A Change of Guard

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Saturday 8 March 2014

NGO-CEDAW and CAMBOW- Join statement International Women's Day

Joint Statement

International Women’s Day

8 March 2014

NGO-CEDAW and CAMBOW is a coalition of Cambodian NGOs working for the advancement of the rights of women and monitoring the implementation of CEDAW call for the government to implement the CEDAW Committee Concluding Observations (Recommendations) on Cambodia issued by the UN Committee on CEDAW on October 18, 2013.

January 2014 was marked by the brutal crackdown of peaceful demonstrations held by garment workers and women land activists in Phnom Penh. On January 2nd and 3rd, security forces dispersed workers, killing at least four and injuring 40 persons. Twenty-three persons have been arrested including workers, union leaders and land activists. Two have been released on bail but twenty-one are still detained in the most appalling conditions in CC3 prison. Two of the persons detained in CC3 are staff of NGO-CEDAW and CAMBOW member organizations: Mr. Vorn Pao, head of the Independent Democracy of Informal Economy Association (IDEA) and Mr. Theng Savoeun, coordinator of the Coalition of Cambodian Farmer Community (CCFC).

The persistent crackdown and ban of gatherings by the government shows it is not implementing international human rights norms and standards, including the CEDAW and Concluding Observations.
NGO-CEDAW and CAMBOW urge for the immediate and unconditional release of the 21 persons still detained at CC3 prison. We especially insist the government to fulfill its commitments and implement the CEDAW and Concluding Observations (recommendations) of UN Committee.

Phnom Penh, 7 March 2014

For more information, contact:
Ms. OU Tephalin         TeL: 011 984 883/098 984 883           Email: phallin@cfswf.org
Mr. HENG Sam Orn    Tel: 015 770 120                                 Email: orn_idea@yahoo.com
Dr. Hang Puthea         Tel: 012 959 666                                 Email:puthea2@gmail.com
Ms. Nov Srey Aun        Tel: 077 722 725                                 Email: novsreyaun@gmail.com

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