A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Sam Rainsy's speech at the 10th anniversary of Chea Vichea's murder 22/1/14


Anonymous said...

Will we do the anniversary for our hero Mr. Chhutt Vuthy, too. He is our Khmer environmentalist who devoted his life to protect our Khmer forest across the country. So, please don't forget our beloved hero named Mr. Chhutt Vuthy.

May Mr. Chea Vichea rest in peace and so Mr. Chhut Vuthy and our other Khmer heroes.

Khmer Yeurng

Anonymous said...

Chhutt Vuthy is the true hero. He was not involved in any politics. He was simply protecting the environment.


P.S. But then if he did not involve politically, no political group would care about him right? That's sad.

Anonymous said...


Just f**k off. We don't need you here, bastard. Why are you still here.

You have looked down the victims and death of some innocent Khmer people including injury Khmer people during the CPP Third hand crackdown on 2-3 of January, 2014.

How dare you, idiot named -Drgunzet-? We don't welcome you here, bastard. Go to Hanoi communist blogging site.

Your post should be removed immediately by Khmerican Admin.

Khmer Yeurng

Anonymous said...

politically involved or not, murdered him is wrong. If Hun Sen did not involved in the murdered, he at least allowed. Hun Sen seems to get away killing people all the time. He thinks he is untouchable and he certainly get so spoil, not just by those surround him, but by every one else, who killing people to please him.

Anonymous said...

Ah sammram kill chea vichea

Anonymous said...

Ah youn samraincy kill many khmer hero.

Anonymous said...

Yes youn insane rainsy kill khmer

Anonymous said...

I can't understand the last three comments above.

Anonymous said...

If you pretend to not understand ask rainsy himself is his mother youn or not.?

Anonymous said...

Follow me I will lead you to die. That is Sam Ransy leadership. Please find a new way Mr. Sam Ransy.

Anonymous said...

Chutt Vuthy, Chea Vichea and others Khmer who stand up to injustices, foreign occupations deserved to be treat as HEROES. When ever CNRP took powers we Cambodian must create one day of our time as a special holidays for all Cambodian heroes. Right now these hero's families are struggling to live and they need helps now not later. Those peoples that Hun Sen killed are almost always the bread & butter providers to their respective family. Please what ever we can help we must help each others in our struggles to save our race, beautiful cultures of Khmer Angkor, our motherland. DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED BY THUGS AND FOREIGNS BARBARIANS. WE MUST FIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM. NO ONE IN THIS WORLD WILL GIVE A FREE HAND OUT OF FREEDOM.

Anonymous said...

What other ways Mr. Dumbass ?! Oh your ways probably just ignored all the injustices, enviromental destructions, foreign annexation of Cambodia territories, corruptions, election frauds, murdered of Khmers, illegal Vietnamese immigrations by 100,000s !, Foreigners took all jobs from Khmers, illegal land evictions, etc., ect., ect.
Dog will always be dog. They will not change into beautiful dove bird. Peaceful struggles with international pressures is the ONLY ways. We go head to head with these jungle laws ex. Traitors Khmer Rough we will dig our own graves. Lol ! Dumbass.