A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 3 September 2008

No honest person or institution is stupid enough to recognize the results of a sham election

Today the CPP-controlled National Election Committee (NEC) proclaimed the "official results" of the July 27, 2008 national election that was manipulated on an unprecedented scale by Cambodia's ruling party. But no honest person or institution is stupid enough to overlook the massive election fraud and to recognize the results of a sham election.

The European Union Election Observation Mission (EU EOM - Cambodia) in its July 29 statement points that "2008 National Assembly Elections have fallen short of a number of key international standards for democratic elections."

The Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) has been collecting worrying evidence of election fraud since Voting Day and every day brings more proof of electoral fraud of national scale.

Even though, compared to previous elections, fraud in 2008 took on a more sophisticated and more subtle form, serious long-term observers were able to detect it, especially fraud related to manipulation of voter lists which took place before Voting Day and outside the polling stations.

We have been gathering an ever increasing amount of evidence of such manipulation of voter lists, which we have published on our website http://tinyurl.com/4eegak . The evidence presented is largely what inexperienced short-term observers could not see in a sophisticatedly rigged election (See our July 29 statement: "What [naive and lazy] election observers did not see in a rigged election").

Our Web site http://tinyurl.com/4eegak is updated on a daily basis and provides more and more irrefutable evidence that the July 27, 2008 was really a sham election.

The countless and various irregularities exposed on our Web site http://tinyurl.com/4eegak do not reflect isolated and fortuitous incidents but show the general pattern of a massive and systematic election fraud, which led today to "official election results" that seriously distort the will of the Cambodian people.

SRP Members of Parliament

For more information please call 012 858 857 or 012 831 040


My Community Networking said...

"What [naive and lazy] election observers did not see in a rigged election").

This is quite an insult.

Why bother to go to Brussel, France and US to protest the result of election if the party did not think that their people were doing good job.

I think, it's wbout time that Cambodia shall conduct its election without having any international community as observers

Khmerization said...


That's the point. Because the EU election observers cannot see the irregularities, Rainsy and Sokha have to go to Brussels to show them the irregularities.

If we let the CPP conducting an election without international monitoring, it is better not to conduct the election at all in order not to waste the taxpayers' money. Even with the international monitoring the CPP was able to cheat to win. What do we expect without the international monitoring?

My Community Networking said...

EU did stated that election failed short of keys international standard and it's up to Cambodians whether or not to accept the result of the election [my personal view, is fair and acceptable that EU has done their job to the best of their ability in a short period with briefing from their representatives in Cambodia and NGO].

Sometime before the election, NEC deleted names [6 digit figures] after verification and SRP has asked to NEC to have those deleted names reinstead [some 5 digit figure] which also carried out by NEC. SRP, in my personal opinion, has failed to follow up.

Form 1018 came to light before the election, again SRP falied to screw it then and put to rest one for all.

What I want to say here is that we cannot just accused the international oberservers for not doing their job right by discount the facts that we, ourselves, has failed taking actions at the right time.

This is the 3rd post election dead-lock. CPP will not negotiate or bend themselves as seen in 1998 or 2003 by compromising N/A watch-dog position to SRP or HRP or Funcipec or NRP to a greater extend.

The government is and will fucntion as normal even though SRP and HRP boycotting the 1st session of the parliament [the worse scenario is to keep 3rd mandate parliament as they have not yet dissolved unless 4th mandate is swearing in].

My prediction, US, Brussel and France may tell both SR and Sokha "this is my findings, it is your call whether or not to accept, however, Cambodia is moving in the right direction".