A Change of Guard

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Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Google Launches Data Storage Service in Khmer

Two months after launching its Khmer translation service, U.S. In­ternet giant Google announced yesterday that its online storage service, Google Drive, is now also available to Cambodians in their native language.
“From today, Cambo­dians will be able use Google Drive in Khmer as part of a global launch of 18 new languages of the free online storage and collaboration service,” Amy Kunroj­panya, head of Google communications and public affairs for the Greater Mekong Sub-Re­gion, said in a statement. 
Google Drive is a free online storage service for Goo­gle users to create and share documents with each other.
The service also works offline. Ms. Kunroj­panya said she did not know how many Cam­bodians use Google Drive, as Goo­gle does not break down by country the number of people using its services.
She was also unsure when or if Google planned to launch more of its services in Khmer.

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