A Change of Guard

សូមស្តាប់វិទ្យុសង្គ្រោះជាតិ Please read more Khmer news and listen to CNRP Radio at National Rescue Party. សូមស្តាប់វីទ្យុខ្មែរប៉ុស្តិ៍/Khmer Post Radio.
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Friday, 14 June 2013

Cambodian PM urges citizens to stop protests against opposition leader [Hun Sen's words are so magical: When he said protests against Kem Sokha will hapen, it happened and when he said protests will stop, it stopped] លោក ហ៊ុន សែន មាត់ទិព្វមែន ពេលគាត់ថាបាតុកម្មនឹងកើត គឺបាតុកម្មកើតឡើងមែន ហើយពេលគាត់ថាឲ្យឈប់ធ្វើបាតុកម្មគឺបាតុកម្មឈប់មែន

PHNOM PENH, June 13, 2013 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on Thursday urged protesters to suspend demonstrations against Kem Sokha, vice-president of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), for his alleged denial of crimes during the Democratic Kampuchea, or Khmer Rouge regime.

"I'd like to appeal to protesters to suspend demonstrations against him at least until the general election (on July 28) in order to ensure the smooth atmosphere during the one-month election campaigns," the premier said during the inauguration of the new headquarters of the National Olympic Committee of Cambodia in Phnom Penh.

He also advised local authorities not to give permission to anyone who asked to protest against Kem Sokha before the election.

Last Sunday, a nationwide protest, organized by the association of Khmer Rouge survivors, was held to demand Kem Sokha to apologize for his alleged denial of crimes committed at the notorious Tuol Sleng prison during the Khmer Rouge from 1975 to 1979.

The ex-prison was the main torture center during the regime, and around 14,000 people were killed at that detention center.

In February last year, the Supreme Court Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia sentenced former chief of Tuol Sleng prison Kaing Guek Eav to life in prison for overseeing the deaths.

However, Kem Sokha said that he would not apologize upon the protestors'demand because he had not denied the existence of the atrocities committed during the regime.

He said his audio-recorded remarks had been edited in a misleading fashion to cause turmoil ahead of the election.

Kem Sokha's alleged remarks prompted the National Assembly of Cambodia to pass a Law on the Denial of Crimes Committed during the Period of the Democratic Kampuchea on Friday.

Under the law, individuals who deny the existence of crimes committed during the regime will be jailed from six months to two years and fined between 250 U.S. dollars and 1,000 U.S. dollars.


Anonymous said...

Ah kwak flip flop floppy like Bunrany body-parts her belly that is.....Ah kwak incited the protest for his political's gains and for his boss Hanoi's agendas to cover up the crimes they committed against Khmers people during occupation illegally from 1979-1989 with Cpp Hun sen regime.

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំសប្បាយចិត្តព្រោះខ្្ញុំមានសិទ្ធបោះឆ្នោតជាលើកទី១ ខ្ញុំនិងមិត្តភក្តិនៅវិទ្យាល័យជាច្រើនយល់ថា
អុំៗ តាៗ មានគុណរំដោះប្រទេសជាតិចេញពីរបបប្រល័យពូជសាសន៍ប៉ុល ពត ហើយអុំៗ តាៗ ក៍
មានបានទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិ និងដេកសុីគុណ៧មករានោះអស់រយ:ពេលជាង៣៤ឆ្នាំមកហើយ រហូតដល់
អស់ទឹកដី ព្រៃឈើ ត្រីសាច់ ខ្មែរ ។ អ្នកជំពាក់គុណ ៧ មករា ចាស់ជរាអស់ហើយ មួយភាគធំក៍
ស្លាប់បាត់អស់ទៀត ។  ពួកខ្ញុំយល់ថា ជាអំពើអយុត្តិធម៌មែនទែន ដែលអុំៗ តាៗ ទាមទារគុណ
៧ មករាពីពួកយើងខ្ញុំដែលទើបតែកើត ក្រោយសម័យគ្រាប់ផ្លោង ។ 
ពួកយើងខ្ញុំនឹងបោះឆ្នោតឲមេដឹកនាំណាដែល ចេះរក្សាទឹកដីខ្មែរ ព្រៃឈើ មិនពុករលួយ អាចផ្តល់ការងារ និងអប់អំល្អ មានឱកាសស្វែងរកអនាគតល្អគ្រប់ៗគ្នា ។ រឿងខ្មែរក្រហម ហាក់ដូច
ជាពុំសូវទាក់ទងជីវភាពរបស់ពួកយើងខ្ញុំដែលបច្ចុប្បន្នជាកូនអ្នកក្រនោះទេ ។

Anonymous said...

11:22 pm, លោកនិងមិត្តរបស់លោកយល់ច្បាស់
អំពីផលប្រយោជន៍ជាតិពិតប្រាកដ្ឋ។ ខ្ញុំរស់នៅបរទេស
ធ្វើការផ្លស់ប្តូរមេដឹកនាំជារៀងរាល់ ៣ ទៅ ៤ ឆ្នាំ

Stone said...

ស្មារតី 7មករា អមត ។

Anonymous said...

Yeah right! Abusing power ah kwak kbal Yuon kloun chhkae,stop abusing your own people,respect human rights ah ngop tai horng!..

Anonymous said...

ah chkae Hun Sen also said that only he can burn down Sihanouk with fire. When his son, Sihanomoni tried to burn him the flame was put out.

But when Hun Sen tried to burn Sihanouk, a magical force sorrounded Hun Sen that the stick lite up with fire and struck down Sihanouk surprising everyone who stood by.

Anonymous said...

cambodian peoples are much much better to listen & follow thier leader,,
very good democracy country, more understandable on their leaders,

it good peoples & obey thier leaders..

Anonymous said...

Only dumb people fellows their leaders without knowing what their leaders did to their fellows citizens,dumb khmers in kampuchea follows Hun sen blinded despite the x-killer K.R Hun sen took away their land and destroyed their home,killed their citizens if their citizens disagree with their leadership Hun sen had done just that in the past 29 yrs that he was putting in power by his boss Hanoi.Hun sen still destructs,destroys our country for his boss Yuon Hanoi til this day,with the government like that smart people will not follows them,only dumb foes,ignorant thugs like Cpp Khmers today that follows tyrany leader like Hun sen.

Yobal Khmer

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

stop fooling ur self,
in 2015 ASEAN will sky with good heart for all kinds of peoples..

in fact, viet/youn are much smarter than u ...

Anonymous said...

ចាប់តាំងពី ៧ មករា ១៩៧៩ យួនក៏បាននិយាយអញ្ចឹងដែរ តែដោយកម្លាំងខ្មែរតស៊ូ ដេញយួន និងសំពាធពីសហគមអន្តរជាតិ
យួនក៍ដកទ័ព ឲខ្មែរមានសេរីភាពឡើងវិញ ។ ក្រោយមកដោយសម្តេចតាសីហនុ អាណិតក្រពើ សុី ភីភី ដែលជិតស្លាប់
ក៍សង្រ្គោះ ឲមានកម្លាំង ហើយក៍រមិលគុណ ចង់រំលាយរាជវង្ស នាំយួនចូលស្រុកវិញ ក៍បំភ្លេច២៣ តុលា  លើកស្ទួយ៧ មករា
ឡើងវិញ រហឍូតមក ។ តែមិនអីទេ កម្លាំងតស៊ូខ្មែរ មិនសាបសូន្យ ហើយ សហគមអន្តរជាតិក៍មិននៅស្ងៀមដែរ  ឆាប់ៗ
៧ មករា នឹងសាបសូន្យជាថ្មី និង លែងត្រឡប់ ជារៀងរហូត ។ ខ្មែរមិនបណ្តោយឲលេខ៤ នាំយួនចូលស្រុកតទៅទៀតទេ
គឺច្បាស់ជា " មិនបួន ឲ យ៉ោះ " ទៀតទេ ។ ល។


Anonymous said...

៤ ឲ យ៉ស់ គឺ ៤ យ៉ាន

Anonymous said...

Oh my God ! What a pity ! អញ្ចឹងបានជាអាយួនរើសអេតចាយ និយាយថា :  បណ្ឌិត សីុភីភី ៤ មិនស្មើ យួន
ឡប់១ ។ ខ្លួនអត់សមត្ថភាព និងស្មានថាអ្នកផ្សេងក៍អញ្ចឹងដែរ ។  កូនចៅហុ៊ន សែន វាតែបុ៉ណ្ណឹង បើខ្លួនអត់សមត្ថភាព តវ៉ា
យកកោះត្រល់ វាទៅជាស្អប់អ្នកទាមទារទឹកដីខ្មែរពីយួន ទៅវិញ ....( ជួយក្តារម្ឈូស ? ) .