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From: ceo <ceo@nagacorp.com>
Date: Fri, Dec 26, 2014 at 1:45 PM
Subject: greetings
To: sheila@sheilacopps.ca
Cc: JDV <venecia@pldtdsl.net>, Mushahid Hussain <mushahid.hussain@gmail.com>, sokan.sok@gmail.com, eypantla@gmail.com
Hope this note of mine will see Excellency in good health and high spirits and would like to take this opportunity to send Seasons Greetings to you and your family!
I am entrusted by Excellency De Venecia to have been chosen at the last meeting in Mexico city as the Chairman of the ICAPP-COPPAL Business Council (ICBC) . Having been put in this position of reasonability and prestige by many supporters , I am a great believer that ICBC should be active and very much alive to work truly towards the very purpose of its existence; for this purpose, someone with status and reputation working on full time basis should be engaged. We name him as the President/CEO ( ICBC, Asia) , whose services/employment shall be paid by my office and shall be assisted & supported by a group of individuals, including analysts and economists the secretariat of which shall be in turn be guided by an international PR Agency like Hill & Knowlton ( incidentally the PR agency of our group)
The President/.CEO of the business council shall be responsible for cementing the relationship of the business communities of Asia and Latin America by cooperating and collaborating with each other to create win-win smart partnership for the better economic benefits of the respective regions. The business council shall periodically and as often as practicable , promote initiatives ( like organizing seminars with Forbes Asia Conference, Channel News Asia Conferences and other regional conferences ) , dialogues and meetings to bring the relevant parties to work closer together with objectives to create awareness & opportunities, form joint ventures and partnerships . The candidate is expected to travel extensively and network with governmental , political & business leaders, and individual parties to further the Business Council's vision, mission and long term relationships that shall meet the Business Council's objectives.
Instinctively , I remember that Excellency great dedication to the cause of ICAPP and proximity to Latin American countries shall be the ideal person of choice to fill in this position as President, ICBC Asia. I shall be most grateful if I can move this subject matter a little bit forwards if Excellency express an interest to serve this very noble cause of crating a regional powerhouse which can further perpetuate the legacy of ICAPP. I suggest that the cabinet/office of the Chairman of the Asian leg of ICBC shall be based in Phnom Penh , which shall work closely with office/cabinet of the Vice Chairman of ICAPP HE DPM Sok An here in Phnom Penh; proximity of Phnom Penh to East Asia and South East Asia is definitely an advantage.
Thanks for your kindness / best regards
Thanks and regards
Lipkeong Chen ( Tan Sri Datuk Dr)
ICBC Asia. \
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From: Ly Tayseng <tayseng@hbs.com.kh>
Date: Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 3:28 PM
Subject: Final Version of MOA
To: manith hun <manithhun@hotmail.com>, sopheak nika <sopheakmen@yahoo.com.au>, sokan.sok@gmail.com, sengnhak@lypgroup.com
Dear All,
Please see attached final version of Memorandum for Chup (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. Please also note I have reviewed Cambodian law on commercial enterprise and made an informal consultation with the officer in charge of commercial registry of Ministry of Commerce to ensure that we can register this MOA without any further change. I found out that we need to change one provision regarding the appointment and removal of directors.