A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 3 September 2008

World Bank appoints new country manager in Cambodia

PHNOM PENH, Sept. 2 (Xinhua) -- The World Bank has announced the appointment of Mr. Qimiao Fan as Country Manager of the World Bank Country Office in Cambodia, said a press release received here on Tuesday.

Mr. Fan's appointment is effective Sept. 1, 2008, it said.

Mr. Fan, a Chinese national, joined the World Bank in 1991 through the Young Professionals Program and worked as a country economist on Russia during the crucial years of Russia's early transition, the release said, adding that he also worked briefly in the World Bank's Africa Region and Investment Department.

In early 1998, he took leave from the Bank and went to work as a senior executive in the private sector in China, before returning to the World Bank in late 2002, it said.

Mr. Fan is currently a Lead Economist and Program Leader for the Investment Climate Capacity Enhancement Program and the Public-Private Partnership in Infrastructure Program at the World Bank Institute, it said, adding that in this position, he has developed and implemented a number of innovative capacity building programs focused on regulatory reforms in challenging country environments.

Prior to joining the World Bank, he worked at the London School of Economics in England and at the Jiangxi Institute of Finance and Economics in China, it said.

With over twenty-two years of work experience with the World Bank, the private sector and academic institutions, Mr. Fan brings a unique combination of strong analytical skills on development issues, World Bank operations, and private sector management experience to the position, it added.

Editor: An

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