A Change of Guard

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Tuesday 11 March 2014

CPP official calls on authorities to seize MPs’ number plates from CNRP lawmakers

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PHNOM PENH (The Cambodia Herald) – Senior official from the ruling Cambodian People’s Party called on authorities to take action against CNRP senior member whose vehicles still use fourth mandate number plates, which are invalid.

“I called on the authorities to seize number plates which were out of date,” said Cheam Yeap, Chairman of the National Assembly’s Commission on Finance, Economics and Audition. on Sunday.

Yeap, also member of CPP’s Joint Committee for Election Reforms, said lawmakers of the Cambodian People’s Party had already received fifth mandate number plates, but lawmakers of Cambodia National Rescue Party still use the old number plates.

The National Assembly was ready to deliver the new number plates to the CNRP’s elected lawmakers but they haven’t yet sworn.

The political deadlock in Cambodia has been lasting about eight months after July’s general election, which handed victory to the Cambodian People’s Party led by Hun Sen.

Sam Rainsy, president of the Cambodia National Rescue Party, recently reaffirmed that his party would not join the National Assembly until there was agreement on the holding of a new election.


Anonymous said...

Pro-Yuon/Vietnamese dog eating CPP thieves and low-educated officials are real trouble makers and committing dirty and stupid games.

They (pro-Yuon/Vietnamese dog eating CPP officials and dogs) are dumb and disgusted.

Anonymous said...

Money donated to Cambodia, any fund that suppose to Cambodia, ended up in Vietnamese. I dare those donnor do the investigation to find out the thrueth and that mean also the inflow of illegal Vietnamese...