A Change of Guard

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Wednesday, 30 July 2008

Thailand 'undecided' on troop withdrawal from Cambodian border

By South East Asia correspondent Karen Percy

Thailand's Government has not yet decided on a timetable to withdraw troops from the disputed part of the border with Cambodia.
Tensions flared up over a Hindu temple and several thousand Thai and Cambodian troops have been staking out the area surrounding the Preah Vihear temple for the past few weeks.
Yesterday the foreign ministers of both countries agreed to pursue a troop withdrawal.
The situation became heated this month when Cambodia succeeded in getting world heritage listing for the Hindu temple, which is surrounded by disputed territory.
Thailand had initially supported the bid but was forced to withdraw after a public outcry.
During a Cabinet meeting today the Government says it will talk to the country's senior military leaders about when and how to scale back the military presence.
Cambodia has not yet indicated when it will remove its soldiers from the area.

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