20 March 2008
Translated from Vietnamese by Wanna
Originally posted at: http://www.xwanna.com
Original article in Vietnamese: “Tôi là người Việt Nam!"
Maybe some people are still skeptical about who is Sok Kong? Now, believe me and believe him (Sok Kong)!
Oknha Sok Kong said...Tôi sinh ra ở Prey Veng. Ba mẹ tôi là người VN, tôi được sinh ra ở CPC. Năm 1975 sang VN làm ruộng ở Đồng Tháp. Lúc đó tôi 23 tuổi. Năm 1979 tôi trở lại CPC.
Translation: I was born in Prey Veng. My parents are Vietnamese, I was born in Cambodia. In 1975, I backed (escaped) to VN and do farming at Don Thap province. I was then 23. In 1979, I returned to Cambodia.
Tôi giàu con lắm, có đến sáu đứa: ba trai, ba gái. Con trai đầu làm việc ở TP.HCM, con trai thứ hai quản lý khách sạn và xí nghiệp may số 1, con trai thứ ba quản lý xí nghiệp may 2, ba đứa con gái còn đi học ở Úc.
Translation: I have many children, including 6: 3 sons, 3 daughters. My eldest son works at HCM(Ho Chi Minh) city; My second son is a manager of a hotel and garment factory Number 01; My third son is a manager of garment factory Number 02; My three daughters are all studying in Australia.
Trước đây vì một số lý do tôi không muốn ai biết mình là người VN. Còn bây giờ thì không. Tôi là người VN. Tôi vinh dự về điều đó!
Translation: In the past, from some reasons, I don't want anyone to know that I am a Vietnamese. Now, it's NOT. I am a Vietnamese. I'm proud of that.
Reading these oldies 4 years ago and now the true is coming out from the dark side of these rumors and rumors are became truly reality. What can we do? The rich is getting richer and the poor is getting exploited and abused stripped of from their basic needs...
It's disgusting how untransparent people like Sok Kong are. Hre's a country that's coming out of a history that was so horrific and about powerful people subjecting the poor to their political whims. And now the poerful rich and their political cronies are doing just the same,just not murdering them. Shame on you Kong
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