Khiev Kanharith posted fake or false information on facebook that CPP won, but CPP has lost the election with 60 seats (cheating) compairing to CNRP with 63 seats or more of 123 seats.
CPP cheated with ghost votes, illegal Yuon/Vietnamese votes, suspects of Yuon/Vietnamese votes twice, and cheated by erasing or deleting the names of more that 1.3 millions Cambodian/Khmer voters on list.
latest resulted,
cpp=68seats, vnrp=55seats
back in old time, khmer never loved each other,
that is why, khmer lost vast of lands to its neighbor,.
from khmer empire to khmer shit..
don't u be proud ???
1 August 2013 10:41 am,
Khiev Kanharith posted fake or false information on facebook that CPP won, but CPP has lost the election with 60 seats (cheating) compairing to CNRP with 63 seats or more of 123 seats.
CPP cheated with ghost votes, illegal Yuon/Vietnamese votes, suspects of Yuon/Vietnamese votes twice, and cheated by erasing or deleting the names of more that 1.3 millions Cambodian/Khmer voters on list.
cpp=68seats, vnrp=55seats is very fake!!!
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