A Change of Guard

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Monday, 1 September 2008

New 600 km road to link four Cambodian provinces along Thai border

PHNOM PENH, Sept. 1 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian military officials hoped a new road will bolster local populations and improve security in four provinces along the Cambodian-Thai border, local media reported Monday.
The more than 600 km road will link Banteay Meanchey, Oddar Meanchey, Preah Vihear and Stung Treng provinces, the Phnom Penh Post said.
"We will build the road through the four provinces as soon as the rainy season passes," Kvan Siem, head of general command headquarters for military engineers, was quoted as saying.
"I received orders from Prime Minister Hun Sen to build the road to help people settle their homes along the border and farm their lands," Kvan Siem said, adding that he completed a study of the projected gravel road earlier in August.
The proposed road will run between one and four kilometers from the Thai border, with a second road planned closer to the border once Thailand and Cambodia complete negotiations over new border demarcations.
Kvan Siem said the road is part of larger development plans that officials hope will modernize the border provinces and improve security.
Editor: Yao

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