A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Radio Free Asia: Vietnamese authority torture Khmer Krom political prisoners while imprisoned them in dungeons ពិសេស៖ រឿងយួនធ្វើបាបខ្មែរក្រោម

Read more about Vietnamese mob-killings of Khmer Krom.


Anonymous said...

គេមិនថ្កោលទោសទេ ព្រោះគេមើលមិនឃើញឬមិនធ្វើដឺង តែតាមពិតទៅគឺយួនចង់ធ្វើអីក៍ធ្វើទៅ តាំងពីយូមកហើយ អញ្ចឹងហើយបានជាយួនចេះតែ ធ្វើអីតាមចិត្តនោះ ហើយទោះជាខ្មែរក្រោមស្រែកឱ្យរហែកមាត់ទៀតក៍អត់មានអ្នកណាឮដែរ។

Anonymous said...

Discrimination is bad. All form of discrimination should be condemed. We have to ask the world to look into what Vietam has a system in place discriminated Cambodia, not just limited to Cambodian who live in Cambodia while those who live in Vietnam. The Cambodain ethenic who live in Vietnam has been suffered such as their land were taken illegally, they can not learn Khmer in school, they were not allow to have an organization, no form of communication allow to operate such as Television, News Paper, and they are being disappear that no one know-such a suffering these people are facing clearly because they are Khmer Kompeach Krom. As well, Vietnam who live in Cambodia is pretty much have more right in Cambodia than Cambdoain i.e. in Tonle Sap-the Vietnames have more control over fishing right. At any conflict with Cambodian, Cambodian are being threaten. Now, if those who doubt these informations-we would like crediable organization, prefere UN to do investigation thoroughly. No form of discrimination should take place including Vietnames government and its security apparatus discrimate Cambodian. We call on all form of its secrete agents, millitary, and others form of suppression to leave Cambodia and restore this country as a real independence.

RealKhmer said...

Talking about crime against humanity, other country would go to war against any regime/country its own citizen. just like the Viet went to war with Pol Pot and invaded Cambodia in 1979, when Pol Pot reclaimed the loss of Khmer territories along the border with the Viet and reclaimed Kos Tral Island from the Viet for a period of time. Can Hun Sen gov't dare to fight the Viet just like Pol Pot did.

When Yuon continued to take Khmer lands, torture, imprison, and kill Khmer everywhere. What can Hun Sen do to protect Khmer people and Khmer's land from the Viet???; When Hun Sen begins to stand behind his people and protect his people from the enemy, Viet. We don't to go to war with them. We just protect our territories for our Khmer children for many generations to come, and protect Khmer people from danger, like other government around the globe do, protect their people from harm, and territories.

Anonymous said...

So, where is the fuck of the so called international media. The Mother Fuckers are so fucking bias. Those mother fuckers need to drop dead.