A Change of Guard

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Thursday, 7 November 2013

Japan to mint Cambodian coin

Jiji Press

Jiji Press
The Japan Mint said it will manufacture a memorial silver coin for Cambodia to commemorate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

The Japanese agency will mint up to 10,000 of the 3,000-riel coins on behalf of the National Bank of Cambodia for sale mostly to Japanese coin collectors, it said Tuesday.
One side of the coin depicts the Angkor Wat temple complex, while the other side shows a bilateral friendship logo.
The coin will sell for ¥6,000 in Japan with applications set to start Wednesday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What missing is Hun Sen and Bunary's portrait on the other side of the coin.

Do you know that Hun can put his hands in national's budget anytime he likes?

What's the point of putting Ankor Wat as our country's emblem/symbol?,as it is now sold to Hanoi?

True Khmer