A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 4 August 2013

Reality Check: Can the CPP and the CNRP Break this Political Deadlock?

By Khmerwathanakam
      After  heat up exchanges of accusations and threats on each other, the CPP and the CNPR have formally agreed to create a joint independent committee comprising of the two political parties, the NEC, and observation roles from the civil society and the UN in order to investigate the widespread electoral fraud throughout the country. This is the first positive step to calm down the complicate situation after the CNRP and the people across the country have strongly rejected the provisional election results announced by the NEC and the CPP. nevertheless, to break this political deadlock, both parties must show their political will and honesty in order to solve this problem successfully.

The political will of the CPP
-To win this election by all means
-To negotiate with the CNRP for sharing power in the new government
-Reject all foreigner involvements in the electoral inquiry committee while accepted the limited observation role of the UN
-To create the government alone
-Threaten to take away all the CNRP's seats and handle them to other parties if the CNRP boycott the first session of the National Assembly
-Threaten to organize their counter-demonstration against the CNRP's led demonstration
-Call for the people to stay away or not to join the CNRP's protests
-Expect to use maintaining the rule and social orders as an excuse to send the troops to crack down the protesters as had seen in the past.
-Claim to win this election with 68 seats to 55 seats based on their own and the NEC's unofficial data
-Will create the same old government like the current one as we have already witnessed over 20 years

The political will of the CNRP
-To win this election by the will of the people as we already have witnessed
-Reject the provisional results announced by the NEC and the CPP
-Demand to create an independent inquiry committee including the two parties, the NEC, the civil society, the UN, possibly the US and the European Union to investigate the widespread systematic electoral fraud committed by the CPP and its controlled NEC
-Reject negotiation with the CPP to create government or to share power until all voting irregularities have been addressed and solved
-Threaten to mobilize the nationwide protests against the electoral fraud if their demands have not met
-Threaten to boycott the first session of the newly  elected National Assembly
-Claim their election victory based on their own data throughout the country at least 63 seats to 60 seats before all irregularities will be addressed
-Will create the most democratic and transparent government in the country's history

     If the two parties have no political will to compromise, the political chaos and bloodshed will happen in the near future. All Khmer leaders must learn from their past lessons and experiences and try to solve all these problems in responsible and peaceful manners. Both sides must be willing to make a painful concession to each other in order to avert our country from falling into the same current situation in Egyp and the 2010's situation in Thailand. Now we have seen a small glimpse of hope that both parties have agreed on the joint committee with the NEC and the observation roles from the civil society and the UN to investigate all irregularities in this election. This is a big step forward from both parties to help pave the way for peaceful solution on this election disputes. But the fruitful result from this investigation depending on the political will and honesty from both parties. Otherwise this joint committee is just the rubber stamp of the current NEC that totally has lost trust from all parties and the people. And eventually, the country will drift into an unforeseen future.


Anonymous said...

The answer is "NO"
Khmer has never had a track of history of solving their own political different problems peaceful way.

They can solve only after bloodshed and International community step in.

Anonymous said...

The CPP is Khmer?
Ah Hun Sen is Khmer?

Think again ah Khmerwathanakam!!!

If ah Khmerwathanakam thinks that ah Hun Sen and CPP is Khmer, then ah Khmerwathanakam is dumber and stupider than any Khmer living soul could have ever imagined/thought!!!

The CPP's era is over!
Hun Sen must go!
The world said so already!!!

Anonymous said...

Khmer People now have no guns/weapons.
Hun Sen CPP had completely disarmed Khmer population long ago!

Bloodshed or any armed conflict can only be provoked and carried out by ah HUN SEN Viet-controlled armed-to-the-teeth army and security guards...

Is Khmerwathanakam naive or does it have any other ulteriormotives???

Anonymous said...

I agreed with you. The CPP main weapons is FAKE NEC. CPP/YOUN had perfected the electoral FRAUDS. They had planed this frauds long before 28th July 2013. When General Election arrived CPP/YOUN DIDN'T ACCOUNTED OF KHMER POPULATIONS REVOLTED AND GAVE CNRP VOTES. Even NEC cheated for CPP the CNRP still WON.

If their FAKE NEC strategies didn't work they will use corrupted RCAF plus Viet Congs to spill Khmer's blood in the name of THE STATE OF EMERGENCY OR MARSHALL LAWS. I pray thing don't lead up to violences. Hope
U. S. A, EU, ASEAN not just pay lip service and let this opportunity get away. I appeal to these countries PLEASE HELP CAMBODIAN PEOPLES TO GET A REAL FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY. I appeal to these countries PLEASE FIND JUSTICES OVER ECONOMIC INTERESTS WITH SCAMBODIA AND VIETNAM.

Anonymous said...

NO, everyone know hun sen attitude when itcome to power. He wants all the power by himself.

Anonymous said...

No, hun sen is not going to be honest. Hun sen will do what ever to keep his power [cambodia strong man with all the power in his hands, the police, the military police, the military, the court, etc] , and he doesn't care how many cambodian die as long as he has Cambodia in his control. Hun sen is force to play a nice roll for the United nations, the United States, and the European Union to see. Hun sen was also one of the mastermind behind all the national election irregularities.

Hun seen working with cnrp to find a resolution for the people of Cambodia and resolve all the irregularities is a joke! Hun sen will not step down, he'll try to buy as much time as possible playing a newly elected prime minister roll and finding out if the world support him.

He'll kill and intimidate cnrp supporters one by one in the country side as the international communities following the investigation committee into irregularities being formed.

CNRP and supporters, please always have your guard up and be vigilance at all time. Hun sen and his clan will kill you one by one until cnrp falls apart.

Anonymous said...

When CPP is strong but an irritating opposition exits, CPP may wish to negotiate the opposition into surrender under the guise of making "peace".

When the opposition is strong, and CPP is threatened, CPP may seek negotiation in order to salvage as much of their control or/and wealth as possible.

In neither case should CNRP help CPP achieve their goal.