A Change of Guard

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Sunday, 16 June 2013

Press Release

Dear All, 
Cambodia Watchdog Council would like to invite local and international reporter to taking part in the press conference at Cambodian Independent Teacher's Association (CITA) office at # 25 QEo, Street 173 Sangkat Tuol Svayprey I Khan Chamkarmorn Phnom Penh. The topic of the press conferent is " Cambodia Rights to Claim Land and Iland(s), especially Koh Tral ". The conference will be held on Monday, June 17, 2013 at 10:00 AM.

I, Cambodia Watchdong Council honor to inivite you the Press Conference.

More information please contact:
Rong Chhun, 012 93 07 06
Secretaruat of Cambodia Watchdog Council


Anonymous said...

Kampuchea Krom and Kos Tral must be freed and returned to Cambodia. There will be no peace.It's our motherland,It's our soul!.Viet has no history in this region. Hanoi is an invader,we must stop this madness.

Israel lost her motherland for 2,000 years,they are now have it all back and even become a stronger nation on the planet. Kampuchea Krom and Kos Tral had never been approved by and Khmer kings before and it has been taken illegally for just 64 years,with the collaboration of the French,which believed that Viet would allowed it colony to remain in Indochina without a fight,to save french lives.It was a French's bribery that cost Cambodia a large chung of teritory both from the east and the west borders.I am sure Viet would feel the same if they have to endure all of these injustice. They would kill us to get their property back. This is a matter of being in the right side of law/righteousness.

Our motherland is our property;our history;our identity and most of all it is our dignity.

Let's live and die like our ancestor/True warrior.

True Khmer

Anonymous said...

Frankly, under international laws, I don't think we have a chance to reclaim back Koh Tral at all because it has almost become a fait accompli. However, I'm happy that the opposition party is willing to try to reclaim it by taking the issue to the international court. The case has some merits. Hope the opposition will follow through with its promise.