A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Maps of Cambodia

Maps of Cambodia: Left to right: Angkorian period (11th century), Longvek period (16th century), Cambodia at present and Cambodia in the future.


Anonymous said...

that "?" tell you exactly what it is "?" that is.

on a boat joining Cham on the Mekong River.

Anonymous said...

no point in crying over spilled milk...
the native indian lost almost all their land to the invaders from europe... the mexican people lost plenty of territories to the US ...california.. texas ..new mexico etc...

just try to keep what we have left from being stolen again by the viets and the thais.

Anonymous said...

The only way to stand a chance is all Khmer must be united

Anonymous said...

Stand up and unite won't be happening under Hun Sen grip of power. Hun Sen want to divide the people, so he can easily rules. The smaller he can break them up, the better to pinpoint those people who are challenging to his dominant.

Anonymous said...

Khmer will not stop fighting each other until they all death and lost all land to the foreigner.