in Thailand from the chases.

And you always hate the Vietnaemse more. That's because the Vietnamese are nice, smarter, prettier and superior. I do not know how much more beating, killing from the Thais, how much more violent abuses, fights in the Chinese land concession would change your minds. You are been tricked by CNRP. CNRP said nothing about the Thais and Chinese. They only focus on the Vietnamese.
