A Change of Guard

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Saturday, 26 September 2015


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are no Khmer Rouge policy to genocide one particular ethic group in Cambodia, the Khmer Rouge killed all the people who did not obey their rule, in fact Khmer ethic majority who were got kill by the Khmer Rouge more than any other ethic minority groups. To focus on Charm alone was unfair to Khmer majorities and other ethic groups who suffered the same faith as Charm.

Now Charm is flourished, you can see they have their parliamentarians, They received donation from Muslim countries to build a lot of mosques spread throughout the Kingdom , some they wear not Charm traditional cloth but middle eastern cloth like Niqab and Burqa.

Every provinces you go you will encounter the Charm I mean meet the Charm unexpectedly. If the Charm were genocide by Khmer Rouge why the Charm are plenty in Cambodia and they breed faster like Vietnamese and faster than any other races. I am not races but that is true.

Like Kim Sokha said Khmer is tolerance people when the foreigners come to live in their village the Khmer move to make room for them.

Charm and Khmer should learn their mistake lesson because the Charm and Khmer king like Vietnamese lady too much, for worst the Charm lost the whole kingdom but for the Khmer lost the big chunk of her Khmer Krom. If the Charm did not make war with Khmer during Angkor period and conserve their energy to protect their territory against Vietnamese invader from the north and now perhaps the Charm still have their own homeland.