A Change of Guard

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Monday 2 September 2013

Ven. But Buntenh discusses about forming an Independent Monks Association

This is our discussion. We need your constructive comments. Thanks for spending times and give us comments.


Anonymous said...

I support you and the association. Thank you.

Justin C. Sok

Anonymous said...

I won't support it. Why? Our country is so small and our people are majority poor, and we have too many monks.

I will support if Khmer Buddhism will be reformed. Our small poor country should not have too many monks. Who are going to feed those monks? Those monks are going to try to get out of Cambodia like coming to the US and gather with our Khmers to create so many temples and then it turns to be Monk-temple business.

Our Buddhism morality declines because we do not follow the Buddhism, we betray the Buddha.

I am sorry I stop supporting Monk-temples business. It is like a cancer or leech sucking blood in the society, with so many scandals in almost every temple in the US. What is going on? Watching sex scandal between a monk and a Khmer woman of Lowell Temple on American TV, and watching Bangkok TV showing two Khmer monks download porn movie on their cell phone, I am shocked and still am.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for speaking on our behalf. Monks think that the whole world owe them, that they have all privileges, that we have to provide them everything because they wear orange robes.
2500's years ago, one person worked can feed the whole village, now everyone must work in the US or all the develop nations where are living under their roofs. We are poor beggars working our butt off to put food on the table and to pay all things we need.

After 800 years under Indian Buddhism, the empire economy collapsed and everything collapsed. Because we had/have to feed a million healthy men who did/do not contribute to the economy of the nation.

How are we going to survive as a nation? Look at wealthy powerful nations, where we are living, eating, shitting in their lands. Are they miserable like us?

Now monks want to organize WHAT? Who are going to pay for them? Thus Scam gets to stop before we Khmers will be sold to the Devils.

I am sorry for speaking up against scam in monks society that cause too much sufferings on Khmers.

Anonymous said...

Ven. But Buntenh is an amazing monk.
Admire your tireless work.

A country in need,a monk indeed.

True Khmer

Anonymous said...

Do you mean this scam gets to stop?

Huhmmm I am so sick and sad to witness Yuon/CPP doing to Khmers.

From what I understand that those million men/boys included becoming monks because of having no future in Cambodia, no jobs.

I think they becoming monks that they may have chances to get educations at outside Cambodia. Some of them may be bad apples in the society, however the majority of monks are getting worse, out of Buddha's teachings. Monks BETRAYING BUDDHA (that is the fact).

Monks in Cambodia today are sent to study in Hanoi (srok Yuon) by CPP/Yuon. All Buddhist temples collecting money for CPP/Yuon.

Buddhism keep declining and soon all temples' doors will be shut down like in Japan.

Khmer Monks many were sold to Satan (devils), and who will suffer? The poor Khmer people.

I don't know what kind of monk organization this Rev. But Buntenh talking about, and I don't care about monks anymore.

I am worried the most that Yuon/CPP spies may be among Khmers during peaceful demonstration.

We have been brainwashed by Buddhism for 800 years, it is time for this cult to go. Without Indian Buddhism, Khmer Nation won't die. Look at nations next to us, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, ..etc. They were Hindu, but not anymore, they are developing far better than us. Khmers were a great nation, under a great empire under Hinduism, until Buddhism invaded in 13th century, Khmers were cursed and still cursed.

Religion Can be changed, but the Nation when lost, it cannot come back or resurrected, may be only Israel state that came back.

Me and all my family members done with Khmer Monks business in the US. I am tied to the scam monks anymore. I help my poor people when I can but not corrupt monks business.

God save Khmers and Khmer Nation.
Good Bye

Anonymous said...

The country needs a good leader like Rainsy, and needs GOD not monks.

Stop brainwashing us, we have suffered for 800 years is too much.

True Khmer must stop scamming Khmers with Buddha's robe.

New Generation

Anonymous said...

Khmer Buddhism must be reformed by not allowing too many gangsters who lack of education properly to becoming monks. Those gangsters (evil monks) will wreck the whole Monk society.

But who the hect will do, if the evil Monks like Tep Vong... are in power. Khmer Monks are under the Devils controlled.

Anonymous said...

Ven But Buntenh speaks the truth. He is a good Khmer.

One thing Rev. But Buntenh misunderstood about Buddhism, because Buddhism does not have Preit or Hell like God/Jesus Christ.

In spite of his misunderstanding the Buddhism, he speaks the truth about the Devils who control Cambodia.

I like him for the courage he has.

Anonymous said...

Please do not blame monks for the economy down turn.Japan and Korea are Buddhist countries,but they are doing well. Most empire or companies collapsed not because of monks but because they were behind others in technology or strategy for example the communist USSR collapsed in 1989 as an evidence,they were the solid force/lean,conceptual society,there were no monk nor religion,yet it come to an end after 70 years of communism.

In our world,if you are a head of the race,you are always in a secure position of your survival for the next 20 years or 40 years,but if you are behind the race you are likely to die or extinct like the Dodo bird.Note: successful family and country don't work hard.That it doesn't mean right,but that how the world work.We are in the rat race.

Rich countries often have more problem if they ignore the balance of spirit: the happiness and the wellbeing of their nations.Rich can be money or culture and ethical way of life.Rich country ,which has so much money and skyscrapers,but lack of talented people such as poets,playwright;writers;artists and of course religious people such as monks and priests won't make those nations happy nation either. Wealth don't have to be money and gold,but it can be freedom and liberty.freedom and liberty can be more valuable than gold and technology don't have to be things/tools,but it can be ideas, or monks don't have to dwell in the pagoda in order to be true monk.

True Khmer

Anonymous said...

Hi True Khmer,

I am sorry I don't know what you mean by True Khmer. Does it say in DNAancestry who is True Khmer or who is not?

Monks are too overpopulated in a small Khmer society, they in fact contributed to the downfall of economy. Japan today Buddhism is dying, if you may not know. Search on Google, Japan's Buddhism is about to be DEAD. S Korean's Buddhism declines because of sore corruption and so is in China.

Don't compare Cambodia with S. Korea and/or Japan, where their societies are helped/supported by the US, and their people are mostly highly intelligent in science. Read the WWII history after Pearl Harbor, the US dropped a Hydrogen bomb on Japan, then Japan was under the US Supreme leader McCathur. S Korea too is under helped by the US. If Buddhism still hold Korea and Japanese, they would have not developed as they are today.

You get to accept the facts that time changes, Indian Buddhism does not work as a state Religion for any nation. It must be going. Khmer Empire was not created by the Buddhist but by the Hindu, his named was King Jayavaraman II (2) not Jayavaraman VII (7). Khmer Buddhist falsified the history, and still do lying to Khmer people making Jayavaraman 7 as a great King? He was the one who closed his eyes allowing Thais to infiltrated into the western region of the Khmer Empire. It was in the history of the WAR between Thais and Chinese.

You Buddhists fighting against God for 800 years, what have you achieved? You betrayed a man (King Jayavaraman 2) who fought so hard sacrificed his life to unite all and built you a Khmer Empire then you dishonored him.

Soviet Communist, German Communist, Poland, Portugal...Communists were collapsed, then read who defeated Communists. A Polish-man who became Pope named Pope John Paul II and President Reagan did it.

Kaun Khmer new generation

Anonymous said...

We Khmers when 1st built the Nation we adopted Hinduism, because the conquerors who built the nation for us were Indians, later we mixed with Mongolians, Chinese...whoever came to trade at along the sea. We were mixed and made us another tribe called Khmers.

A man who was a greatest unifier and a builder of the Khmer Empire named King Jayavaraman 2, he was a real Prince who was in Java's prison. He later returned then built the Khmer Empire. That King worship GOD the creator through Hinduism.

His great empire last about 600 years. Until war between Chinese and Thais. The Thais defeated and migrated into Yunan and down to the western of the Khmer Empire, Thais were already Buddhists thousand years when they had their country. (it is in the history)

Jayavaraman 7 may had known or heard about it, but he ignored or closed his eyes the infiltration by Thais, he only focused on Champa. All of the sudden he adopted Buddhism claimed that it was a peaceful religion. ????

??Did Thais have anything to do inside Khmer Royal Court, that was the reason Jayavaraman 7 changed Khmers thousand years Hinduism to Buddhism? The Buddhism was legally adopted in late 13th century, and never again Khmers ever have peace but collapsed until today like a CURSE, yes It is a CURSE.

Khmer Monks and Khmer people must be taught the real history not a Falsify history by Khmer Buddhists.

Million men/boys enjoyed to becoming monks because they enjoyed to be served to be bowed to them to be fed and lived free.

Buddha said he was not only Buddhas but so many before him and will be many after him (Bio via PBS TV). Buddha said "Don't use me as an object of worshiping". He is not god nor prophet, he was just a man who found Dharma, like many before him.

GOD incarnated to human came to serve washing poor and sick people feet, healing and feeding them, He died on the cross for our sins. After 3 days his resurrection witnessed by at least 500 people.

Until this day he heal, feed and give us love and peace. Does not He feed all of us including you the Buddhists? Yes.

He came to serve, not to be served like monks sitting down expecting people to bow down and feed them. Look at Pope Francis. He washes poor people's feet.

Buddhsim is not Khmer religion nor our culture anything, we adopted foreign religion only. Stop brainwashing us, Google, books unmasked the Buddhists blackmail us for 800 years, and how long this is going to end?

GOD/Christ came to serve us not to be Served. Thank you and GOD Bless all Khmers.

True Khmer who loves and cares for Khmer Nation

Anonymous said...

Christ was the most humble being. He healed, fed, washed poor people including the lepers. His ministry is still on covering the earth until the end of time.

God came to serve us and He is not to be served. We don't need to bow and serve Him, He serves us, He lives among us.

Glory to God the highest, and His Kingdom will have no end. Please God save Khmers and Cambodia from the evils. Amen

Anonymous said...

Madman, read about the Holy Inquisitions
The Church
"Anyone who attempts to construe a personal view of God which conflicts with Church dogma must be burned without pity."
- Pope Innocent III
The Inquisition was an ecclesiastical court and process of the Roman Catholic Church setup for the purpose towards the discovery and punishment of heresy which wielded immense power and brutality in medieval and early modern times. The Inquisitions function was principally assembled to repress all heretics of rights, depriving them of their estate and assets which became subject to the ownership of the Catholic treasury, with each relentlessly sought to destroy anyone who spoke, or even thought differently to the Catholic Church. This system for close to over six centuries became the legal framework throughout most of Europe that orchestrated one of the most confound religious orders in the course of mankind.

Inquisition Procedure
At root the word Inquisition signifies as little of evil as the primitive "inquire," or the adjective inquisitive, but as words, like persons, lose their characters by bad associations, so "Inquisition" has become infamous and hideous as the name of an executive department of the Roman Catholic Church.

All crimes and all vices are contained in this one word Inquisition. Murder, robbery, arson, outrage, torture, treachery, deceit, hypocrisy, cupidity, holiness. No other word in all languages is so hateful as this one that owes its abhorrent preeminence to its association with the Roman Church.

Anonymous said...

The Holy Inquisitions
The Church
"Anyone who attempts to construe a personal view of God which conflicts with Church dogma must be burned without pity."
- Pope Innocent III
The Inquisition was an ecclesiastical court and process of the Roman Catholic Church setup for the purpose towards the discovery and punishment of heresy which wielded immense power and brutality in medieval and early modern times. The Inquisitions function was principally assembled to repress all heretics of rights, depriving them of their estate and assets which became subject to the ownership of the Catholic treasury, with each relentlessly sought to destroy anyone who spoke, or even thought differently to the Catholic Church. This system for close to over six centuries became the legal framework throughout most of Europe that orchestrated one of the most confound religious orders in the course of mankind.

Anonymous said...

The Holy Inquisitions

The Church

"Anyone who attempts to construe a personal view of God which conflicts with Church dogma must be burned without pity."
- Pope Innocent III

The Inquisition was an ecclesiastical court and process of the Roman Catholic Church setup for the purpose towards the discovery and punishment of heresy which wielded immense power and brutality in medieval and early modern times. The Inquisitions function was principally assembled to repress all heretics of rights, depriving them of their estate and assets which became subject to the ownership of the Catholic treasury, with each relentlessly sought to destroy anyone who spoke, or even thought differently to the Catholic Church. This system for close to over six centuries became the legal framework throughout most of Europe that orchestrated one of the most confound religious orders in the course of mankind.

Anonymous said...

Bunch of Madman and gayboy, You're completely mad and blast the peaceful buddhist religion because you're are madly jealous with the prosperity of Buddhism while your bloodthirsty religion is damned. In Europe the churches are empty of the faithful and they are forced to rent them to Islam faithful. Why few are still believe in your religion? because, your religion was bloodthirsty and most of your priest are pedophile..