A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Cambodia's opposition party to rally on Sunday: chief

Sam Rainsy returns from a visit to Australia and New Zealand on 25th March 2013.

Mar 26,2014

PHNOM PENH, March 26 (Xinhua) -- The opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) is scheduled to hold a people's congress on Sunday afternoon at the capital's Freedom Park to consult with its supporters over current political situation, its President Sam Rainsy announced Wednesday.
"We will meet with about 3,000 supporters on Sunday afternoon, March 30 at the Freedom Park to hear people's recommendations over the ongoing political dispute," he said at a news briefing.
"The upcoming gathering is not a demonstration to topple [the government], so don't use this pretext to ban our rally," he said, adding that the party had already submitted a request to the City Hall this morning for the gathering.
Sam Rainsy also reiterated his call for a top-level meeting with Prime Minister Hun Sen to negotiate over the post-election dispute.
Long Dimanche, spokesman for the Phnom Penh City Hall, confirmed that the City Hall has received the CNRP's request for the Sunday's rally, but said that no decision has been made yet.
"We will hold a meeting to consider the proposal," he told Xinhua.
Political row between Hun Sen's ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP) and Sam Rainsy's CNRP has simmered since the July election results showed that the CPP won 68 parliamentary seats against 55 seats for the CNRP.

Complaining about serious ballot-rigging, the CNRP refused to accept the outcome and has boycotted parliament and conducted numerous protests--some turned violent--to demand the resignation of Hun Sen and a re-election.
Hun Sen has said that he would neither step down nor call a re- vote.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ហ៊ុន សែន មិនខ្វល់ទេ វាបញ្ជាឱ្យបាញ់ទៀតហើយ ព្រោះវាថាខុសច្បាប់របស់ឳវា ហើយវាមិនព្រើរោមពីរឿង អាយស៊ីស៊ី ទេ វាថាវាជាដែកជោវាមានសិទ្ធីបាញ់អ្នកណាក៍បានឱ្យតែនៅស្រុកខ្មែរ វាថាបើមិនពេញចិត្តវាទេនោះ ចេញឱ្យអស់ពីស្រុករបស់វាទៅ វាចង់ឱ្យយួនមកនៅប៉ុន្មានក៍បាន ព្រោះយួនស្រឡាញ់វា ម្ដងនេះវាថាវាមកបញ្ជាផ្ទាល់តែម្ដង។