A Change of Guard

សូមស្តាប់វិទ្យុសង្គ្រោះជាតិ Please read more Khmer news and listen to CNRP Radio at National Rescue Party. សូមស្តាប់វីទ្យុខ្មែរប៉ុស្តិ៍/Khmer Post Radio.
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Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Return of Ranariddh? [The return of the lame duck princely politician តាក់ទីងថែមថយ, ទៅហើយមកវិញនៅសល់តែបង]

ចង់ចួលរួម៖ សម្តេចក្រុមប្រែតត្រឡប់មកធ្វើនយោបាយវិញ
ខ្ញុំ សូមប្រកាសជាសាធារណៈថា ខ្ញុំនឹងចាកចេញពី គណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិ ហើយចូលរួមធ្វើនយោបាយជាមួយទ្រង់នរោត្តមរាណរឹទ្ធភ្លាម ប្រសិនបើខ្ញុំអាចត្រូវបានតែងតាំងធ្វើជាប្រធានបក្សថ្មីដែលត្រូវនឹងបង្កើតនោះ។
Prince Norodom Ranariddh speaks to reporters at his house in Phnom Penh in 2012
Prince Norodom Ranariddh speaks to reporters at his house in Phnom Penh in 2012.Hong Menea
Prince Norodom Ranariddh is making a grand return to Cambodian politics with a new party pledging, by its title at least, to bring unity to the Kingdom.
Or so say rumours flying around Funcinpec, the royalist party with which the now-70-year-old won the 1993 election, and a few local media reports that emerged last night.
A high-ranking official at the Ministry of Interior has told the Post that a group called the National Unity Party has asked to be registered as a new political party. A number of Funcinpec officials confirmed they heard about the party and said they believe it is led by the prince.
“I just heard the information that there is a party [that has submitted a request] called the National Unity Party, but I do not know who has formed this party,” the Interior Ministry official, who declined to be named, said, adding he has yet to see the party list.
“I just heard this morning. The officials in the secretariat told me that [they] have seen a [National Unity Party] that has requested to be recognised.”
Nhek Bun Chhay, secretary-general of Funcinpec, confirmed yesterday that he had heard Ranariddh had formed a new party with that name, though he did not know furtherdetails. Two other Funcinpec officials who declined to be named said the same.
Ranariddh’s cabinet chief, Noranarith Anandayath, declined to comment yesterday, while the prince himself could not be reached for comment.
National Election Committee secretary-general Tep Nytha said though he had not heard of the new party, the NEC would welcome the National Unity Party if it officially registers.
Interior Ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak said, however, that the ministry had not received a registration request from a National Unity Party.

Ranariddh, second son of the late King Father Norodom Sihanouk, served as first prime minister from 1993 to 1997 until he was ousted in a coup by then second prime minister Hun Sen.
After being toppled from Funcinpec in 2006, allegedly by Bun Chhay, Ranariddh formed an eponymous party that won two seats in the 2008 election. He quit politics in 2012 and is now president of the Supreme Privy Council to King Norodom Sihamoni.


Anonymous said...

នោះហើយ ។ មិនមាំទាំទេ ចាស់បន្តិចហើយ

Anonymous said...

តេីមានបងប្អូនខែ្មរនៅមានជំនឿចិត្តទៅលេីទ្រមួយនេះទៀតទេ ! បេីខ្ញំុ នៅលេខសូន អន់បំផុតគឺរាណារិត អន់ជាងផៃ សីុផាន ទៅទៀត មេ្ដចខ្ញំុ ថាអន់ជាងផៃ សីុផាន ព្រោះផៃ សីុផានវាព្រោះដេីម្បីក្រពះរបស់វា ឯ រា៉ ណារិត ធា្លប់ធេី្វចៅហា្វយ ហ៊ុន សែន បែរជាក្បត់មិត្តភ័ក្ករួមកម្លាំងជាមួយ រួមកមា្លំងជាមួយ ហេីយដាក់កន្ទុយក្រោមពោះឱនក្បាលទៅនៅបំរេី ពួកក្ប ត់ជាតិ ធេី្វឲ្យវាមានកម្លាំងវាយបំបាក់អ្នកសេ្នហាប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ ហេីយកាន់ ណាចមករហូតសព្វថៃ្ននេះ នេះជាចំណែកមួយយ៉ាងធំដែលធេី្វឲ្យជាតិរលាយ ហេីយពិបាកនឺងបំ បាក់ឥទិ្ធពលនៃពួកចោរយួនឈា្លនពានទឺកដី មកម្ដងនេះមានផ្លូវតែម្យាង គឹអែបអប ហ៊ុន សែន ក្នុងរយៈពេលដ៏ខី្លខាង មុខ ប្រហែលជាហ៊ុន សែនឲ្យចូលមកស្ដារនូវកំសោយនៃ គណជ មា្នក់ ក្រឡេកក្រឡុចដូចឳគេតែមិនឆ្លាតដូចឳ ច្រេីនទុកដាននៅកណា្ដលវាល ឯឳបានបោកប្រជាជនខែ្មររហូតដល់ ថៃ្នសា្លប់ ហេីយធេី្វឲ្យរាស្រខែ្មរយំទឹកភែ្នកលិចវាំង ។

Anonymous said...

i don't have much faith in any of them [ royal family ]

Anonymous said...





Anonymous said...

Oh, No! Not again!

Anonymous said...

At least the prince smarter flexible and knowledgeable than rainsy. Pler pler like rainsy never succeed or can rules anything right. ? His return is a giant of bomb drop on stupid rainsy head. Wasn't that's true. ? Mike

Anonymous said...

ឆេី្លយតបពីមិត្តមា្នក់ខាងលេី អី្វទៅដែលឆ្លាត អី្វទៅបត់បែន ភាពទាំងអស់នេះ គឺជាភាពខំ្ញូគេ អ្នកសេ្នហាជាតិពិតប្រាកដគេមិនយកទេ មនុស្សរបៀបនេះ មនុស្សរបៀបនេះអាចលក់ប្រទេសជាតិងាយស្រួល អី្វ ក៏ហា៊នធេី្វដែរ ហេីយអាចក្បត់មិត្តជាដៃគូរភា្លមៗ ឲ្យតែអ្នកណាមួយហា៊ន ទិពា្ញឧត្តមគតិ គឺគាត់យល់ព្រមភា្លម ហេីយក្បត់មិត្តភ័គ្គដេីម្បីប្រយោជភា ផ្ទាល់ខ្លួន មនុស្សរបៀបនេះជាកាកសំណល់ក្នុងសង្គម មិនអាចកាន់ជាតិ ធំ ដំុបានទេ បេីមានមិត្តយា៉ងនេះសូមមេតា្តជៀសឲ្យឆ្ងាយ គំនិតអ្នកនិយាយ ខាងលេីមិនសមជាកូនខែ្មរមានសណា្ដនចិត្តល្លទេ៕

Anonymous said...

Useless sdach chhkourt. Devastated Cambodia , by listening to his DEVIL father SIHANOUK.

Kmenhwatt said...

Ah Tep Nytha should be killed along ah Em soursdey because of cheating on last July election that causes chaotic to these days.Please don't these thieves didn't get fire!?

Anonymous said...

All these comments , they are all against you MR.useless Prince except the Yuon's dog Mike.
So adieu Mr prince.

Anonymous said...

ឈើពុករុកឈើខ្លឹម ម្ដាយអាខឹមនៅស្រុក
កៀនស្វាយ តើជាអ្វី? ពាក្យបណ្ដៅខ្មែរបុរាណ
កញ្ចិកថ្នាំ កាលណាគេចុកហើយគេបោះ
ចោល ស្ដេចនេះក៏ដូចឈើពុក ដែលមិនអាចឆ្លាក់
ជាអ្វីបានដែរ ដុតក៏មិនក្ដៅ ហុយៗផ្សែងចូលភ្នែក។

Anonymous said...

I think this is the trick of Hun Sen. CPP will be the back of him to attract the supporter from CRNP.

Anonymous said...

If Cambodia has one party, CPP, the opposition will label Mr. Hun Sen as a dictator. But if the opposition only have one party, can I call you a dictator too? Should the people deserve two opposition parties? Now the opposition is acting like a dictator themselves.

The Prince offers a better deal for the people, to take care of the poor. The current opposition does not help the poor, they only want power and fights.

From what I gather so far, the current opposition wants to recreate the might empire and they believe the Khmer people can be incite to dominate Thailand, Laos and Vietnam. I remember reading a quote from Pol Pot, one Khmer soldier can kill 30 enemies.

I am not sure if Khmer are that good at killing, but they are killer alright. If one of them cannot kill 30, then 30 of them can kill one in a mob attack.

Meanwhile the Vietnamese neighbors are winning multiple International Chess championships. Vietnam starts to get more Research, Development centers built with South Korea and Japan. Thousands and thousands new engineers are being hired this year, and many more thousands are being hired next year.

Even the unskilled Vietnamese garment workers are getting automatic raise, more than twice the Cambodian garment worker. Some skilled Vietnamese garment workers are getting $350 dollars a month, almost 4 times over the Cambodian garment workers.

I believe Vietnam will completely rule Cambodia in a couple decade in economic.


Anonymous said...

រា៉ណារិតដាច់យៃ៉មែនទែនហេីយមេីលទៅ បានជាត្រឡប់មកចង់ធេី្វប្រធាន គណបក្សវិពា្ញ គួឲ្យអាណិតទ្រណា់ស ប៉ុនែ្តកាលទ្រង់បានឡេីងធំគាត់េភ្លច អស់កាលនៅសមរភូមិក្ដៅគគុកជាមួយគា្ន ហេីយទ្រង់មិនមានសមត្តភាព ធេី្វធំបានតទេ ព្រោះទ្រង់ល្ងង់ណាស់ ហេីយក្បត់មិត្តភកី្កដូចក្បត់អ្នកតស៊ូ ជាមួយកា្នអពាឹ្ចង សូមអគុណ

Anonymous said...

drgunshit-yegnames, go home and leave the Khmer alone. Go and help rebuild your shitnam first and come back to criticize Cambodia. If your shitnames are so height and mighty why come to work and compete with the Khmer ? Your shitnam is still a shit-hole go clean it first and come to help Cambodia wiil you ? Continue to your dream pipe open if you think the shitnames will dominate Cambodia economy. I've seen a lot of shitnames fish-doctor and rubbish-doctor in Cambodia and soon Cambodia's fish will be healthy and Cambodia will be spect and spane !!! Hail to the the mighty shitnames of the world !!!

Kmenhwatt said...

Yep! They [Yuons]!got to sell their PuzC to get raise due to their lacking of skills,Khmers didn't do that will not get ahead in YIEKCONG'S world.>>>Srey Yuons lok kloum somrab jeat,Sdach Khmers jol ma'shit lok cheat somrab Ka'douy Srey yuons!<<< Sdach; Cheyjatha II, ah Sdach Sihanouk and ah kwaq Sen Hun has one thing in common; Ka'douy Srey Yuon!...

Anonymous said...

You should do a google about Vietnamese yourself. In the last couple weeks I read news about South Korea and Japan are stepping up hiring Vietnamese engineers and researchers in the thousands this year. And they also have plan for next year too.

One Vietnamese software company is increasing their staff from 5,500 employees to 8,000 this year, then to 14,000 in the two following years. That's only one company.

Cambodia has murdered most if not all engineers. The only way Cambodia to have engineers is to invite the Vietnamese over. As you have known, the current Cambodian recent grads were such a low quality, no company wants to hire any of them.

There are now accusations of schools accepting bribery to grant fake degrees to the unqualified students.

I used to tutor Khmer students in school. They are so dumb and slow, way beneath any other races. You folks can measure against me and see the intellectual gap between you and me.

You need to recognized that you are dumb, then find way to improve. First you need to be humble and bow your head down to learn.


P.S. I was born poor and bowed my head down to the rich Whites when they offered help. They even took turns to get up at 7AM in the weekend, drove all the way to my poor neighborhood to bring me home. My job was to be their coolie. I swept the yard, moved earth, tended garden.

The Whites are so rich, they have their own private vegetable garden to grow their own healthy produces. I worked on their vast gardens so I know.

Years of working as a laborer and coolies made me strong. I grew big and tall. And I became smarter too.

My learning speed is about 100 times faster than any Khmer I met depend on the subjects. When it comes to difficult subjects such as Advanced Physics and Quantum Physics, I only need one week to self-learn them. Khmer people will never be able to learn such subject.

I was the Whites' prized student. They sent me to represent the school in many competition. I raked in many honors for the school. In the cafeteria, I always was served with 20% extra food.

But the key was: I admitted to the Whites that I was poor. I am flat out telling them I needed full scholarship to go to school.

You folks need to admit yourselves that you are dumb. And you should ask for help.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know drgunzet I meant dogShit. You not only bowed down but you also bend over. It's in your gene to bow down and bend over for the whites. Just go and read your history. In fact, it's not just you,but your whole ethnic always bow down and then bend over for the for everyone. You Shitnam and seam baboon are famous when it come to bow down and bend over for all the world to enjoy. Please feel proud and continue to teach your children's children to bow down and bend over. We admired your willingness to bow down and bend over. Need I continue with your bow down and bend over.

P.S. please do not for get to send your women to bow down and bend over to all Khmer men.

Anonymous said...

Hey DogShit, since you are so smart I don't need to remind you to send your women to bow down and bend over for us, do I ? I wouldn't be too proud to admit of bowing down and bend over for anybody if I were you. But then again you are a youn and that should say it all is it ??

Anonymous said...

Where are my comments in responds to
drgunzet ?