A Change of Guard

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Friday, 30 August 2013

Sam Rainsy: The mass protests have no links to Sourn Serey Ratha, leader of the banned Khmer People Power Movement សម រង្ស៊ី៖ មហាបាតុកម្មមិនពាក់ព័ន្ធនឹងលោក សួន សេរីរដ្ឋា ទេ


Anonymous said...

I am tired to hear Khmer fight Khmer from Sonando to Sereyrotha and many others pastries.What are they trying to get from a death nation of K.E.W? Who were our real enemy?Yuon and its puppet Cpp thugs! Not Sonando nor Sereyrotha.I am not affiliate with any party,I loved democracy I love to live free without Hanoi interference.I love to see Khmer loves Khmer not kill each other for foreigner like Yuon.Wake up all khmers work together for our survival as a nation as one Khmer,Hun sen and yuon's slave must know that if we don't work together now our nation will be a state of Nam yang part of yieknam like our sister kampuchea krom soon.Why don't we learn from our history? How many more times that we want to see our history repeat itself again and again because Yuon Hanoi? From sdach Cheyjaytha II to Sdach Sinorook [Sihunouk] to Pol Pot and now Hun suck-Cpp [ah yong Yuon] today. Did we learn anything from all of these idiot's leaders? Nothing,we've learned nothing!

Keep on fight each other your country will be Champa or kampuchea krom soon then you'll feel the pain and became minority on your own ancestral's land.Remember yuon's population were approximately 100 millions and Khmer were approximately 15 millions,if Hanoi release 25 millions of its people to live in Srok Khmer now,we( khmers) are minority so what can we do if this senerio is became reality? So please look at the big picture stop fighting Khmer with Khmer work together for the SAKE of our nation's survival.Cpp thugs must be destroyed by any mean necessary,we don't need any more of Hanoi's dogs [Cpp] on our soil.Down with communism Cpp!!!!


Anonymous said...


Agree with your point. You are absolutely right. For us, we support CNRP led by Mr. Sam Rainsy and Mr. Kem Sokha.

We don't like the Vietnamese installed Prime Minister Hun Sen who wants power and gets protection from Vietnamese masters in Hanoi.

Vietnamese dog Hun Sen does not care about Cambodia and Cambodian/Khmer people. That is why we did not like him and his CPP thugs who are criminals and crooks or thieves.

Thanks for your positive comment.

Khmer Yeurng

Anonymous said...

Ah Kmenhwatt!second Hunsen!prous like a dog chkuot, you prous don't want to see Kh fight Kh,but u scorn our King father,u&ur parent will go to hell.We support Mr Raingsi 100% that he does not concern with debauchee,youkong Sereyrotha.Ah Khmenhwatt 2nd Hunsen! look around u! the V will get ur dog'mouth&hand to kill Kh again &again.