Date: 4th April,1969
Mr. President, I have just received through, His Excellency the Ambassador of Australia to Cambuja, the text of the declaration by which the United States recognizes and respects the present frontiers of the Kingdom of Cambuja. In the name of Khmer people and in my own name, I must express to you, Mr. President, as well as to your government and to the great American people, our sincere gratitude of this act of justice and equity by the United States of America toward Cambuja. The resumption of normal relations between our two countries-a resumption which will follow in the near future the decision of the United States to recognize our frontiers-will open the way, I hope, to mutual understanding and good future relations between Cambuja and the United States of America. I know, moreover, that this is also your desire, and I must thank you especially for the decision that you have just made which will permit this normalization hoped for by both sides. I beg you, Mr. President, to accept my assurances of my very high consideration.
Signed: Norodom Sihanouk
Mr. President, I have just received through, His Excellency the Ambassador of Australia to Cambuja, the text of the declaration by which the United States recognizes and respects the present frontiers of the Kingdom of Cambuja. In the name of Khmer people and in my own name, I must express to you, Mr. President, as well as to your government and to the great American people, our sincere gratitude of this act of justice and equity by the United States of America toward Cambuja. The resumption of normal relations between our two countries-a resumption which will follow in the near future the decision of the United States to recognize our frontiers-will open the way, I hope, to mutual understanding and good future relations between Cambuja and the United States of America. I know, moreover, that this is also your desire, and I must thank you especially for the decision that you have just made which will permit this normalization hoped for by both sides. I beg you, Mr. President, to accept my assurances of my very high consideration.
Signed: Norodom Sihanouk
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