A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 27 March 2014

The kleptocratic family ត្រកូលចោរលួចជាតិ


Kmenhwatt said...

Will be killed by their savior's hidden hands after these idiot were no longer useful for them,yuon secret agents will kill them all,what's goes around come around,what's goes up will come down that is the law of cravity.Hun sen will be killed by his savior;Yuon!

Anonymous said...

Yes they are the thieves of the nation. One day they will have nowhere to live.

Anonymous said...

Devil husband and wife have 4 kids 3 boys and 1 girl they are growing up and their brains look like their parents,because their parents are devil and they just want to kill their own people and they want serve enemy,they born with a devil family so their grant pa rent,father,son or grand children must be devil the next born for this family,one can be good,បីសាចប្ដីប្រ ពន្ធនេះមានកូន៤នាក់ ប្រុស៣ ស្រីមួយ គេទាំងនេះបានធំធាត់ ហេីយខួរ របស់គេក៏មិនខុសពីឳពុកមា្ដយគេទេ ពីព្រោះឳពុកម្ដាយិបស់គេគឺជាបីសាច គេកើតមកដើម្បីសមា្លប់ជន ជាតិឯងប៉ិណ្ណោះ ហើយពូជខ្ញំុគេចង់តែបំរើសត្រូវបុណ្ណោះ ទាំងអស់កើតមកពីក្រូមគ្រួសារបីសាច ជីដូនជីតា ឳពូក កូន ចៅជាបី សាច ដូចេ្នះអ្នកកើតបន្តក្នូងគ្រួសារនេះត្រូវតែបីសាច មិនអាចអ្នកណា មួយល្អបានទេ ។