By Khmerization
Mr. Sin Chanchhaya, son of legendary singer Sin Sisamouth (pictured), said he knew the face and the name of the person who ordered his father killed, reports Khmer Express News.
Sin Sisamouth, legendary singer from the 1960s and 1970s, disappeared without a trace during the Khmer Rouge regime, presumed executed by orders of the Khmer Rouge leaders who ruled Cambodia from 1975-1979. But no one knew who gave the orders.
However, Mr. Sin Chanchhaya recently said that he knew the face and the name of the person who ordered the execution of his father. He said that person is living freely today.
Sin Sisamouth, legendary singer from the 1960s and 1970s, disappeared without a trace during the Khmer Rouge regime, presumed executed by orders of the Khmer Rouge leaders who ruled Cambodia from 1975-1979. But no one knew who gave the orders.
However, Mr. Sin Chanchhaya recently said that he knew the face and the name of the person who ordered the execution of his father. He said that person is living freely today.
I've a heard rumor that Mr. Sin Sisamouth's voice and his romanically entrancing musics won the heart of one of King Norodom Sihanouk's daughters, Princess Bopa Tevi, I think. Anywho, her father didn't like the idea of a royal princess fell in love with a common man. So, that could be a clue to who killed Mr. Sin Sisamouth. Also, in early 1970's Mr. Sin Sisamouth's musics were more political, therefore; he may had upset a few politicians and when opportunity was given, he was killed.
I don't believe that the person that Sin Chanchhaya mentioned is Sihanouk.
However, whoever ordered the execution of Sin Sisamouth must tried and put in jail. Sin Sisamouth was just a singer, he never played politics, so his killing is not justified and is a crime. He is irreplaceable as more than 30 years after his death, there is no one that can rival his voice and his musical talent.
Arrest the bastard(s) who ordered his killing and jail them.
Sin Chanchhaya should reveal the name of the murderer(s) now!
Grand father SIN SISAMUTH was just a common singer. About whatever he sang were encouraged and caused by leaders of each regime and composer. He didn't mean to hurt anyone. Most Cambodian people love to listen to his songs evenif some songs trended to political purposes. I presume the execution of him to death was personal issues or a small group of people who were in SIHAKNOK's regime, which Mr. SIHAKNOK's order or heart was to serve and please north VIETNAM inside Cambodian territorial integrety and so so. After Sihaknok with support of Vietnam and PolPot recaptured the country from LON NOL, it was a best opportunity and high prioriy to destoy Cambodia from Vietnam by killing students, Lon Nol's officers who were under America, and some thoughtful Cambodian, included SIN SISAMTH which considered to be a thoughtful person. Killing innocent Cambodian people as many as Vietnam could do is the best goal for neigboring Vietnam and Thailand to be a part of their countries. I don't suppose grand father SIN SISAMUTH was executed by his own blood nation, if so. Only his own blood nation (Cambodia) was ordered or threatened to kill him by someoneelse, who was not Khmer because it was reasonable that so many Cambodian people were killed during dictatorial Pol Pot's regime, including businessman, government officials, rich persons, foreiners, thoughtful and evenif a singer who sang a song for people motion. Why Pol Pot didn't let SIN SISAMUTH survive so that he might sing some national songs which encouraged their people to support his nation's leader, like LON NOL?
Wish Mr. CHAN CHAYYA will decide to file a complaint to seek the person, which he claimed that he knows his name and face and he is living freely today, to explain clearly about SIN SISAMUTH's execution!!!!!!! Why, when, how and where he killed SIN SISAMUTH?
Roun Battambang
Yes, I want Sin Chanchhaya to reveal the person who killed Sin Sisamouth because the person can shed some light of why, when, how and where he killed SIN SISAMOUTH, so the mystery can be solved.
Roun Battambang and 1:00pm I agree with you both. The murdering of Sin Sisamouth was not some random coincidences. There was some sort of political motivation behind it all. Sin Sisamouth was a high profile music star. With his talents, he had generated many loyal fans and followers. His talents were being exploited as an instrument for political purposes. I wouldn't doubt of the political influences in some of his politically charge songs in the early 70's.
Beside Sin Sisamouth, there were countless other famous Khmer pop-culture artist of the 60's and 70's that were killed off in the name of revolution. Sometime, I doubt if Khmer has the heart to kill their own heart and sold. Only the one who do not wish Khmer to have heart and soul would kill a fellow Khmer.
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