A Change of Guard

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Friday, 14 June 2013

CNRP in Prey Veng this Thursday, June 13 -- a crowd of 7,000 attended the opposition's public forum to demand change!​ មនុស្ស ៧០០០០ នាក់នៅខេត្តព្រៃវែងចូលរួមក្នុងវេទិការបស់គណបក្សសង្រ្គោះជាតិដើម្បីប្តូរមេដឹកនាំ

ផ្លាស់ប្តូរ! ផ្លាស់ប្តូរ! ផ្លាស់ប្តូរ! ផ្លាស់ប្តូរ! 

CHANGE!  change! CHANGE!  change!  CHANGE!

Cambodia National Rescue Party:


Anonymous said...

these 7000 rallies, to demand change on Ken Sokha party,,

go go , to change Ken sokha,, party
to vote him down,,

we, all need justices for #2 wife

khmer in overseas asks for justices for #2 wife family..

Anonymous said...

To 4:35 am

You are trash !!!

Mr. Khem Sokha is a Khmer hero who with Mr. Sam Rainsy will rescue Cambodia and Cambodians from evil Yuon.

Anonymous said...

To-->14 June 2013 4:35 am, shut up and stop barking you Vietcong pimp! Now you better find a hole to hide or go back to where you belong!

Anonymous said...

34 years of dictator Hun Sen is enough. He is corrupt, he killed too many people, he killed his mistress Pisith Pilika and he is a puppet of Vietnam, so please change him.

Anonymous said...

These are the products of Hun Sen's Quick Reaction Units :
First they made the Ayai of Mr Sam Ransi & Kem Sokha
Then they bought Kem Sokhon to defame his brother
Then they edit Kem Sokha voice to incite Chum Mey to lead the protest
All of the above plans were failed
Now the new scandal popped up , it does not work either because Khmer Young
voters are not gullible - According to the so called #2 mistress account , Kem Sokha
and she had broken up for sixteen (16) years . Why she just shows up to interrupt
CNRP meeting for family support , during election campaign ? Even a kid in grammar school can figure out that CPP is using the poor lady . Seeing that CNRP is still gaining
more supports , the CPP is resorting to use more & more violent action against the opposition ... Kem Sokha bravery is greatly appreciated . សុី ភី ភី ល្មមឈប់ដេកសុីគុណ ៧ មករា
ទៀតហើយ ។ ៣៤ ឆ្នាំគ្មានអីអួតក្រៅពី ៧ មករា សោះ ជំពាក់ចិនរុំកោះ អស់ទាំងត្រី ទាំងព្រៃព្រឹក្សា សេដ្ឋកិច្ច និងវាសនា ផ្ញើរលើពួកអុកញ៉ា
រាស្ត្រខ្លោចផ្សារគ្រប់តំបន់ ....។ល។


Anonymous said...

8:26 am. You are right. AH Hun Sen is using every tricks he can to kill Kem Sohka. But Kem Sokha is alive and strong.

When Kem Sohka wins, Ah Hun Sen will be killed by the Vietnamese.

Anonymous said...

by 2015- there are no viet/youn any more, stop fooling around yourself, CAN'T fool me either,

BY 2015 ASEAN ,WILL BE 1 MEMBER, 1 REGIONAL. it will open sky for all peoples, so so nice,,,

Anonymous said...

12:54 pm. You are right. By 2015 Vietnamese will return all land back to the Khmer people. Then Khmer Krom will be united by Khmer Kondal. By 2015, Hun Sen will also be killed. Cambodia will be at peace when Cambodia become 1 Member.

Anonymous said...


LIFE be better by 2015..

Anonymous said...

KS, spent $500 for girl under age
such stupid leadership,

goes to hell KS ,,,