A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 13 August 2016

New buses ‘on the way’, Phnom Penh gov says

People board a City Bus yesterday afternoon on Phnom Penh's Monivong Boulevard.
People board a City Bus yesterday afternoon on Phnom Penh's Monivong Boulevard. Pha Lina

Fri, 12 August 2016 ppp
Cristina Maza

Phnom Penh Governor Pa Socheatvong on Tuesday said more than 80 new buses would be arriving in the coming months to bolster the capital’s burgeoning bus fleet, though the vehicles’ Japanese donors said the details of the arrangement had yet to be ironed out.

Socheatvong also asked the Japanese government to “speed up” the development of the city’s transportation system, state media outlet Agence Kampuchea Presse reported.

In January, the municipality requested 180 new buses from Japan to increase the number of city bus routes from three to 10.

Although the new fleet has not yet materialised, Socheatvong said he was optimistic the additional routes would be running soon. The first 80 buses are expected to arrive in late 2017 and early 2018, he said, while the rest would be delivered in 2020.

However, officials from the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) said the two governments had not finalised details.

“A preparatory survey team has been dispatched to Cambodia to collect data and information,” said JICA program officer Chin Kimheang. “The grant is under consideration and the number of buses will be decided when the grant agreements are concluded.”

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