A Change of Guard

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Friday, 11 April 2008

The Chau Laing Crackdown: Is It Time The Khmers Krom’s Patience Had Run Out?

“The actions of the Vietnamese authority have pushed the patience of Khmer Krom people to the brink. History has shown times and times again that, when cornered, the Khmer Krom people had fought back and fought back fiercely. So, is it time that the patience of the Khmer Krom people had run out?”
Editorial by Khmerization:- The heavy-handed action employed by the Vietnamese authority on 7th April to crackdown on a peaceful protest by Khmer Krom peole is undeniably a gross human right violation. (read links below).
As has been reported in the articles, it is crystal clear that the Vietnamese authority seemed to have zero tolerance of any signs of dissent and no regard for human dignity and the rights of the Khmers Krom minority to air their grievances. The actions of the Vietnamese authority have pushed the patience of Khmer Krom people to the brink. History has shown times and times again that, when cornered, the Khmer Krom people had fought back and fought back fiercely. So, is it time that the patience of the Khmer Krom people had run out?
The action of the Vietnamese authority is a reminiscence of past Vietnamese enslavements of the Khmers Krom and brutal crackdowns that followed whenever they attempted to free themselves from the enslavements. It is a reminiscence of the “Kompoup Te Ong Event” (don’t spill my boss’ tea) and the beheading of Oknha Son Kuy (1820-1821), a hero of the Khmer Krom people who refused to submit to the Vietnamese enslavements. The Kompoup Te Ong Event was such a painful and inhuman treatment of the Khmers by the Vietnamese authority. For those who are unfamiliar with the event, here it is: During the building of the Vinh Te Dam in around 1821?, the Vietnamese guards buried three Khmers Krom alive up to their necks in triangle and used their heads as a tripod to cook tea for their boss. When the flame became very hot they tried to move their heads but the Vietnamese told them “don’t move your heads or it will spill my boss’ tea”. The Khmers Krom rebelled and the Vietnamese cracked down brutally hard. I leave it to the readers to imagine how inhuman the Vietnamese actions are.
What happened in Chau Laing commune on the 7th of April was a violation of the Khmers Krom’s rights and a violation of the UN Human Rights Charter. The actions of the Vietnamese authority to destroy their bridge, which culminated into a peaceful protest and hence a heavy-handed crackdown by the Vietnamese authority, in order to prevent them from crossing the creek to work in their farms constituted a stealth genocide by starvation. The plight of the Khmer Krom’s sufferings and the Vietnamese human right abuses against Khmers Krom cannot be ignored by the international community and the Cambodian government anymore. The Cambodian government must strongly protest and make representation to the Vietnamese government. Human right organisations such as the UN Human Rights Commission and Amnesty International must rebuke and condemn this action in the strongest term. Actions that constitutes such a gross human right violation of any human race cannot be allowed to be perpetrated with impunity. //
Read link 1:http://khmerization.blogspot.com/2008/04/urgent-appeal-land-protests-spirals-out.html
Read link 2:http://khmerization.blogspot.com/2008/04/khmer-krom-shot-and-injured-as.html

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